Thursday, 30 July 2009


As usual this posting is a matter of rumour, allegation anecdote, observations and historical memory.

Barry Poulton - where were we? the residents of Thames ward as we have said do not hold back on their views when it comes to Barry, he is seen as a complete waste of time, if any resident on Thames View has a problem they go straight to Fred Barns who they trust to do the job. And on Scrattons they go to Joan Rawlingson, we are told the residents of Scrattons do not even know what Barry Poulton looks like. The 3 tower blocks rely on Fred and Joan. So just what does Barry do then?

We are told that Barry very rarely speaks at Council meetings, and if he does it has nothing at all to do with his ward or issues that his residents have raised, when Barry does speak it is to criticise council officers on their spelling and grammar in their reports, he will also labour the point if a survey that is being presented is 1% out in its calculations. You can imagine how much these actions endear him to officers. We are informed that he claims to have been a teacher of Math at one time, but we have no evidence to prove or disprove this claim.

We have been told that within the Labour Group Barry is in the ultra right wing of the group, which is not unexpected when you consider that he is working for George Shaw, thankfully we are told that this ultra right only consists of about 5/6 people, but, do not forget that this ultra right is supported by the North Street Mafia.

Now lets just have a look at Barry's involvement with the North Street mafia, Barry's one big failing by the way is that he likes to brag and boast, and unfortunately for him he picks the wrong places and people to brag and boast too.

Barry, we are told duly attends at North Street on almost a daily basis with George, we understand from our insider that Barry firmly believes that because he is usually the only Councillor who is there all of the time that he is a person of authority, a big fish in a little pond, whose every word is listened to and taken for gospel. The Labour Group are very aware that Barry reports back to North Street all issues raised at Group meetings, even though he has been warned on a number of occasions.

We have been made aware that in the run up to the selection process North Street were offering training and help in filling in the forms and practice for the interviews, this should have been offered to all who were considering putting themselves forward, but, Barry was the only sitting Councillor to have been advised.

One really major contentious issue that came out during the selection process is that as Thames Ward Secretary Barry wrote the ward reports on the sitting councillors even his own, the question to be answered among many is how come Barry was allowed to do this, and is'nt it strange that Barry is the only sitting councillor in Thames to get through.

Bearing in mind that we understand that all correspondence going out to candidates, and all copies of paperwork etc went through North Street, and was handled by the "volunteers" just like Barry and George who are there practically everyday, it is no wonder then that reports started to come back to Group members that Barry had bragged at a meeting that Val Rush had failed at her appeal, this statement was made at a meeting 5 days before the appeal was heard, and we are told witnesses have signed statements to this effect.

We also understand that Barry was out with M Hodge and the North Street mafia on a Saturday and they were actually telling residents in Thames Ward that Barry was the only decent Councillor on the ward, and that they will be getting 2 new ones as Fred and Joan had been de selected, this was before Joan and Fred had even had their letters telling them they had not got through. We hear that witnesses have made written statements to this.

Barry has even confirmed to Council officers that there is a list, and that Cameron Geddes will be Leader, Evelyn Carpenter Deputy Leader, and Barry will be the Executive Member for the Environment and Sustainability.

This is all part of George Shaw's bid to take back Thames Ward to how it used to be when he and Roy Patient controlled it and the major committees.

We have also heard just recently, the Council are continuing their programme where Executive members go out into wards across the borough with Key officers and speak to residents to find out from them how they feel the council are performing in their area, and any issues or complaints residents may have. This has been running for a year or so now and seems we hear to be quite successful with residents.

There is one due to take place in Thames Ward in the next few weeks, but it appears that Barry has stated that NO Executive Members is to come into his ward. Barry has done this with no consultation with either Joan or Fred. So it certainly looks as though the drive by George Shaw to take Thames back to the old days when it was said that officers and other members needed to have a passport to go onto Thames Ward is gathering a pace.

We have duly considered the comments posted yesterday where some of our readers believed we were a little harsh, and to a certain extent we have tempered our post today.

If you have any further info regarding Barry that you feel would add to the potted bio please either place a thread in your comments which we will then investigate further, or email us on

As usual this posting is a matter of rumour, allegations, observations, anecdote and historical memory.


  1. I would like to know why val rush collected all the voting papers, after she was defeated in the vote, and lost her position as secretary !!!!!!! straight away one of her supporters claimed there was something amiss. I can tell you why. Because all the votes were written by hand, and mrs rush wanted to know who voted against her, and she complains she should have won. What a mess she is.
    Get over it, and get a life.

  2. Isn't it illegal to take away the voting papers?

  3. Just what are you going on about anon? I suggest you get a life yourself, where in the posting about Barry Poulton is Val Rush mentioned at all?

    Seems to me anon you have a real big grudge against V Rush.

  4. Your two part posting on Barry Poulton was a delight to read, and shows just what a prat he is.

    George Shaw has not been seen on the View for weeks since all of this started, neighbours say he comes out of his house and gets straight in his car, looks like he is frightened of being faced down on the streets of the view by us angry residents.

    keep up the good work.

    Thames View resident

  5. As we try to keep this a very open and democratic blog and do not moderate comments, and try where we can to just let the comments flow.

    We have to say we are more than a little confused by the anon post @ 14.48.

    Just what meeting are you referring to please? As any one of our readers can see the previous 2 postings were about Barry Poulton and Thames Ward with no reference at all to the individual you have mentioned.

    We have been contacted by a number of readers and supporters who are telling us (and we do have to agree) that anon seems to be proving the claim that there is a vendetta being run against certain individuals within the party.

    What we are able to do is answer anons question posted @ 14.49.

    We have checked this matter out and have been advised that the person who has responsibility for collecting up the ballot papers is the individual who set up the paperwork etc for the meeting.
    ie. agendas, minutes etc.

    As we dont have any idea what meeting you are referring to we hope this basic information helps.

  6. Some of the people who comment on this blog hiding behind anon are a right bunch of racist pigs doing the BNPs work for them.

    Got to give it to Letchford at least he owned up in writing that he was working with the BNP.

    It is becoming very obvious that those who attack hard working councillors that have been targetted by the BNP and the North Street mafia have 2 reasons for doing so, 1st one is that these councillors will fight their own corner and will not be led by the nose. And secondly the BNP know they have to get rid of them to stand any chance of controlling the council.

    I never thought I would see the day that s....t in Barking labour party would do the dirty work of the racist BNP.

    Keep the BNP and North Street mafia out of Barking.

  7. So Anon 00.00 thinks some of the people who comment on this blog hiding behind anon are a right bunch of racist pigs doing the BNPs work for them. Haven't they just done the same?

    Re a survey being carried out in Thames Ward, I assume it will be done as democratically as everything else is done and the people they talk to will be handpicked for the ones who will say what they think people will want to hear.

    Couldn't we have a public meeting on this so everyone can have their views heard and really hear what the residents think - especially the long standing ones, of which I am one.

  8. A public meeting is a marvellous idea! I've no doubt the public survey will be carried out without speaking with any of the public! There are some of us who do not live on the estate but very close to it and are at times forgotten residents in Thames Ward. We are seldom asked for our thoughts.....

  9. Well I can assure you that residents who live on the estate aren't asked either. In fact that probably goes for every ward in the borough.

  10. We cannot of course comment on exactly how the Executive walkabouts are carried out, we suggest you ask your ward councillors when and where they will be.

  11. In reply to Anon @ 3.35 there is no reference in the posting to a survey and we understand that Councillor Barry Poulton has had the initiative re Executive walkabouts fully explained to him, he will also we have been told, been informed that this is Labour Group policy.

    If residents of Thames Ward feel truly angry that they are not listened to or consulted we suggest they take this matter up with Councillor Poulton who we have been told has gone to extreme lengths totry to ban this walkabout.

  12. Re my comments @ 04:39 i would just like to say that i've no doubt that the residents on the estate do not feel listened to also and no offence was meant. The only people i feel have listened to any of us have been wrongly deselected. I just hope that we can stand shoulder to shoulder and have our voices heard above the noise of G Shaw and his foot soldiers political engineering. Why Cllr Poulten would want to ban the walkabout is a suprise to me as no one would know who he was anyway!

  13. Thanks Anon @ 8.54 we appreciate your comments, and can assure you that the following that is growing daily against the corruption engineered by George Shaw and the North Street mafia will be standing shoulder to shoulder in the fight.

    The mafia seem to believe that this will all fizzle out and die, but once again they are failing to listen to the voters, so bloated are they with their own vanity that they cannot credit the community with a mind of its own.

    Of course Barry Poulton wants to ban the walkabout, because he knows that the Executive member and the officers will have it confirmed to them just how little Barry Poulton does do on the ward. And just how much the residents support Fred and Joan.

  14. Just for a smile

    A little bird says that Barry Poulton used to like running in the nuddy round a naturist colony in the midlands.

    What a picture -- Barry Poultons naked little botty chasing down Bastable aven with his litter picker in his hand.

    He He He

  15. That picture just does not bear thinking about anon, it was bad enough last year when following his operation Barry could be seen walking the streets, and attending council meetings in shorts with his cathetar and bag showing.

  16. admin, you are sick

  17. Is the truth so painful then anon @ 12.15, why tell a person they are sick for telling the truth, or is it that as far as the North Street mafia are concerned truth is just not on their agenda.

    disgusted trade unionist

  18. i would just like to say that i have just received a mayesbrook ward action team leaflet today saying they have knocked on doors ans held meetings for poeple with isues in the area and i can tell you know this is the first i have heard about it also a one way system in davington road i have not even been informed about this
