Can now bring readers up to date on the Newsflash posted a couple of days ago.
Many will of course already know of the very uneasy relationship between the RMT and the Labour Party and in fact the RMT is now disafilliated from the party.
We are given to understand that a previous Officer of Barking CLP who is also a very active member of the RMT, was at the time of his leaving Barking very concerned of the build up of corruption within the CLP and did the best he could to voice his concerns.
He has been following the wake of destruction being levelled on the party by the North Street mafia, and we understand has taken these matters to the highest level within the RMT.
Now whether you like him or loath him Bob Crowe is a principaled man, and not adverse to taking the big boys on. We are now given to understand that the RMT will back any of the de selected councillors if they choose to stand as Independents. This backing will we understand mean bodies out working on the streets and financial help if needed.
We have been told that RMT are appalled at how great the level of corruption has become in Barking CLP.
There has also been put forward the suggestion that if any of the North Street mafia are by some miracle found to be trade union members then pressure should and will be brought to bear to have their membership withdrawn.
Someone told me there was a Barking labour members' blog on the internet- so i did a search and found this-
ReplyDeleteI have to be honest, i find some of this so called blog disgusting. I didn't know the fighting in Barking clp was this bad and that certain people really hated each other, but to put some of the things you have put on here- you really must be hurt and wrong in the head.
It is a disgrace that you can sit here and claim to know these horrible things- especially about Mr Shaw...... it makes me sick what you (individual) have decided to do here.
I wont be reading your awful spiteful blog again- safe to say that you must be a very sad lonely individual.
Rather than fighting with each other you should be focusing on the racist BNP!!!! No, petty arguments over who is to be a candidate and possible councillor obviously come first!
Some people on ALL sides need to grow up. And if the "mafia" are following your blog- they shouldnt waste their time, you just moderate all comments anyway........
I hope Labour runs the council, but with people who truly have Barking and Dagenhams interests at heart.....
Those who will run as independents will show their true colours as those who are in it for themselves and just want their "members allowances" and are not REAL labour
two words:
Mr A.Lack
(former resident in the borough and still active member elsewhere)
Mr Lack
ReplyDeleteYou do not know the full story.
People like George Shaw and his cronies have brought the local Labour Party into disrepute.
I too was convinced that GS was a good man, until too many people told me what he was like and I found out for myself, what a devious and corrupt old man he really is.
Its a shame that any of this blog had to be put out, but when you realise what has happened, and how the selections were manipulated, you too would be disgusted, and I speak from first hand experience. Mr Shaw and his cronies are not as nice as they seem, and the historical anecdotes of what went on when he was employed by the Borough, are horrendous and corrupt.
You really should find out the truth before you condemn a blog that is trying to pout right a wrong, and let people know what is really going on at North Street.
The real shame and disgrace about this blog is that it was needed in the first place to expose the corrpution.
ReplyDeleteCan we please just correct a number of issues raised by Mr Lack.
ReplyDeleteThis blog is not run by or posted too, by an individual, all of these postings are the outcome of a group of dedicated people working together, real team work you could say.
As for the suggestion that any comments are or would be moderated out, we give all of our readers the assurance that we do not moderate any of the comments at all.
We are, unlike the North Street mafia, democratic, we are open to debate, we are honest and if a point raised in comment is true even though it may be something we may not agree with we let it stand.
And we ask Mr Lack why do you find the truth so disgusting?
If all these accusations are true, as you claim, and I certainly doubt, then why didn't you print all this before? Was it because you thought, and assumed that you would be councillors for life? Are you so upset that your ego trips have been upset, and that now, you may have to get another job
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 11.48 why do you persist in the belief that is is Councillors who are writing or in putting into this blog.
ReplyDeleteAre you really so arrogant as to not comprehend how very angry the residents of Barking are.
If so, perhaps it should be you looking for another job.