Thank you to our readers for providing a couple of corrections and even further info on John.
As always these are the outcomes of rumour, observation, anecdote, allegations and historical memory.
Our first correction is that the freebie West Ham season tickets were supplied to Jack Thomas and John Davis by the fairground proprietor. The value of these runs into some hundreds of pounds.
We are told that every year when the annual rent for the fairgrounds in the parks had to be decided the Leisure Committee used to leave it to the Chairman to deal with, you can take what you want from that, but, note that the annual sum paid by the fairground proprietor even after all these years is negligible, it seems that the Chair and J Davis really tied the hands of the council on this one.
The little bit of further info on John Davis and the Councils Head of Security Joe Lacey that we have managed to unpick so far is that even though Lacey worked for the council as HoSecurity he also owned his own Security Firm which he set up while employed by the council, it appears that when the council needed additional security, or their own staff were off sick Lacey used to provide the staff to cover from his own company. Security was over seen by the General Purposes committee which John Davis chaired, it is understood that John had many good holidays with Lacey at his villa in Spain, and this may very well still be going on.
As stated these are the subject of rumours, allegations, observation, anecdote and historical memory.
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