The support and information that is now coming into us on a daily basis is mounting, so much so that we now feel that we will have to prioritse how we deal with the issues raised.
This one though has gone straight to the top of the pile, following on from the Formal Notice we were asked to post just a couple of days ago.
We have now seen correspondence sent out from Ray Collins the General Secretary of the Labour Party, not only to members of the party but to members of the public who have written to him drawing his attention to the corrupt practices they feel are going on in Barking.
In response Ray Collins has stated quite emphatically that the Barking & Dagenham Local Government committee collectively took the decision to run the selection process in the manner it is being done, that the Local Government committee took the decision to call in outsiders to sit as assesment panels and interview all candidates.
We have now spoken to numerous members of the Local Government committee, especially those who are members of the Executive of the same.
All of them have stated just as emphatically that at NO time was the Local Government committee or the exec part of any discussion or decision making process that agreed to the selections being run in this manner.
In fact many of them are furious because they have since discovered that within the rules of the party sitting Councillors should have been given a totally different form to complete to those wishing to go on the panel for the first time.
Also within the party rules there is NO requirement (other than if a sitting councillor has clearly fallen down on the job) that sitting councillors should be interviewed.
This we believe now provides very clear evidence that the whole selection process in Barking has been manipulated by the North Street mafia, not for what is best for the voters in Barking, but to fulfill the vengence of a bunch of petty minded individuals, and dare we even hint at the suggestion that these actions will ensure that more BNP councillors are elected in Barking, or at least their sympathizers?
And one other point that has been raised with us, during the Euro Elections we understand that a meeting took place at North Street where other high ranking Ministers attended. At the end of the meeting we have been told that Darren Rodwell stated to anyone who was listening that it was he in his position as Chair of the Local Government Committee who took the decision that the selections would be run in this way.
Well Mr Rodwell and Mr Twomey if the letters and the conversations we have had with LGC members are true you have overstepped your authority as Chair and Secretary, you did not have the right to make that decision without consulting with members first, check your party rules, you have lined yourselves up very nicely to face a vote of NO confidence which we are reliably informed will come.
We also understand that as yet you have made no response at all to the legitimate call for the AGM for Local Government Committee to be called.
You really do need to understand that you are answerable to the Membership, no one else, and the Membership are now demanding an answer.
Barking's true labour party, from an outsiders point of view, seem sadly lacking in morality, and honesty. Are these the people who are complaining they were not re-selcted to fight the next local elections? The reading of this blog is interesting, but nothing more. Most people of the Borough are not that interested in what's going on in any event. Are these the same people not mentioned anywhere in this blog site?
ReplyDeleteWhen do we read of the life and times of Val Rush, Jeanne Alexander, Tony Ramsey, are there any skeletons in their cupboards?
The Councilors you have mentioned have proven track records and are very popular. They are of an age when they can still be very useful for the community.
ReplyDeleteThey have been de-selected because they have refused to do as they are told and will not bow to the North Street Mafia. The whole business of the way the selection was carried out is the matter in question and that is why the newly selected candidates are being investigated. Most of them are turning out to be puppets of those in North Street.
The chosen newly selected councillor candidates are unknown to most and the people do not trust them.
You are wrong when you say that no-one is interested. The people who live in the present Councillors areas are angry at the way there representatives have been de-selected.
The people writing this blog (and I am not one of them, nor am I even a member of the Labour Party), are true members of the party who want to see the corruption that comes from North Street stopped in its tracks and democratic rules applied to make the selections fair and honest, which up to now they have not been.
How would an "outsider" as anon professes to be, be capable of making the judgement that the writers on this blog are lacking in morality and honesty.
ReplyDeleteWouldnt a true "outsider" wish to view both sides of the arguement/debate before coming to such a conclusion?
And then how would an "outsider" know names of the people he/she has listed.
If the outsider would like a reasoned and open debate then they only have to say so, and we and our many supporters would be happy to join in.
But little moral judgements such as anon has posted do nothing other than increase our sense of humour.