Sunday, 12 July 2009

Mike Haywood

And so we move on, but just to remind you that this posting as is the previous based on rumour, observations, allegations and conjecture.

Well what do we know about Haywood, well while M Hodges hands may be technically clean Haywood is Hodges Lady Macbeth. He has been described in so many ways, he is the carpet that MH walks on, he is her handbag carrier, but, the most important one of all is that he is her hit man.

On a personal level he goes for older women, his own partner we have found out is a senior civil servant in the fees office, it appears that when a number of journalists from national newspapers found out about this they have pounced on it and the investigations are ongoing, could be they are putting 2 and 2 together and coming up with 5 or it could be just a coincidence.

Anyway Haywood does not like to share MH with anybody, that is why a couple of years ago he lied and conspired to get Jeanne Alexander sacked from her position as MH constituency secretary. But after doing that Haywood realised that he had made too many enemies within Barking party, and they could very well do for him, so what does he contrive to do, change the management committee of the party, now he could not do this on his own, he had to bring on board a figure head, but it had to be someone as poisonous as himself, someone who well past their sell by date but still wanted to be a power and a king maker, so he brought in George Shaw (more detail on him to follow).

The pair then set about taking over the party, its amazing how many party meetings are now held in North Street, all illegally as far as Westminster rules are concerned, but Haywood had to have them there, no correspondence goes out to the wards from the Barking Party unless he writes it, he has engineered the AGMs for several years now, even bringing in students and young people who work in North street to pretend that they are delegates from this or that organisation.

He engineered the LGC AGM and was seen sitting outside taking phone calls from those inside so he could monitor what was going on. For goodness sake this man is paid for by the British tax payer he should not under the rules of parliament be doing any of this, but, he is, why? because he is devious and deadly, someone once described him as the true Uriah Heep.

But the storm clouds are growing around Haywood, there is too much evidence now, evidence that can be traced back to him, and the various groups across Barking who are totally committed to supporting their councillors are prepared to use it. Little does Haywood know he even has a whistleblower in his own little office, they are so sickened by what they are seeing and hearing, they hate the fact that Haywood has no respect for the people of our borough, he openly calls us the most offensive names, the most printable of which is "morons".

As was said at the begining, this is all rumour, observations, allegations and conjecture, but, the case is coming together.

Tomorrow pop by to read about George Shaw, the most obnoxious, racist and vicious person some of us have ever met.


  1. Wow, this just gets better and better.

  2. Hi Its ex LBBD Cllr here.I am soooo looking forward to the John Davis bio.I have an especial interest in him.I have heard 'allegedly' some people call him 'Brown Envelope'

  3. Leave Mike Alone!

  4. Dear Anon @ 14.41. Please tell us why we should leave Mike alone?

    Is he really so sensitive that he does not realise that once you put your head above the parapet it is likely to get shot at.

    Perhaps, and only perhaps if Mike had not so enthusiastically involved himself so centrally in the total destruction of Barking Labour Party, if Mike had not relished in setting out to destroy the reputations of many good Councillors in Barking.

    Tell us is this how Mike gets his kicks? sitting there at the centre of a web hell bent on total destruction.

    So NO we wont be leaving Mike alone, in much the same way as we will continue to out any corruption in Barking Labour Party.

  5. Actually I'm pretty sure it's more the heart of a whirlwind of despair rather than a web hell bent on destruction, or was it the soul of a tempest of doom.....

  6. Funny that some trolls appear to have easily made the shift over here, and all jumping to the defense of Mike.

    Still if thats the best defence you can do please carry on, but can we just reassure our readers that further information is coming in on Mike and there is a very good chance that if the info pans out it will be far more explosive.

  7. I can't believe you're calling us trolls, at least you were quite complementary about Laila Butt's appearance when calling her a slag

  8. Are we confusing our metaphors here, the trolls that we were referring to are those persons from the North Street Mafia, there is no way at all that we would insult anyone else in that fashion.

    As for the description of Ms Butt, you could hardly call that complementary, but just a little correction the word "slag" was not used.

    Ambitious, brainless woman who honestly believes that there is only one way of getting on in life, might be nearer the mark.

    But as always this is the subject of rumour, allegation anecdote, observation and historical memory.

  9. I've heard rumours, allegations, anecdote, that Val 'toilet brush' Rush is a racist; that Fred Barns doesn't know his arse from his elbow and the failure of the old guard on the council to address any local issues is probably the main reason that the BNP could exploit the frustrations of local people over housing etc. At least now the people of Barking & Dagenham might get a responsive council which works for them; not one which sits back, takes the money and does sod all. Just a thought, you bitter old 'tards. Of course, this is just speculation, rumour etc etc - nothing serious you understand.

  10. Well thank you anon @4.02, it would be better if you could actually articulate your objections just a little more distinctally.

    Obviously you have not got a clue about engaging in a debate, you would far rather post on here and target individuals who it seems are still giving you a major headache, with personal abuse and downright lies.

    Your level of abuse is somewhat childish, so we will treat it as a childish prank.

    Until such time as you can enter into an adult conversation.

  11. Sorry, I thought the whole point of this blog was to target individuals with personal abuse and downright lies - although god knows what gave me that impression

  12. Apology accepted anon.....just to explain exactly what the purpose of this blog so you dont make the same mistake again, it is to expose and fight against the corruption taking place in North Steet that is set to destroy the Labour Party in Barking, just because a handful of greedy and vengeful people want to control the party.

    We are an open forum not only for loyal party members, but, for members of the public who support local councillors who have been de selected.

    We do hope that has made the matter clear to you.
