Tuesday, 14 July 2009

G. Shaw continued.

Can we please remind readers that these postings are the outcomes of rumour, anecdote, observations, allegations and historical memories.

Many of us over the years have enjoyed visits to the Thames City Farm, our children loved it, the residents of the area were proud of it and it served a fantastic community need, well it did until George got upset, and when George gets upset he gets poisionous as many know to their cost.

History tells us that his first attack on the management of the Farm was when Wendy Bomberg was running it, we have no idea what she did to cross George but his knives were out and he made damn sure that in very quick time she was out of the way.

After a little time of George holding the farm together as they say, or as he used to say new management were brought in, George still remained on the management committee, but still things seemed to be going smoothly, with the new manager remembering to tug her forelock every time George spoke. After some time though as with everything else people start to come out from under the shadow of George and start to be their own person (much the same way Fred Barns has), well that was it George then went on destruct mode, he meddeled, he demanded, he spoke to external funders, in fact total destruction followed, Thames now no longer has a farm for all to enjoy, no longer can the children of the borough, some of whom do not even know what a cow looks like in real life, make their excited and enjoyable vists, all down to George that one, but of course George will tell you a different tale.


We have been advised that as well as putting our usual disclaimer on our posts, this next item, because it is still subject of criminal investigation and possibly prosecution we need to remain within the law. So we will just set out the facts as we know them and allow our readers to make their own minds up.

Many of you will read the Dagenham Post and may well remember an article than ran over several weeks regarding Harry Day who had been arrested in Norfolk and charged we believe with a number of very serious offences against young people.

Harry Day we are told had very strong links with our borough, and may very well have been employed by the council at some time, he also we understand forged strong links with the old guard councillors.

Harry Day then moved to Norfolk and started the Young Citizens Guild, again with strong links into the borough, our children used to go down their for days, or weeks, canoeing and outdoor activities.

So strong was the relationship Harry Day had with the old guard councillors, George Shaw was President of the Young Citizens Guild, and we have discovered that at least once a year 3/4 of the old guard used to book the Mayors limosine to drive them down to Norfolk.

Of course this all changed once Charles Fairbrass became Leader of the council, we understand he was outraged on hearing about this and put a stop to it straight away, this was only one of the so called "spanish customs" that Charlie and his modernisers started to put an end to. And perhaps George seeing the writing on the wall decided that it was time to retire.

As we have constantly said this issues raised are a matter of rumour, allegations, observations, anecdotes, and historical memory.

Of course if you have or you know someone who has facts to put forward, please do let us know.


  1. My God!!!

    This story gets dirtier and dirtier. I am ashamed to say I know the man.

  2. Oh what a tangled we weave when first we opractice to deceive.
