Once again we would remind readers and those wanting to post comments, that what is written here is the subject of rumour, allegations, conjecture, observations and in this case historical comment.
Where do we start with G Shaw, many will remember him as the councils Chair of Housing, there used to be a long standing joke on the council that you needed a passport to visit Thames View, well that joke is not so funny if you go digging as people do. It has long been believed that G Shaw would vet any new tenants moving into empty properties on the View, if your skin was of a different colour or he just did not like the look of you you never got housed over there.
Under the old council attendance allowance payments to councillors G Shaw was one of the highest earners on the council, he would turn everything into a meeting and then claim for it, even a 10 minute discussion with another councillor would in his book be claimable.
When the new council system came in George was not happy, although he was on the Executive they had prised his hands away from housing, there was just a flat basic allowance, and to be honest he was given a real no nothing portfolio, certainly one where he could do no damage. So GS decided to retire, an awful lot of people clapped their hands in joy.
But of course once he was out of office things started to come out into the open, things he was no longer in a position to cover up (but we will go into these at a later date).
So we come closer up to date, but just a reminder of G Shaw and his racist views, several years ago there was a labour party meeting held at the town hall, there was a guest speaker P Woolas, G Shaw really showed himself for what he was at that meeting, even M Hodge criticised him for his words, but now, he is her henchman.
Why doesnt he want Fred Barns on Thames anymore, answer Fred will not take his orders and directions from George, Fred is his own man, the same with Joan Rawlinson over on Scrattons George cannot control her, so she has to go.
But he still has the creepy ex teacher Barry Poulton to do his bidding.
As was said in the previous posting Mike Haywood needed G Shaw, and G Shaw saw this as a perfect opportunity to have his revenege on the council, on the council he believes betrayed him, who now do nothing right, and who he chooses to lambast at every public meeting he can.
Perhaps this could be because the cultural make up of Thames View has changed over the last few years, well certainly since G Shaws hands were prised of of housing.
As was said earlier these postings are the outcomes of rumours, allegations, observations, conjecture and historical comment.
More on G Shaw later, and a very brief post on J Davis, the patsy who chairs Barking party.
Can't wait for the next instalment. It just shows me that the revelations of the last few weeks are totally justified, and this seemingly very nice man, is not really what he claims to be.
ReplyDeleteI am getting the impression that he is a vindictive and corrput and nasty old man, who would do well to think carefully as he is making a lot of enemies, of people who once gave him respect.
He has certainly opened my eyes and any respect I had for him has long gone.