Friday, 17 July 2009

Mass Demonstration

Firstly can we apologize we have had a slight technical hitch this morning.

This news would/should have been brought to you earlier.

At 12 noon today outside 102 North Street the traffic was brought to a standstill when there was a mass demonstration and protest led by the GMB union and residents against the interference by the North Street Mafia in the Barking selection process.

We understand that there were a number of journalists present and photographers, on questioning the union members and residents they were there to show their support for Fred Barns and Val Rush, the unions and residents are quite rightly very angry on how these members are being treated. They also stated that this was only the start of their protests.

We do hope to get some photos on line later today.


  1. So how 'Mass' is 'Mass' ?

  2. Shouldn't the bin men have been out collecting the rubbish or did they use their lunchbreak for this? Misuse of council tax-payers' money.

    Also, do 15 people showing up for a photo count as a mass demo? (and traffic tends to be at a standstill whilst waiting for the lights to change).

    p.s. you mean Barking's not barkings.

  3. Today Barking; Tomorrow, Tehran!

  4. Did we happen to prod the North street Mafia with a big stick then anons at 6.00 and 7.31

    You really do need to learn how to count a wee bit better than that, on the latest info we have 15 would have been right for the residents that turned up, but you are forgetting the GMB members (which of course you would do as you have no respect for trade unions do you) between 50/70 was the most latest figure we were given. But then figures are not your strongest point are they, whether in your false canvas returns, or Barking CLPs finances.

    And as for your very childish comments about traffic lights the vehicles that blocked the roads that we saw were no where near the traffic lights.

    To clarify for the Council tax payers in Barking & Dagenham all council staff are entitled to a lunch hour, the fact that they chose to spend their time in protest we are sure you would agree is up to them.

    As for your grammatical correction, you may very well have given away who you are by doing this, but we are very happy to leave it as Barkings thanks.

  5. I was going to say that actually this whole thing is just hilarious, but you've gone too far now. There's just no excuse for bad grammar. Is nothing sacred anymore?!

  6. You would have to ask North Street about anything being sacred.

    Its obvious that as far as they are concerned, honesty, fairness, comradeship and loyalty to the party are no longer sacred to them.

  7. "loyalty to the party"

    At least you have a strong grasp of irony, if not grammar.

  8. We all have a very strong grasp of loyalty, both to one another and to the Labour Party.

    And if you honestly believe that the behaviour and corrupt practices that are coming out from North Street is the Labour Party then you really are a sad sad person.
