As always this posting is a matter of rumour, allegations, observations, anecdote and historical memory.
Gill,Gill and Rice, sounds like a firm of Solicitors??????
Nirmal Gill has been around a long time and many of you will already know his strengths and his weakness, so we will move on.
Rocky Gill, a far more complex and different young man, ! a known hater of women, especially women in positions of authority we are told? supposedly loves to be on the winning side, so keeps a foot in both camps? very good at ingratiating himself, BUT well known for rubbing people up the wrong way, extremely ambitious, win at all costs, not a team player, but does like to play one team off against the other. ONE TO WATCH
Linda Rice - a number of descriptions we have been given appear to fit this young woman. Mad as a box of frog, bonkers, neurotic, hasnt got a clue, fixated on child abuse, unable to string a sentence together unless someone writes it down for her........well thats just a start. Allegedly she was a teacher in a primary school in the borough when she came up with some cock and bull story about rampant child abuse within the school, all because she had seen a little boy straightening his trousers after going to the toilet.
Her letters screaming abuse have we understand poured into the council and are still ongoing, she even had the stupidity to claim that the headteacher deliberately set fire to the school to cover up evidence!!!!!!
If readers will remember back some years ago to the Cleveland affair where hysteria was whipped up about child abuse, children were taken from their families for no good reason, and this went on in some cases for years, what we have described allegedly initiated by Linda Rice is the same kind of hysteria.
And yet this woman and her husband still claim that they want to be councillors because the councils child protection laws are no good.
If people were actually daft enough to vote for this loony there would be pandamonium within the council.
And Rocky Gill will not be able to control her at all. Should be fun to watch.
As always this posting is a matter of rumour, allegations, anecdote, observations and historical memory.
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