As always this posting is a matter of rumour, anecdote allegations, observations and historical memory. There is an important additional factor on this one as we have been advised by our legal people that as one of these candidates is under further investigation we will need to take greater care in how we handle his bio.
Saima Ashraf - very little known about this young woman other than she is a very orthodox muslem and works totally at the direction of Aziz, when in his company she does not speak unless he allows it and then only to add her support to him, she along with the female members of his family duly follow the practice of walking 10 paces behind him as per his instructions. But, when alone and in the company of women she shows herself to be very much like Laila Butt, arrogant, and very confident in her ability to promote her feminity to its best use.
As for Labour party politics and ethos forget it.
Aziz, - we will call him that for now, but early indications on the investigations that are ongoing is that this is not the name he was born with. He also claims to be a Doctor, once again there is absolutely no evidence at all to support this claim. He is neither like or trusted by the local muslems either those at the cultural society or at the Mosque.
When he first joined the party on his arrival in Barking he claimed to have come from Denmark where he had a large and thriving business. Funny then that on arriving here he goes straight onto benefits. And even funnier still, while on benefits he manages to buy his council property, still as we have said other people are looking at him in far greater detail than we ever could.
Within the party it is said that he even pestered and lobbied Hodge to nominate him to the House of Lords. We suppose that could come now, as he alleged to have said that he sees being a councillor as his reward.
Now as for what he says....this is very difficult as Aziz speaks very little english, he understands even less. He cannot read english (this has been seen by others when he has actually tried to pretend to read a document but it was upside down, and he cannot write english either.
We have now seen the branch reports that he and his son allegedly wrote on the sitting councillors for the selection panel, and we believe that they were not written either by Aziz or his son but they put their names to them so must accept the responsibility for the lies that are in there.
Aziz own selection would be laughable if it were not such a serious issue, he got turned down at the interview and appealled and lost his appeal and then we understand that North Street again interferred with the process and Aziz had a second appeal and won. Have you ever heard of such a practice a second appeal. Just what hold does this man have.
It is very strongly believed that he is tied up with some very nasty politics back in Pakistan and this could well be why the other muslems dont like or trust him.
We are assured that there is more to come out about Aziz, and that is why we have had to be limited and careful in what we have said, but, we have been told that when the information does come out it will be explosive and will rock the North Street mafia to the core.
Dominic Twomey - This is a very complex man. On first meeting you will think very affable, confident, articulate and ok kinda guy, but dig a little deeper.
Twomey first stood for election back in 2006 on Mayesbrook Ward and the cracks in his personna first came to light there, he is not a team player, he would not work with the other 2 candidates, would not share the outcomes of his alleged canvassing. Well very little to say other than he didnt get elected that time round.
Because he is not a team player, he has obviously decided that the only way to win is by being a team leader, and he and his mate along with the support of Haywood now control the Barking CLP, poor old John Davis may think he is the Chair with the power of the chair, but, no he is their patsy, if the truth were told they find Davis an embarrassment and have said so on more than one occasion but for some reason feel the need to keep him there so as to legitimise what they are doing, of course Brown Envelope hasnt got a clue what they are really doing.
Twomey when you dig under the surface as we suggested is a bully, no more no less, an arrogant self opinionated bully. With no respect at all for the Labour Group as it stands now, and especially the previous Leader Charles Fairbrass. We have been made aware of the programme of bullying and intimidation that he tried to implement against the Labour Group through the Group Secretary, email after email Charles stepped in we understand on more than one occasion and Twomey just did not care how rude he was both to the Leader and the Secretary in the end we have been told legal advice was sought.
So we have an arrogant bully, but an arrogant bully with a very expensive habit we hear.
Still we should imagine that his mind may very well be more focussed on keeping his job at the moment as from what we saw in last weeks Post the business that he works for is under investigation.
It really is like a house of cards isnt it, this little empire that the North Street mafia have tried to create, built out of personal need for vengence, personal hatred for individuals involved, pride, vanity and in some cases the very arrogant belief that they as an individual can do the job even though they do not have even limited intelligence.
As always this posting is a matter of rumour, allegations, anecdotes, observations and historical memory.
It seems strange that Dominic Twomey allowed his own mother to be deselected, is it a case of et u brutae ?.
ReplyDeleteWe suppose it could be considered something of a payback.
ReplyDeleteOr it could be that she was never supposed to fail, and there are still vacant spots so dont go counting chickens just yet.
Is there any truth we wonder in the very strong rumour that, when Mr Aziz returned to Pakistan in 2006 for a little holiday, that holiday was extended for over 6 months by the government, the view from his holiday accomodation provided by them was we understand the bars of a prison cell.
ReplyDeleteHeard that Aziz is so arrogant now, he no longer sees the need to attend ward meetings, he apparantly has said that he sees no point in attending, as he will not be reporting his actions at all.