Saturday, 29 August 2009


Because of the obscene, disgusting filth that the North Street mafia and their friends have decided to post on here today we are moderating ALL comments on this blog for the weekend.

We will be fair, we will continue to put through the normal disputes etc, but what we will not tolerate is filth.

Please also be aware that the police have been notified once again.

We are doing this reluctantly but feel we have a responsibility to our friends and supporters not to subject them to such trash.

Hopefully normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.


  1. I am at work and am looking at the comments updated on this site during breaks and I for one havent seen anything put on here other then the matthew huggins comment which is quite controversal for some current councillors who possibly would not want this information coming to light.

    However I am extreemly pleased that you are informing the police about this website as it is full of cyber bullying which is illegal.

  2. a true community member29 August 2009 at 14:20

    all cyber bullying and the filth that has been posted has mainly been that by your supporters that you have encouraged ,so stop blaming north st and take some of the blame yourselves,as you have encouraged troublemakers and incited hatred, you are solely responsible for this,and if this is the sort of support you seem to relish in, then everyone is better off without you and your sordid supporters.if the police are involved I hope they prosecute you for inticing hatred ,slander and defamation of character,you have no place in the labour party or the community,you lost your argument long ago,you will be the ones who will suffer in the long run

  3. Quite. If the police have been informed then they know who's writing this. Therefore, if someone were to complain about slander and libel to the police then they'd know who to arrest....

  4. In response to the previous comments, and to reassure all of our friends and readers, the pornography that had been posted on this site has been proved to our satisfaction not to have come from friends.

    The police who are involved with this because of the porn, agree with our viewpoint that telling the truth, which is what we set our to do is NOT cyber bullying, it may well be uncomfortable and unpalateable for those who are reading about themselves, but it is not bullying.

    Also the police have informed us that slander and libel are Civil matters and not criminal,there has been no incitment of hatred, and no defamation of character, which is also a civil matter, so they have not interest at all it those aspects.

    The only interest that the police have as we said before is the posting of porn that includes children.

    So we hope that this clears that matter up for our friends and supporters, and that apart from the safeguarding of a moderator it is business as usual.

    But what the second comment by "true community member" has told us, is exactly who the comment is from. Our opinion quite mad.

  5. Well it would seem that the editor is not well conversant with their 'friends' as whistleblowers information bears out what a number of us thought regarding the perpitrator of the disgusting filth. yes 'editor' it is one of your 'friends'. perhaps you should pick your company better, we would hate to see you also found guilty by implication. Regarding CYBER bullying, what you set out to do may not be construde as bullying but the content of a number of messages which YOU allow through is, and yes it is a civil action which is more easily taken than a criminal one.

  6. in response to true community member and other anons?

    do give it a rest missus you are twittering on like a nuerotic duck.

    We are all well aware that it is the North street mafia and their chums posting the porn on here.

    Just in the same way as they knew they could not dislodge the sitting councillors in a fair contest, they had to stoop into the gutter and lie, cheat and use corrupt practices to get what they wanted.

    Does make you wonder just what kind of councillor they would make if anyone is stupid enough to vote for them, which we have every confidence they wont.

    Barking resident

  7. Barking resident from Thames View writes:
    These writings on here I have followed from almost the start, and there seems to be consistency from certain "anons" which would make me believe they were written by the same person. Further, the so called editor's remarks seem to jump all over the place revealing the writer is none to practiced in English language. It is therefore my own view that six eighths of this blog is written by a small group. No doubt by the failures of the Party. As it goes on, you will reveal yourself, but in the meantime pray continue, thus giving even more clues. Your choice of words, a phrase etc. will pschologically, be your own downfall.
    By the way, I think many of the readers understand this, and and in most cases are encouraging you, but in a mocking view.

    Resident of Thames View

  8. You lot on this blog just do not get the fact that your time is over.

    We have been smarter than you, and we have now managed to put distance between you and your 'friends'. Have you not asked yourselves the question why have the comments dropped off? No its got nothing at all to do with the porn.....but more to do with us being in the position to pull the strings.

    Just ask your Leader Smith whose tune he has to jump to now. We will let him have his year in the sun, we might even let him make some change to policy, BUT he now knows he answers to us.

    He knows that come next May we will be the controlling number within the Labour Group, and then sit back and watch the radical change that will come forward.

    Barking will be the seat of power, and if we have to work with the opposition then we will.

    But in the meantime remember we pull the strings, and Smith and his Dagenham lot better get used to it.

    A Real Barking Party Member

  9. Anon 02:37 What a moronic statement you made, bet you didn't even think about it.
    Shows just how low you have all sunk. No logic to your statment at all, but education in Barking is, sadly lacking isn't it?
    Strikes me, you are already working with the opposititon, (BNP) which shows you cannot even be listening to the views of the Barking CLP. Bet you are popular with the four or five leaders you have. I wonder which one you support...
    Bring on the wheelie bins

  10. Well said Real Barking Party Member!

  11. Looks to me as though someone has spoken out of turn @ 2.37 and hence the slap down @ 7.30 does make you wonder though dont it, just who is pulling the strings now.

    party member

  12. I think someone from the North street mafia is trying hard to blow their own trumpet.

    If they think for one minute they are pulling the strings on Smithy they need to look again. He will tie them up in knots before they know it.

    night shift worker

  13. Good question party member. Just who is pulling the strings?
