Tuesday, 1 September 2009


As usual this posting is a matter of allegations, anecdotes, observations, rumour and historical memory/fact.

A little over a year ago George Shaw had to make a tough decision. He had already told Fred Barns in a telephone conversation that Fred was DEAD to him and he wanted nothing more to do with him.

But, as much as George is a bully, he is not a stupid bully, and over the previous year he had seen the growing support that Fred had in the ward. George had heard the grumblings at the TRA meetings whenever he had a go at Fred. He knew Barry Poulton did not have the support on the ward. More importantly George knew he could not get rid of Fred or even Joan on his own. He knew that the ward would not go for it.

So George had to think just where he could get the help he needed. Didn't take him long to work it out that only the North Street mafia could help him, BUT, as with all things there would be a price to pay.

George went along for a meeting at North Street to discuss his 'problem' they fell over themselves to help dear old George. At first it was going to be John (brown envelope) Davis moving over there. But for once John put his foot down,he was staying where he was. Too far to drive after a few drinks we hear.

So they agreed Cameron Geddes, no problem with George on that one, he was pretty sure he would be able to manage Cameron, just as he had before. But the next choice was where the whole plan very nearly went down the toilet, they told George he would have to have Jose Channer, no problem with her being a woman of course, easy to manipulate, but, Jose Channer is from the BME community, George could not and would not swallow this.

They told him that it was only window dressing, that they must have a BME candidate in the ward.

We hear that at first George stormed out of the meeting, told them he would get rid of Fred on his own, but, George knew, he would have to swallow his racist bullet.

He went back a couple of days latter and very very reluctantly agreed.

Shortly after agreeing to their plan George Shaw set about resigning from all committees, boards and panels in the ward, he stepped down as Chair of the TRA, and came off the Tenants Federation, he also came off the Governing Bodies of the schools.

No reason for this was given at all. The only group that George Shaw stayed a member of was the Labour Party, and he still attended the ward meetings. Even though we understand he was loosing his grip of those.

Perhaps that is why when the Selection Process started (which we will cover in the next posting) George had to work to a script.

As usual this posting is a matter of allegations, rumour, anecdote, observations and historical memory/fact.


  1. I wondered why George Shaw is not out about on Thames View anymore. If there was anything going on on the estate he would be there poking his nose in, even telling the workmen how to do their job.

    For weeks now no sign of him, and do you know what the estate has now become a better place to live, of course a whole lot of that is down to Fred Barns.

    So unless the labour party wake up and realise they will loose on Thames without Fred and Joan, my vote and a whole lot of others will not be going to labour.

    Thames view resident

  2. For anon 4:53 I fail to understand your logic, if indeed there is any there. You seem to be praising your de-selected Councillors for all that they have achieved for Thames View. Name something... Look back my friend, tell me again it has become a better place... And then, a threat, see last paragraph... If that is your view, then frankly, your vote will count for nought. I suspect there are more people on Thames View with a little more intelligence, and the reason is obvious to me. A vote against Labour, is a vote for the BNP, or is that what you really want over there? If the electorate vote for that, then fine that's democracy, but you will have to put up with it, won't you? Personally, I like Fred Barns, but everything moves on and we change or stagnate. We must have new blood coming through, with new ideas, just like the wheelie bins. Mrs Rush is past her sell by date as well.

  3. Your arrogance never ceases to amaze. You claim to like Fred Barns and then totally dismiss everything he has done as a ward councillor. In fact you totally dismiss anything the de-selected councillors have done in their wards.

    Do you honestly believe that it will be a straight fight on Thames between Labour and the BNP? very stupid of you.

    In much the same way as your arrogance and stupidity have got you promoting a real motley crew as candidates, none of whose background have you checked out. At least we know that in the past background checks were made.

    Well you have been warned enough times on here I see, that you should have done proper background checks on your golden list, now we can only sit and wait for it all to come out, whether that is on this blog or on election leaflets next May.

    Thats what arrogance does for you. New blood yes, but not bloodsuckers.

    Barking resident.

  4. Not everyone realizes the sterling work that Fred and Joan do behind the scenes. They don't shout about it either.

    George Shaw has not been seen on Thames View because he realizes that his regime is over. The man should hang his head in shame for the disgraceful way he has treated both Fred and Joan. Not many people know how he has stabbed both of them in the back at one time or another.

    Why doesn't he show himself? Because maybe he has finally come to the conclusion that his bullying has come to an end, and residents are beginning to understand what an awful nasty man he is.

    Bullies never prosper the truth comes out.


    I do wish you lot on here would get your act together, and just wake up to what is really going on in North Street.

    Take it from me this plan has been worked out with precision, the help and advice they have had has been well paid for, by guess who?

    While you are still squabbling, they are training their recruits, their candidates have the added incentive of knowing exactly what Senior positions that will get on the council. And they are being trained for them.

    Not only that but their plan is that they will hold them for 4 years, yes they have even got their changes to the councils constitution written up.

    They believe they are now unstoppable, they have counted the numbers and know that Dagenham will not be able to stop them.

    They are confident that at the group agm next year the nominations will just go through on a block vote.

    Why do you honestly think that there were certain sitting councillors in Barking that had to be got rid of.

    and just as a further warning there are NO councillors from dagenham on their nominations list.

    come on wake up, think long term.


  6. With reference to the comments that have not been posted by SAUCY JACK

    The reason why your comments are not being posted is as you well know the link behind your profile is pornographic.

    As for your threat of attack tomorrow. Please do not continue to make threats, because if you have any sense or knowledge at all, making threats of attack is also a criminal offence.

  7. why dont george shaw come out and put the record straght on what is doing now and put his side of the storey or has he got some thing to hide

    old member of thames view
