Monday, 24 August 2009


Many of you may have got caught out yesterday and clicked on a link to a profile that they thought was "night shift worker" and then found themselves looking at a load of degrading filth.

Firstly can we assure you that we know for a fact that this was not posted by our good friend 'night shift worker'

If members had noticed or remember it was headlined "night shift worker says" in red, when in fact if you check back on previous postings by our friend you will find that they all start anon.......and is signed off 'night shift worker'

We do take responsibility for ensuring that this blog is monitored and will do our best to make sure this does not happen again, but, like everyone else we do want to be able to trust our readers, so for the moment we are not going to moderate comments, but if this kind of attack continues we will do so.

As for those persons who are attacking this blog in such a shameful manner, please be aware we do know who you are, and so do the police.

Once again our apology to friends and supporters.


  1. Thanks for clearing this up, didnt realise just how nasty and vicious a blog such as this could get.

    You are obviously hitting the mark with your postings, and the comments like mine that come through are making a difference.

    Seems to me that the mafia dont like it up um!!! as they say.

    keep it up

    night shift worker

  2. I think you owe graham letchford an apology as well, as it was aimed at him,I cant imagine how distressing this was for him and his fanily,no one deserves such vile disgusting attacks like that,after all you said you wanted to be fair and are so called true laour party members,then behave like it and show some decency

  3. We have apologised to our readers and supporters, we dont agree that the attack was necessarily aimed at Graham Letchford, we believe, and so do the people who are investigating the matter, that is was an attack on this blog and not on an individual.

    We are fair, and we have had the decency to apologise to all of our readers, we have also given an assurance that we will endeavour to monitor the comments on this blog.

    But, we are sure you will agree we cannot be held responsible if persons outside, who want to run a vendetta against this blog do what was done yesterday.

  4. Is it me? But lots of Blog comments have disappeared off this site! They same to be comments that don't agree with this blog.
    So much for fair and open debate!

  5. You aint seen nothing yet

    Catch me when you can Mr Lusk

  6. I too have checked back on which comments have been deleted and I think you will find that the only comments taken off were those by 'arbitrator' and other cronies which were totally disgraceful.

    I for one am quite happy with that, and at least they are not moderating as has been threatened.

    night shift worker

  7. Thanks night shift worker, but we are sure our friends and supporters will see the previous comment for what it is.

    We are still not moderating the blog, but we are being vigilant in our monitoring.

  8. Sorry I'm a bit late with this comment but I've been on holiday. with regard to 'night shift worker' talking about 'totally digraceful' comments by 'arbitrator' and cronies. I have read these comments and far from being disgraceful they seem to be the few pieces of logic that have been posted on this site. with regard to his comment that they have been removed from the site may I suggest that he learns to navigate the site or possibly a trip to spec-savers. they say that certain types of literature can damage your eyesight.

  9. Dear Anon @12.33 if as you say you have been on holiday we hope you had a good time. But we are just a little confused if as you say you have been away how you managed to read to comments by 'arbitrator', because as soon as it was realised by us that behind his profile was pornography of the very worst kind.

    We of course deleted the post. And following on from that we have now had to moderate the blog.

    As you can see we are still letting normal conversation through, but we are now vigilant on what we let through.

    This has certainly been appreciated by our friends and supporters.
