Sunday, 23 August 2009


We feel that we must return to the subject of Graham Letchford. Comments on another posting have made this necessary.

One of the comments called for John Davis Chair of Barking CLP to take disciplinary action against Graham Letchford for his comments on this blog.

In his comments Letchford states quite clearly that in 'his' view Cllr Barnbrook BNP is the only Councillor on Goresbrook ward who does any work.

We are pretty sure that there are a large number of the Labour Group members and officers of the council who would refute that statement, along with residents in Goresbrook ward.

Letchford then goes on to claim that because Barnbrook BNP was in 'his' view the only Councillor doing any work that is why Letchford would meet with him and pass case work on to him.

Now we are pretty sure, in fact we are positive that this is a clear breach of Labour Party Rules. What Letchford (as a card carrying member of the Labour Party) should have been doing was meeting with his Labour Councillor in the ward and working with him to resolve issues in the ward.

Also in his comments Letchford boldly states that he BANNED Councillors from attending 'his' Tenants and Residents meetings, we would suggest that Letchford had no right to BAN duly elected Councillors in this manner, but aside from that Letchford knew very well that by putting in this ban it would only affect the Labour Councillor, because allegedly Barnbrook lives in the ward (even though it is well known he lives in Blackheath) and he could then attend as a resident. Which we are told Barnbrook did on a regular basis, and Letchford allowed him to grandstand from the floor, with Letchford even supporting Barnbrook when he criticised the Labour Council.

This is another issue, Letchford continually at public meetings criticised the Labour Council and Councillors, is this something that a member of the Labour Party should be doing? Is it in breach of the Party Rules? Yes it is.

And we come to another comment posted yesterday by a 'Labour Party Member Barking' who criticises other comments made against Letchford and Barnbrook by saying ' don't run down a respected Councillor' and 'your way is wrong'.

Are these the kind of statements that should be being made by Labour Party members, that we shouldn't criticise Barnbrook?

We have been hearing rumours for many months now of how right wing the North Street mafia are, we have even heard it said that when they are in power they are going to BOND with the BNP and work with them.

This may come as a bit of a shock to the Dagenham CLP, do they realise that if any of the North Street mafia do get elected they will be working with the BNP.

Or perhaps between now and May of next year the North Street mafia may get an attack of honesty and stand for election in the colours of their true party , which many believe is not the Labour Party.

So yes we agree the Labour Party does need to step in and take disciplinary action against Graham Letchford, could they trust John Davis to do it NO, this must be taken higher.

We will leave you with a quote from Cllr Barnbrook who while standing around a camp fire at the BNP RWB festival a couple of weeks ago, Barnbrook stated that "Ive got balls made of steel, in my own ward if I go around naked, and put black boot polish on my face, they'd still love me" even some of the local labour party members too we think.


  1. Believe what you like and you will..... but talking to my neighbours, we believe the labour party in the borough had forgotten us here in Goresbrook and we were only to happy to read in the post that Mr Letchford was standing in 2010 for the labour party - I for one will be voting Labour because of him.

    PS - There is a very true saying "a little knowledge on a subject is a dangerous thing" and it shows with this blog

  2. we want letchford, and the wheelie bins

  3. the four or five of you, seem only to want the local populace to vote for the people that you, deem fit enough to do so, namely yourselves. The things you want, is not what the local people want, i.e. wheelie bins. You should try living in this Borough for a while, and not on another planet, from where you are shipped in.
    Join the real world.

    Accept life as it is, be happy.

    Labour member dagenham

  4. Seems to me the comments on here are coming from Letchfords supporters in the mafia and the BNP not a lot of difference between the two of them really.

    Remain true, this mafia lot havnt got a clue.

    we will rock you

  5. Labour party members respecting and supporting Barnbrook eh? what next, will they be out campaigning with him? will we see them on a youtube video the same as we saw Letchford?


  6. To whom it may concern.
    With regards to the recent allegations and slurs made against Graham Letchford, I would like to sy that these have been made by
    senseless people who do not know what they are talking about. However I cannot, because these are people with an agenda, to demoralise and discredit Graham since he became a prospective Labour candidate for Goresbrook ward.
    Mention has been made regarding the invitations extended to the B.N.P councillors Richard Barnbrook and Tracy Lansdown when Graham was Chair of the Becontree Residents Association. Yes these invitations were made, as they were also made to the Labour councillor Warren Northover. it is the right of all ssociation members to have their elected representatives present if they so wish and it is the duty of the Chair to comply with these wishes. However when this political 'tar brush' was first wielded Graham, to ensure that there was no breach of the associations constitution made the decision to exclude councillors from meetings. With regards to the B.N.P venue of Hatfield community hall for their surgery, pray may I ask where else in Goresbrook could they have gone? It is the only venue available in the ward, even Warren Northover has to hold his surgeries in Thames ward.
    It has been my pleasure to work along side Graham and his wife Brenda fr the good of the comunity, he has been an honorary member of the Tenants and Residents Association that I represent and will continue to be so until such time as his possible election as councillor prevents him from holding such a position. Even then he will be welcomed as all elected representatives should be welcomed to the meetings.

    We all work for the good of the community and the dirty tricks campaigns of local politics have noplace within the community. Unlike Graham Letchford.

    Regards A.A. Kiff - Chair of the Chequers Tenants and Residents Association.

  7. Once again a community leader willing to stand up for another good community leader. Shame on "We will rock you" & Sam - It shows how out of step you and this blog is.

  8. Sam, you stupid person, I never said, "respecting and supporting, Barbrook", or any other BNP councillor. I made it quite clear, that councillors from any persuasion, should be respected as councillors.
    I take it you are one of those shipped in from outer space somewhere, for your intelligence, or lack of, more likely comes through your notes quite clearly.
    Dagenham Labour Party member, who respects positions.

  9. It seems to me that A Kiff and others need to go back a few postings and read just what G Letchford said in his own words.

    What appears to be being said in this posting is just a fuller explanation of that and not as A Kiff states slurs and allegations against Letchford. It was himself who said that the bnp councillor barnbrook was the only one doing any work and that was why he was meeting with him.

    Goresbrook to my memory has always been a problem ward with at least one councillor running into trouble, what with Terry Power and then Matthew Huggins.

    Well if what i hear living close by, if the residents are ok to vote for a junkie to represent them on the council who am I to question it????

    night shift worker

  10. goresbrook resident24 August 2009 at 01:23

    to night shift worker,I do hope you have solid proof of this,otherwise you are treading on very dangerous ground,in your accusations and are oversteppimg the mark,because its becoming very obvious thatyou are nothing more than a nasty little troublemaker

  11. goresbrook resident 224 August 2009 at 02:06

    Get your facts straight I know Mr Letchford very well and no way is he a junkie how do you think he could run a TRA for so long if he was. I think the community would have noticed if this was the case. Unless you have any solid evidence I suggest you keep your nasty comments to yourself and shut up.

  12. Looks like Graham Letchford has got 3 votes in Goresbrook ward then.

    But we do stand by what we said in our posting London Region or even the General Secretary needs to investigate Graham Letchfords statements on this blog which are clearly in breach of Labour Party rules.

    And no amount of abuse by G Letchford or his 3 voters is going to change those facts.

    As far as the comments made by 'night shift worker' they are entitled to make their comments in much the same way as everyone else is on this blog, we do not moderate the comments, we have only had to threaten to do that once.

    If G Letchford cannot take the criticisms now and the digging into his background, then he only has to wait until things really heat up next March and April when any candidates life and background is an open book.

  13. Just to let friends know, we havnt forgotten about Part 5 on George Shaw, hope to get that out this evening.

    Have a real good day

  14. Secretary of Becontree TRA24 August 2009 at 06:26

    There are a couple of points that I would like to raise. Yes Cllr Barnbrook has attended some of our TRA meetings since he was elected in 2006 (9 to be precise, 7 in his role of elected Councillor of the ward, 1 to ask the redidents views on how his allocated CHP budget should be spent and 1 as his right as a resident of the ward)
    The decision to ban all councillors from our meetings came into force in July 2007 as we felt that equal representation was being denied as our Labour Cllr would not attend our meetings saying that people could contact him if they had a problem or attend his monthly surgeries at Castle Green.
    I think you will find that the comment Mr Letchford actually made in 2006 was that Cllr Barnbrook was the only active Cllr in the ward that we can turn to, which was true because if people have an issue they would like it dealt with asap, not wait until a Cllr's surgery or try and contact him another way (which proved to be impossible a lot of the time). Residents want feedback as to what is happening in their ward and what progress is being made with the various issues that have been brought up previously, but unforunately this was not very forthcoming with our Labour Cllr, he may have worked hard in the ward but no-one seemed to know about it.As these comments were made in 2006 there was not a breach of Labour Party rules as Mr Letchford did not become a Labour Party member until September 2007.
    He resigned from his position as Chair of the TRA in March 2009 to concentrate on his campaigning as a prospective Labour Cllr for the ward.
    Casework was not passed onto Cllr Barnbrook in preference to Cllr Northover, in fact to my knowledge the only issues that Cllr Banbrook took on were those that were given to him at TRA meetings prior to July 2007 or at his own srgery, which we have no part in.

    Just a little note to the Editor with regards to the remark made by night shift worker. Yes everyone is entitled to comment on somthing but unless you have solid proof isn't saying someone is a junkie slanderous?

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  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. In response to the secretary of Becontree tra, you have taken time to give us background and dates etc and we thank you.

    But it is irrelevant, the only date we are concerned about is the date that G Letchford made his written statements on this blog while being a member of the Labour party.

    That is the breach of the rules that we are referring to.

    As for the comments made by 'night shift worker' as we have said before we do not moderate comments and do believe in the right of "Free Speech" but we will keep a watchful eye on comments in future.

  18. Letchford and his cronies just dont get it do they.

    Dont matter what the secretary says, its his wife isnt it? he should be disciplined for his actions and for what he said on this blog, on this blog he stated that he worked and spoke to Cllr Barnbrook because he was the only councillor on the ward doing any work.

    What a load of rubbish, many will know of the work that Warren Northover has done in the ward, but it seems to me to have been Letchfords plan all along to isolate Warren, put himself at the forfront of anything that is going on and then try and capitalize on it.

    Well it wont work Mr Letchford too many of us in the area know what you are really like.

