Saturday, 1 August 2009


As is usual this posting is a matter of rumour, anecdote, allegations, observations and historical memory.

So we come to the last of the Barking wards that the North street mafia have interferred in.

Don Hemmett has been the ward councillor here since 1994 and despite having at times quite serious health problems he has always been available to his community and they know it. They know that they can ring him or call at his home and he will do whatever he can to help them.

So just how did the mafia interfere? All started off very innocently we suppose, Linda Rice joined the ward some couple of years ago and appeared to all as a person who wanted to learn and wanted to help the community she was given every encouragement, and certainly Don was incredibly supportive of her, but if Don has one failing it could well be that he is too trusting as recent events prove.

Linda Rice was not content to learn and be supportive, she was aiming for greater positions and quickly joined in with the mafia, getting herself elected as Campaign co-ordinator for Barking, (ask any true member for Barking what they thought of her co-ordination, and see what response you get), not content with that she dragged her husband in as well, he says very little, but what he does say is only repeating what his wife says anyway.

Now you would have thought wouldnt you that if they were so committed to where they lived and had a good start to making an impact on Valence Ward that is where they would have said they wanted to stand in 2010.

Well NO of course thats not what they want, this is not about them serving the community where they live, this is about them serving themselves.

As many will know Don Hemmett was de-selected, basically because he is in a wheelchair, and for a party to discriminate against people with disabilities that has to tell you something about Barking CLP.

Valence ward members were incredibily angry at what had been done to Don, but, we hear this was nothing like the anger that spilled over when the ward members turned up for the Selection interviews only to be told that they had no candidates to interview.

As we have been told by ward members, this appalling situation was all down to the North Street mafia, they arranged for Don to be kicked off, Linda Rice and Chris Rice who were practically guaranteed to be selected did not want to have to work and fight the BNP so arranged it so they got selected for "safe seats" and now Valence is left with no one.

So much for the Barking mafia being the only ones who know how to fight the BNP, a bunch of cowards really running away to the safe seats so they dont have to fight.

Well they will have a fight on their hands we are told, but it will probably not come from where they are expecting it.

As usual this posting is a matter of rumour, allegation, observations, anecdote and historical memory.


  1. They should have re-selected Don Hemmett because although he is in a wheelchair, his mind is still OK.

  2. where is your so called support,I would not have thought if you were true supporters of labour that you wsould sink this low, the party is better of without you and so are the
    communities you claim to represent,you are sad bitter twisted nutjobs that need putting down,and if the deselected cllrs are supporting this site, no wonder they are in the position they are in,sad individuals whose gravy train has come to an end, and goodriddance to bad rubbish,YOU HAVE LOST BEFORE YOU STARTED WTH YOUR POSIONOUS VENOM

  3. Well written Hunter, and quite true. Any support they had, has been wilting away and will soon be gone altogether. No supporter of the Labour Party would have sunk so low. As I wrote before, their gravytrain has stopped, time to move on and get proper jobs, if they can.

  4. Lets just set out the facts for Hunter?????and Anon.

    Corruption always thrives in the dark and that is how the North street mafia have got to where they are now. But this blog, and the groups that are meeting and talking all over the borough are bringing things out into the open.

    Is this not what the Labour party is supposed to be about? openess and transparancy, not hiding behind closed doors, not banning paid up members from meetings.

    You need to wake up and realise that there is a revolution going on in the Labour Party, read the papers, the fight is not on for the general election, up town have already admitted they have lost that, the fight is on to see who controls the party afterwards.

    And if there were any chance that it is likely to be the corrupt little bunch at North Street controlling what goes on in Barking then I would cut up my party card now.

    But we know we have the numbers, do you honestly think that the Trade Unions are going to sit back and let you win? think again, we dont take to kindly to having our members jobs threatened if they were to support any of the de-selected Councillors. We dont take to kindly to you banning us from attending the CLP AGM.

    But our time is fast approaching, it wont be long before you are writing to us begging for money for your election campaign.

    Well guess who holds the purse strings then?

    The support you claim is wilting away, think again my friends it is growing, and it has not had to grow in the dark.

    Party member and union member

  5. Er, Anon @ 10.01 and Barkings True Labour Party Members, if you're so keen on openess and your support has 'not been growing in the dark' why don't you grow a pair and tell us who you are.

  6. to anon 8.04,its nice to see someone else has commonsense,as for anon10.01,with your reply you have proved that you are nothing more than a bunch of militant nutjobs,who are only interested in power rather than the people of this borough,I,ve spoken to a few people who have seen this site,and they are all disgusted with its content,and are asking who are you,plenty of rumours flying around on that one,so are you going to crawl out from under your stones,or stay hidden like the cowards you really are,it does mot matter what you choose to do,as you are to insignificent to waste any time on,no one cares about your rabid bleatings,every dog has its day,but you are barking,woof woof

  7. Well done again Hunter common sense coming through. If you are a Labour Party member, have you cosidered outting your name forward for selection?

  8. Tell me hunter @11.03 if the people that are running this blog are "too insignificant to waste any time on" and that no one cares about their "rabid bleatings" why do you and others from the North Street mafia keep coming back?

    This blog, as far as true party members and certainly certain branches of large unions believe has got you lot a trifle worried.

    We believe this blog is not in it for the quick fix, its playing the long game, and you appear not to have the stamina for it.

    All you and your little friends do is come on here and post a load of abuse, perhaps if you had tried from the begining to approach it in a reasoned manner and tried debating the points you may very well have persuaded doubters to come over to your point of view.

    And as for your mistaken belief that people are disgusted with the content of this blog, I see that for once you have been honest in saying that you have spoken to a "few people", I on the other hand and other supporters have spoken to many, and their support for this blog is unanimous.

    So who cares who the group is thats running the blog, I dont neither do many others, we just appreciate what is being done.

    So Hunter if its that tedious for you stay away.

    Party member and union member

  9. Knowing previous "victims" of Hodge and Shaw and witnessed them and their appalling attacks on their chosen prey i like many others have longed to see this day arrive and knew that it would eventually happen. Finally a taste of their own medicine! This blog has my full support, thank you whomever you are!

  10. abuse,perhaps you should look at you own postings for that,you seem to be the experts on abuse,as for being worried,of you lot ,you really are raving if you think that,someone should put you out of your misery,I know a good vet,and I can supply you with a muzzle,
    I wonder how many skeletons are in your closet

  11. There you go, I go away on holiday for a couple of weeks and your blog takes off. Has taken me an hour or so tonight to read through all postings and comments and must congratulate you all on a job well done.

    Its about time the lid was lifted on that bunch at North street, they may put themselves under the labour party banner, but where have you ever seen a bigger bunch of misfits who have NO idea what the Labour Party stands for, its history and its pledge to the working class.

    This lot are just in it for themselves and you need to carry on letting people know just what and who they are.

    See you managed to get that prat Letchford to disqualify himself in his own words, where he admits to working with the BNP good job done there.

    I will follow up on the rep from FBU who lives in Tresswell road, make sure he is tuned into this, he is a good colleague.

    Onwards and upwards to you all.

    Night shift worker

  12. "Tell me hunter @11.03 if the people that are running this blog are "too insignificant to waste any time on" and that no one cares about their "rabid bleatings" why do you and others from the North Street mafia keep coming back?"

    Because it's fucking hilarious

  13. Donth think you will be laughing for much longer.

