Tuesday, 25 August 2009


Sorry for the delay on this, as usual this posting is a matter of rumour, allegations, observations, anecdote and historical memory/fact.

So George now has control of the TRA on Thames View, not so bad some thought, an experienced councillor, used to chairing meetings, and at that time some still respected George enough to believe he would help to get things done.

Well it did not take long for the more acute of residents and officers of the council to see just what George was up to.

Even though Fred was Mayor he still made every attempt to attend the TRA meetings, and always we are told brought a full briefing for the residents on what he had been doing on their behalf, if issues had been raised with him he always took the responses back to the meeting. But, here is where the George Shaw method of pushing people out first started to show, whenever Fred started his feedback, George would interrupt him and say something like, "Oh yes me and Barry sorted that out, didn't we Barry?" Barry would duly nod his head. Barry was now totally George's man, after the initial fall out. George much preferred Barry's way of doing things, which was basically to allow George to do them and just follow on behind.

George even got Barry to set up regular walkabouts on the estate with officers, did not inform the other ward councillors. This went on for some little time until the plug got pulled because the other ward councillors had to be invited.

George took his control very seriously, and set about engineering himself on different boards and panels that were being set up in the ward. It got to be quite embarrassing for both officers and other Councillors because George lives in the past and will not let go of how he used to do things.

Over the last 18 months or so George has taken to criticising the council every chance that he could get, the TRA members were getting fed up with it, they were certainly seeing the way that George was treating Fred Barns at their meetings and they did not like it at all.

Fred tried his best, he worked closely with the new residents on Barking Riverside, he got a group of them together to set up a Residents Association, George put every obstacle he could find in their way. Residents have told us of a joint meeting called to discuss regeneration issues in the area, George was at first adamant that the Riverside residents should not be invited, but they were, George then insisted that in the hall they be isolated and made to sit together on one side of the room.

Many now say that they had a lot of respect for George, but, the way he has treated Fred and Joan has made them change their opinion of him, but, we don't think George has ever changed from the basic nasty right winged bully that he has always been.

We were reminded of a meeting that was held some 3 years ago, it was a joint ward meeting for Barking CLP, Phil Woolas MP for Oldham had been invited by M Hodge MP to explain to party members how he and his party had tackled the BNP in Oldham, it was for most a very worthwhile meeting.

But, it was also a meeting that caused a great deal of embarrassment both for M Hodge and other members of the party. Why? because for the very first time, what we had all suspected was proved true. George Shaw and a small number of his friends in the party showed themselves for the racists they truly are. Even M Hodge was heard to condemn George Shaw for his comments at the meeting.

Leopards, especially old ones like George do not change their spots, he always was a racist and will continue to be a racist, that is probably why in wanting so desperately to get rid of Fred Barns George may have been made to pay a price to high.

We will come right up to date in our final part on George Shaw later.

As usual this posting is a matter of rumour, anecdote, allegations, observations and historical memory/fact.


  1. what did george and the others say?

  2. We are hoping that members who were actually at the meeting, and who are not too scared to come forward will be able to answer your question anon.

    But fear appears to be stalking the corridors of power at the moment and every member of the party is coming under suspicion, not the Labour party we know, but, more like a Dictatorship, with threats being made, and even trade union members are now under threat.

    The problem is as we see it that you can only have that kind of controlling period for a short time. It is not sustainable.

    The North Street mafia and their cronies have already proved that by their way off message in their defence of Graham Letchford. They have proved time and time again that they have NO understanding of the Party rules, or even consider that they are governed by them.

    You cannot hold an unmanageable group like that together for long, and they have gone too soon.

    They have caused major upset not only within the party in Barking, but, also with the residents and this will cost them big time.
