Wednesday, 5 August 2009


As usual this posting is a matter of rumour, anecdote, allegations, observations and historical memory.

We just thought we would fill in some time until we are able to bring forward a larger piece of work that we are still tying some loose ends on.

So Peter, or Pete, whatever you want to call him, most people tell us that on the face of it he seems a nice kinda bloke, friendly, cheeky, say some, lazy say everybody.

But after the initial impression wears off you begin to find out just what he is about.

We hav'nt been able to find out exactly when or why he ended up working in M Hodge office at 102 North Street, but as with everything else where Peter is concerned there are consequences.

We understand that he was an officer in Young Labour may even have been the Chair at one point but we hear that he was pretty soon moved on.

His early time in 102 North Street was spent we understand on working side by side with Mike Haywood to ensure that M Hodge long term constituency secretary got the sack, Peter we hear is quite a convincing little liar when he believes there may be some gain in it for him.

Once the secretary was out of the way Mike and Peter then set about taking control of Barking CLP, something they could not have done with the secretary in place, that was the real reason she had to go.

So how do you take over a CLP very easily it seems, especially if you have access to Labour Party computer equipment, a handful of willing people ready to follow your every direction and away you go. But as with all things, there are costs and consequences.

Peter for all of his cheery cheeky approach is really quite lazy, he is not a doer, he will stand there with a clipboard and pen and tell others what to do but will not do it himself.

He is also not very smart, he, for a start does not recognize that even tinkering with names and addresses on a computer can be tracked back.

Lets take a for instance, there was at one time an awful lot of members crossing the border into Barking from Ilford, moving their membership over, but never for any longer that a couple of months and then they would quietly move back to Ilford.

It is very easy to track back on the dates of these "moves" and the names and discover that the moves would coincide with preparation for meetings where votes mattered, such as the CLP AGM, or the Co-op AGM or a number of wards AGMs.

We are told that Barking is not that insular that conversations took place with Ilford officers who had also noticed the movement.

During the election campaign for Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, who was it we wonder who put pictures and quotes of Labour Councillors in Barking down as supporters for Harriet Harman? when in fact they were supporters of Jon Cruddas.

Who was it we wonder who moved elected members membership out of the borough without consulting them?

Who was it we wonder who came up with the idea and followed through on the ghost members, the gerry mandering in certain wards one in particular, which is so bucking the national trend for membership sign up that people in London are looking at it as suspect.

These are the kind of things that can be tracked when done on a computer, you can never really walk away from it scot free.

And that is what finally happened we hear, we understand that the board for London Region are allegedly keeping an eye on what is going on in Barking, and they were informed, we don't know who by, that all of the BME voters in Barking had been entered into the Labour computer system as Labour Party voters.

This is of course a very stupid and foolish path to go down. We hear that there was a very difficult meeting up in London where Ken Clark and Rob Chapman got a real dressing down over this, and allegedly Peter White was called in to explain his actions, we cannot confirm if he turned up for this meeting, but we do know that he was very quickly out of the door at 102 North street, as we said earlier there are always costs and consequences.

Its a shame really that Peter was the only person who paid the cost of this because we understand that Rob Chapman was aware that it had been done. We still don't know if money was paid out to cleanse the computer system, but what it did do we understand was wipe out all of the door knocking contacts for the previous 18 months to 2 years as they were considered to be corrupt.

Still Peter moved on, still ambitious we hear, he allegedly got his membership moved to a bogus address in Reede Road in Dagenham in the hope that he would be selected to stand as a councillor in 2010, not very bright Peter, he thought it was in Dagenham CLP, but when after some months of winding him up he discovered in was in Barking he moved back to Havering, and we hear that he has been selected to stand in Havering in 2010.

Well they are welcome to him so we are told, will he do the work that is needed to be done, we doubt it, but then again just how much fiddling could he do with the computers over there?

As usual this posting is a matter of allegations, observations, anecdote, rumour and historical memory.


  1. Who you gonna call? Ghostmembers!

  2. Well it certainly seems to me as if our long term planning is finally coming together.

    All of you long term hard hitting labour councillors should not feel to despondent, dont think for one moment that, that little lot at 102 North Street could have come up with this all on their own. No, they were encouraged, a little idea here, a suggestion there, well placed friends who could pass information back and forward.

    Its quite good fun sitting back and looking at the devestation we have reeked in Barking, its been a long, slow job but we are where we wanted to be and at the time we wanted.

    It has been interesting for us when selecting our friends, some approached us, others we had to take more care over, but as in all walks of life when certain people have very expensive habits they can be swayed over for the silliest of prices.

    Who ever is writing this blog has nearly, put all the pieces of the jigsaw together. So close now we really dont mind coming out on this at all now.

    I liked the little joke in the previous comment at Ghostmembers, very funny, but a very integral part of the plan.

    Yes the North street mafia could use the phoney members to take control of certain wards, that was ok with us, its a by product of our very real aim.

    Come next May/June when the elections take place and these phoney voters vote, by postal ballot as they will, we will then pull the plug off of our ready made press announcement, which will demand an investigation in to the fraudent voting practices in Barking.

    Remember so close to this have we been we have all the paperwork as well. We are really going to enjoy this.

    A bonus we never looked for or expected is that George Shaw has walked away from involvement in anything to do with Thames ward apart from party meetings. This gives us an open door, one that we are already using.

    We have an open door in Goresbrook and Alibon for obvious reasons. But there are several others where we will have very little to do to pick up all 3 seats.

    So there we have it the cat is out of the bag, the snowball is rolling and there aint a thing you can do to stop it.

    You were warned keep your friends close but your enemies closer.

    Well i guess that now makes us

    a close friend

  3. open doors,dont count on it my friend,you will have a tougher time of it than you think,so dont gloat too soon,for when it comes to the crunch,the bnp are still the number one target,and your track record is not very good is it

  4. I happen to think our track record is very good. And if you read my piece properly I think you must agree that we pulled of our coup very well.

    I already have my people up and ready to go in the wards where we have made (with the help of north street) the biggest impact, so I reckon we are well on track.

    a close friend

  5. Having worked with Rod Chapman, Ken Clark and Peter White nothing in this blog surprises me, I would not trust any of them the sooner they are out of the party the better

  6. Seems as though this posting has drawn some fire.

    Also looks as though firm friends are falling out.

    Did the North Street mafia not realise that at some time their "close friends" would want to boast about what had been done.

    When its something on this scale meglomaniacs will want everyone to know just who was pulling the strings and directing the action.

    Interesting though that the "close friend" has stated that some of the mafia have expensive habits, do wonder what this means.

  7. I heard on the grapvine that one of the mafias habits is so expensive he has lost his house, but the kind person who bought it is letting him and his family live there as tenants.

    Do wonder to what expense the North Street mafia, or it could even be the BNP would go to keep a friend in place.

    But it will end in tears, because I hear he is firmly hooked in his habit.

    We will rock you
