Monday, 3 August 2009


In all that we have posted so far there is one shadowy figure lurking in the background that we feel it is time to mention.

Rob Chapman

As usual this posting is a matter of rumour, anecdote, allegations observations and historical memory.

Now just how did Barking & Dagenham get lumbered with this man? Well to be fair following the elections in 2006, it soon became very obvious that B & D were going to get no help at all from London Region or anywhere else in the Labour party.

There they all were saying it was a dreadful day for B & D and Labour etc.....what help did they offer NONE.

In the 3 years since then when did anyone from London Region come along and sit in on Council meetings and observe how the BNP were behaving, NEVER. When did anyone from London Region after observing how the BNP were behaving come along and give advice on how the Labour Group could effectively tackle them NEVER.

So what do B & D end up with a pompous idiot!!!! Rob Chapman. To be fair the Trade Unions put up the money for his wages, remember this the North Street mafia, he is not paid by the Labour Party. And to be fair to the Trade Unions they did this for all the right reasons, Chapman is supposed to be in B & D to support the Labour Group and the CLPs in fighting the BNP.

But, as with all things Chapman and possibly his Boss Ken Clark had another agenda. Chapman we understand has been nowhere near the Labour Group, he has not offered any advice at all.

But what he very quickly appeared to do is to get sucked in to the North Street mafia.

Instead of following the Agenda and his job description he started to follow their Agenda, he started interferring in Barking CLP. On a number of occasions at Barking CLP AGMs he knowingly broke the rules of the Labour Party to give the mafia an unfair advantage.

He alone is guilty of ensuring that Eastbury Ward could not take part in this years AGM, even though the ward we understand was able to provide evidence of fraud.

He alone is guilty of ensuring that a large number of Trade union members and long standing party members were banned from attending this years AGM.

We have evidence that he may possibly be guilty of vote rigging at one of the wards selection interviews.

This appears to be what happens when a little man thinks he has more power than he really has. Please note that he has not tried any of this on in Dagenham, he would soon get his arrogance kicked out of him if he tried it there.

But he is right at home in the corrupt bunch which is the North Street mafia.

Will he stay the course? has he any idea at all on how to fight the BNP? or does he just really enjoy corruption and all the fringe benefits?

As always this posting is a matter of rumour, allegation, anecdote, observation and historical memory.


  1. I think this whole blog is written by four or five people at most. Even the so called comments, probably by the same few, who were no doubt deselected for good reason in any event. Their whole world, from their point of view is now over, but will they accept accept it? No, being unable to do anything else, they want their nice easy life back, whatever the cost to others. Would the good people of Barking really, like to be represented by people with such venom and hatred in their hearts? I think not. Such a nasty bunch of vindictive, ne'er do wells could you meet in a lifetime, but here they are in one place, in front their computers and away from decent folk. Mind you, away from decent folk is where, hopefully they will remain.
    E lep escurtum, novum bastrutum

  2. Its amazing how you so devalue the work of trusted and much respected Councillors, who have worked tirelessly in their wards with very little support or help at election times even by people who now claim to be ward members and leaders in the community.

    But set that aside how can you so devalue the comments from the communities that they represent?

    You and others like you keep coming on here making abusive comments about the de-selected Councillors with no firm conviction or knowledge that they have anything whatsoever to do with the postings on this blog.

    Has it not crossed your mind that so deep rooted in the communites that are affected is the anger at what you and your mafia are doing that it is the community that has got together on this.

    You and your mafia have made a big mistake but such is your arrogance and your need for public attention you are prepared to really the communities that you say you want to work for.

    Have the de-selected Councillors accepted the decision or not we dont know. But what we do know is that the residents in the wards where you have done your hatchet jobs dont accept it and will continue the fight right up until the polling stations close next May.


  3. woof woof, I see the mad dogs are still pleading that they were so brilliant,lets face it you've done sweet f.a. But for the last few years stab your own people in the back,,and steamroll over the communities that you was supposed to help,you sat on your fat arses and did nothing to stop the bnp,and still are not doing anything,then I would not expect insane people to do anything correctly at least you are living up to your name,BARKING MAD ,WOOF WOOF,perhaps someone can pick you up with a pooper scooper

  4. Anon @10.31 you and your friends really are a pathetic crowd. By reading through the postings and the comments it looks as though some of you have been on here day by day, more than once on the odd occasion.

    But all you can bring yourselves to do is to spit venom, and to drag peoples reputations through the mud, people it seems who may very well have nothing to do with this blog.

    Now if you were to try a reasoned approach and at least put forward a counter arguement to those that are put in the postings, then some people may even change their position, but it must be looking increasingly obvious to those who read this blog, that you and your colleagues are unable to rebutt the accusations against you all, or even go so far as to call them lies.

    Why is that I wonder? and I would bet that there are a lot of people who are wondering the same.

    Barking resident

  5. look who is calling the kettle black regarding spitting venom and attacking innocent people,as for reputations ,what reputations, your having a laugh ,sorry but what did you expect when things like this go too far,the way Iam observing it, is that you have made a lot of enemies still if thats what you want, everyone will pay a heavy price
    no victors,just a great bloody mess for some poor sods to clear up,you cant reason with mad dogs just put them down, WOOF WOOF

  6. Hunter, once again you fail to take up a very open invitation, you and others were invited to put forward a reasoned arguement and put forward your side of the story.

    If there are lies on this blog, then challenge them in a reasoned manner, put forward a convincing arguement why you believe they are lies, where is your evidence that proves they are lies.

    Until such time as you and others can do that then this blog and its support will only grow. And no amount of your throw away comments such as putting down mad dogs etc is going to ensure that people believe any different.

  7. was there an invitation to put a reasonable discussion,I have not heard of one on the grapevine,please enlighten me as to when this was supposed to have happened and where?where is your evidence that anything you say is true,nastiness aside dont you think all this tit for tat should stop,I would listen to anyone in a reasonable way,but i'm dammed if I will listen to anyone that attacks people whoever they are,when they have not had a chance to defend themselves,which seems to be the norm on this site,It is not the right way forward,reason has been replaced by spite and hatred,and I for one and many others who are not part of the so called mafia,believe only cowards hide behind words,if you really believe you are in the right,then call a meeting,get it sorted,stop character assasinations and move forward before its to late
    do you really want an us and them war,give it a little thought woof woof

  8. There you go again Hunter with your woof woof, what ever that means.

    If you were to read back over the postings and the comments I am pretty sure you will pick up that there has always been an open invitation for any member to put forward a reasonable debate, As far as I am able to tell this site is not moderated at all, so even though you claim that individuals have not had the chance to defend themselves that is clearly not true.

    Any of the individuals who as you say have been "attacked" could quite legitimately have come onto this site and put forward their point of view.

    The fact that they have chosen not to, could, as I said earlier raise the question in peoples minds that what has been posted is therefore true.

    It is somewhat worrying that the majority of bios covered on this site are for the newly selected candidates.

    And all that I would say is if they cannot take the questions and criticisms now how on earth are they going to take them when they are trying to get elected?

    So no more woof woof please just some considered thought on putting forward a more reasoned debate.

  9. good point you made anon, except it is very one sided and flawed,if you read the blogs carefully,the new candidates were not being critisised, but attacked personally and abuse thrown at them,nothing political just spite,I doubt if many of you have even spoke to some them to see how they feel about this mess,and who are you to judge if they are up to the job
    everyone has to start somewhere,and its just as unfair and unjust to take vengeance on them
    everyone deserves a chance,and if you want a reasonable debate ,fine but only when thee character attacks stop,perhaps the reason the new people have not replied is because certain people are only interested in stirring it up more and are not inerested in anything but theirselves,this is not politics but personal vendettas,how long is this going to carry on for.healthy debate might be to late soon,shame for you,north st and the borough,lets hope the reasonable people survive to pick up the pieces left behind by the destructive few

  10. Sorry Hunter I am not judging anyone. But, if the selected candidates can not or will not speak up and disprove what has been written what are we all expected to believe.

    You are starting to sound like a reasonable person, and perhaps you will agree that the political ground is undergoing a major shift.

    It will no longer be enough that candidates wear a Labour party badge, or a Tory badge, or even forbid a Libdem badge, the community has got more discerning, they want to know who and what they are.

    Whether you agree or not a large number of it seems trusted and well liked councillors have been de-selected and their communities are angry, and they do have a right to ask questions, and it looks as though they will continue to ask those questions, because nobody is giving them an honest answer, or an answer that they can accept.

    So it looks like a stalemate, I am not privvy to what those who have been de-selected will do, but I do read and listen to what their voters want them to do.

    So I suppose we will just have to wait and see.
