Monday, 10 August 2009


Chapter 20 Appendix iv NEC procedural rules for the selection of local government Candidates.

E6. Such appeals shall be to establish the suitability or otherwise of the nominee for inclusion in the panel of candidates on this basis the panel established to hear the appeal shall consider submissions from the appellant and representatives of the LGC concerned. The panel shall receive any submissions from both sides in the presence of the other and, within reason witnesses may be called to support the submissions. A reasonable opportunity shall be given for witnesses and submissions to be questioned by either side. The panel may conduct the appeal hearing as a re-interview should they consider this is required by the circumstances.

Should any appeal be conducted by the panel as a re-interview then, in the absence of any express decision to the contrary by the panel, the result of the such a re-interview shall constitute the final determination of the appeal.

When an appeal hearing against withdrawl of endorsement is heard, the hearing may be conducted where the panel consider it appropriate solely in relation to the changed circumstances leading to the LGC withdrawal of endorsement. The panel shall also rule on any procedural issues.

The decision of the appeals panel shall be final and binding on all parties in accordance with the rules for local government selections. The reasons for the decision shall remain confidential to the panel concerned.

Why you will be asking have we raised this rule today, well as we have said we are going through the party rules with a fine tooth comb, and today we ask this question of Messrs Rodwell and Twomey.

Please tell us why Mr Abdul Aziz (we have evidence that this may not be his real name and would refer you to rule quoted yesterday Chapter 20 appendix iv. D1).

Was allowed to have 2 appeals?

We understand that he failed at interview, quite understandably if you talk to members who know him.

He then lodged an appeal, as of course he had every right to do, and lost his appeal.

We then hear that very quickly another appeal was arranged, and heard out of borough, and Mr Aziz won his appeal.

How? we understand that Darren Rodwell will have very full knowledge on this as he accompanied Mr Aziz to his 2nd appeal hearing in London.

Of course Darren Rodwell could not be going on behalf of the LGC to explain why it had refused to endorse Mr Aziz, because as we explained yesterday there has been NO meeting of the LGC to endorse any of the candidates on the panel, which is in itself a clear breach of party rules.

So we can only take it then that Darren Rodwell was there to speak on Mr Aziz behalf, which we would state is highly irregular, and not something the Chairman of the LGC should be in a position to do.

But then it is highly irregular to have 2 Appeal hearings as well.

Perhaps Darren Rodwell would explain his actions.


  1. Well I can guess why Mr Aziz failed his interview and the same goes for his appeal, but it would be straining the intelligence to answer why he should be allowed a second appeal and to get through on that.

    Something is deeply corrupt within the selections being done in Barking and its about time we the public get told why.

    As for voting for the man you have got to be joking.

    Gascoigne resident

  2. This news will come as no surprise to Gascoigne Residents who have signed and are continuing to sign the growing petition in support of their existing councillors, Milton McKenzie and Val Rush.

    Just goes to show the level some people will stoop to to win, Aziz and his cronies have never done any work on the estate, and in fact it is said that Mr Aziz refuses to go into the blocks of flats.

    Well dont bother Mr Aziz you wont get our vote anyway.

    Gascoigne resident

  3. Dr,Aziz, thank you.

  4. i take it you are only publishing supporters opinions now then, If Dr. Aziz is a doctor, and I don't know whether he is, or isn't, hen why suddenly, is he just a mister now?

  5. In response to anon @10.55 can we reassure our readers that we have not moderated any comments on this blog.

    Since we gave a warning last week to what we believe was one person in particular who continually posted the same boring old comment there has been no reason for us to moderate.

    Secondly if we can respond to the 2 comments regarding Mr Aziz, we have read through a growing pile of information/evidence that is being collected about this gentleman, and we can assure our readers that there is no evidence at all that would support Mr Aziz using the title of Dr.

    Further more so concerned are we having read this evidence that we started a previous posting off with a deliberate quote from the Labour Party rule book.

    Chapter 20 Appendix iv NEC procedural rules for the selection of local government candidates.

    Where it states quite clearly that is the LGC is required to take steps to check on disqualifications.....etc

    We would suggest that this rule should have been applied robustly not only in Mr Aziz case but others as well.

  6. Still no response from Rodwell or Twomey then, cant wait to see them to called in front of a party disciplinary committee.

    Just how many more party rules have these 2 broken, is there more to come out?

    Barking party member

  7. Past Gascoigne Resident12 August 2009 at 05:42

    Have only just discovered this blog. Its great! Even recognised some information given by myself. Have no worries about this. As I said to the recipient I wouldn't be saying anything behind closed doors that I wouldn't have the conviction to repeat in public.
