Friday, 21 August 2009

????????? re JOHN DAVIS

We hear that John (brown envelope) Davis has now missed 3 Labour Group meetings, why?

Is he scared now to face his labour group colleagues? Is he worried that he will be questioned about the fact that he was NOT interviewed for the selection panel, in the same way all other candidates were.

And it has also been reported to us that John (brown envelope) Davis now seems to enjoy the company and conversation with a certain Cllr Christine Knight, who many will know is a BNP councillor.

It is reported that John (brown envelope) Davis has been seen leaving the Town Hall with his arm around Cllr Knight, it is reported that many of the labour group members shun Davis now because he appears to spend most of his time in conversation with the BNP and Cllr Christine Knight in particular.

Comments please, or an explanation would be nice.


  1. Its amazing the friendships there appear to exist between the North Street mafia and the BNP. You would have thought that as Labour Party members they would have been aware of the No Platform policy that exists in the Labour party and other major political parties when it comes to the BNP.

    But then I forgot these at North Street are not TRUE Labour party members so would not have a clue about the policies of the party, in much the same way as they dont have a clue about the rules.

    Barking member

  2. WELL ! WELL ! John The sniffer Davis has now gone to the BNP i think he should stay with them and be asked to step down has chair of the labour group you NASTY man or should I say PIG

  3. Cyber Bullying is something that is normally done by school children.

  4. In response to anon @ 2.47 can you point out where the cyber bullying is going on please.

    I have read the posting and can find no bullying there at all.

    I do think there is a question to be asked of the Chief Whip of the Labour Group, in as much as when is he going to have J Davis in and speak to him about his attendance at Labour Group meetings, if the posting is accurate, and also the question does need to be asked of J Davis about his apparant friendship with Cllr C Knight and other bnp members, if the posting is accurate.

    Dagenham member

  5. Dagenham member - Please! We all know J Davis isn't the only labour councillor to talk and joke with the BNP over last 4 years.

  6. J Davis may not be the only labour councillor to talk to the BNP over the last 3 years, but, he is the only councillor to walk down the street with his arm around one of them.

    He is also the only councillor who as Chair of Barking party keeps telling members that he is there to lead the fight against the BNP while closely working with a corrupt bunch (the North street mafia) some of whom are very very close to the BNP, at least one of whom G Letchford has stated on this blog in his own words just how close he is to the BNP and how he respects the work that Barnbrook does.

    ? why isnt John Davis as chair of the party taking disciplinary action against G Letchford?

    I think we all know the answer to that one.

    Dagenham member

  7. To Bring on the wheelie bins, sorry, editor, I have fathomed the true labour members, and they are a mischievous, and mottley crew. Four or five of them at most with nothing better to do now, except whine about what has gone.They never complained before when they were in high positions, did they?

  8. Goresbrook community member22 August 2009 at 10:27

    Please get your facts straight Dagenham member. I have read the blog on him and unless my eyes deceive me I could see nothing that says in black and white that he respects the work that Cllr Barnbrook does and that he works closely with him, apart from matters concerning the ward, which only a Cllr can deal with. I can assure you that he is anti BNP, hence the desire to be a LABOUR Cllr to help get the BNP out of the ward and perhaps in time out of the borough. What exactly have you got against Mr Letchford and why should Cllr Davis take discipinary action against someone who is doing his best to support the community. I am sure that a few other people speak to members of the BNP in their everyday lives, are they going to be penalised too?

  9. The BNP councillors were elected by the people, the very ones of whom you claim to represent, therefore they deserve the same respect that other councillors, including Tory ones or others. Out of respect for their elected position, they should not be ignored.
    Don't run down a respected councillor, because you lot of morons refuse to acceot they have any rights at all. ayaour type of "democracy" makes me sick, and is not Labour Party policy. What you want, is people to vote your way, for you, but hey, tough titty, you failed, Your way is wrong.

    Labour Party member Barking

  10. anon @ 10.28 are you really sure you are a Labour Party member?

    Why should any respecting Labour Party member have any respect at all for BNP councillors?

    Have you actually seen Barnbrook in action? he talks out of the bottom of a glass, very rarely sober, but perhaps thats ok with you as I hear it will be more of the same if Letchford gets a chance.

    we will rock you

  11. In response to, we will rock you, You most certainly did with your respone to 10:28. As he mentioned, whether you like the BNP or do not, if they were elected councillors, which they were, then respect for them must be the same as for any other councillor, from whatever party they may represent. You sir, or wheeelie bins lady, seem to respect no one but yourselves. When will you realise, you power and authority are over, you got it wrong, the world has changed, but all you four or five can do, is post information on here to stir up feelings, of mischievience, however, methinks you are failing, and so you should. Good and honest new people are coming through, and good luck to them all.
    Dagenham Labour Party member

  12. There'll be quite a few more Labour councillors who won't be going to group meetings in a few months. They could always keep a balloon in the corner of the meeting though - would mean that even without Jeanne there'd still be an airhead in the room.

  13. We think its time to put all of your speculation about who is running this blog to bed.

    Firstly you keep saying 4/5 - you really are off base on that, try going into double figures.

    You keep saying its the de-selected councillors - again way off base.

    Do the North street mafia and their hangers on (which seem to be few in number) not realize the anger they have stirred up, within the Labour group, both CLP parties and residents.

    So try being a little more global in your thinking.

    Finally why wouldnt Labour group members not attend group meetings? the only one who appears to be to afraid to do that is John (brown envelope) Davis.

  14. anon @ 11.57 nearly choked on me tea when I read what you wrote good honest new people coming through, dont make me laugh, a junkie, a drunk, a gambler, and a dr thats not a dr.

    give it a rest. the news of the world are going luv this lot

    a real dagenham party member
