Thursday, 31 December 2009


Firstly can we wish the friends and supporters of this site a Happy, peaceful and successful New Year.

We would also like to advise you of some coming changes, early in the New Year this site will be refurbished and updated under new editorial control.

We have already lined up contributors from across Barking CLP so that we have regular posts from each ward.

We may even change the name of the blog just a little, but we can assure you that the new team will be just as open, frank and honest as the previous Editor and his crew who we thank for giving up their time.

So hold on to your hats its going to be a busy time, and also very interesting, keep a watch for the new site, and again Best wishes to you all.

Friday, 6 November 2009


It is with our deep regret and sadness that we inform friends and supporters of the death of Glennys Game.

A tireless worker for the Labour Party, her honesty and integrity can not be disputed. Her friendship is to be treasured, and her refusal to give in to bullies and threats is to be admired.

She will be greatly missed by her family and friends.

May Peace be with her GLENNYS GAME

Wednesday, 14 October 2009


We understand that somewhere in cyber space there are unfounded allegations that we are not letting all comments through.

Well in certain respects that is correct, when we first started this blog many months ago now we did not want to moderate comments at all, and if you remember we put out a number of warnings to that effect when certain people started to play dirty.

We will not go through with you the long lists of really abusive comments that we have moderated out, or the pornographic ones either.

We have managed to get some external help on this and now the only comments that will be moderated are those that contain threats, abuse, pornography, or come from known BNP supporters, yes there are quite a lot of those.

That is now our policy, we believe we are being fair to our readers and our supporters on this, but if you have another view, or can come up with something else we would appreciate your comments.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009


Take a short drive, or even a brisk walk down to the A406 today and you will see the huge billboard poster proclaiming that Richard Barnbrook will be standing at the next general election in a bid to become MP for Barking.

Nothing new about that you might say, but have a closer look at the billboard. NO mention at all of the British National Party, no sign at all of the usual BNP tag. Strange this? no matter how unprofessional we all believe the BNP are there is no way that they as a party would spend anything between £3000/4000 without having their banner flying proud on it.

So just what is going on? There is we hear a very strong indication that Barnbrook is now very distant from his party, they appear to have pushed him to the back of a very long queue.

Now you could take the view that this is a good thing for Barking and certainly for M Hodge and the Labour party if Barnbrook does not have the party machinery behind him.

But, there is we hear another train of thought that this could be an even more dangerous situation, that is if Barnbrook is going to stand as an Independent candidate. True he will not have the party machine, but, don't underestimate the support that Barnbrook can muster on his own.

Even on this blog Graham Letchford has stated that he works with Barnbrook because he is the only person who gets things done.

There is we hear a strong indication that at least 2 of the BNP councillors may also stand as Independents as well, they have both we hear worked their wards and built up a strong following, without being overtly racist.

So how dangerous is this for Barking? how do you fight an Independent? when we are constantly being told that the voters no longer trust the main political parties to deliver and work for them.

This could be a very dangerous time in local politics, and a time when you would have thought that the local party would have been relying on its strongest and trusted councillors to bring in the vote as they have done in the past instead of throwing them on the scrapheap, just to serve an agenda of personal vendetta and corruption.

Sunday, 4 October 2009


We have been reading through our emails over the weekend, looking for a story that challenge North Street to come up with the evidence.

Over a number of posts we have requested information about Barking CLP finances, as we are very much aware that Barking members have had no financial up date for over a year.

Time is rolling on and with any election plan there should be a sound financial plan to go with it. Needless to say in Barking there is no sign of a financial plan. In fact we understand that wards are being told they have to finance their own elections. You should be asking why? You should be asking where your money is being spent.

We have explained to our readers in a previous post how the membership funding is supposed to be split up, but of course in Barking nothing runs as it does in the rest of the country. Wards are we hear expected to do their own fund raising.

Does this state of affairs mean that whatever money, if there is any, in Barking CLP's account will only pay for the MPs election?

We are reliably informed that Dagenham CLP will not have this problem as they are very well supported by the Unions, but, it seems that Barking (North Street) have not made the same efforts to befriend the unions and we are told it is very unlikely that they will see much help coming from that quarter.

Members at their next ward meetings should be raising the question about the financing of the Local Elections, and they need to start doing that now, because if they leave it to the last minute raising that kind of cash could be a major problem for a lot of the wards in Barking.

Don't say you were not warned, ask to see the finances, find out just what your money is being spent on.

Friday, 2 October 2009

Part 5

This posting includes, allegations,rumour,observations,anecdote, historical memory/fact and written evidence.

At the Eastbury ward EGM we are told that further statements were read out from a number of ward members who had been visited by Mr Riaz and they too were asked to sign bits of paper, some were asked to sign a paper to support Mr Riaz in his bid to become a councillor.

Several statements told how they were not only visited by Mr Riaz, but, he was accompanied by Laila Butt and Mr Aziz, we are told that evidence was provided to confirm this as the two of them left their business cards. It seems that the approach when visited by the 3 of them was different. Ward members were told that it was believed that members at Eastbury ward were racist and would not put forward any BME candidates to be councillors.

Of course the 3 of them were very selective which of the ward members they visited together.

At the finish Eastbury ward we are told voted to write a letter of complaint to the General Secretary of the Labour Party asking him to investigate these matters. Ward members were pretty confident that this would all be sorted out it is said.

We have been told that meanwhile the Chairman of Eastbury Ward wrote a letter to Ken Clark at London region telling him that he would be raising this matter at the Barking CLP AGM.

Many of our readers and supporters will be very much aware of what happened on that evening, not only were Eastbury ward members banned from entering the building where the AGM was being held, but, so were many union delegates and long term members of the party who only the week before had received a letter inviting them to the AGM.

Ken Clark wrote back to the Eastbury Ward members telling them that as far as he was concerned the AGM had to be re-run and it would be managed by London Region, although we hear he did remove Mr Riaz from the membership list of Eastbury.

Eastbury ward members were not at all happy with the response received from Ken Clark, but to move on they agreed to take part in yet another AGM, where we are told the outcomes were exactly the same as before, other than of course none of the nominations that Eastbury had put forward to Barking CLP were taken into consideration.

We are reliably informed that Rob Chapman had a very uncomfortable evening at the meeting.

Now the complaints from Eastbury Ward members is still ongoing as with all things there is a twist in the tail.

It seems Mr Riaz telephoned one of the ward members to thank him for all of his help in getting rid of the ward secretary and further damaging her prospects of being re-selected as a councillor, we know that this member has made a further written statement on this.

But, this is not the biggest twist in this, now if you go back over the time frame we have laid out for you, and bear in mind that it is alleged that Mr Riaz was a very active party member, working in M Hodge office as a part of her Action Team.

Then why??in early January did Mr Riaz call at the home of the Leader of the Lib Dems in Barking and Dagenham and tell her that he was a very active member of the Lib Dem party in the borough, he had spoken to a senior officer in the parties head office and they had agreed that he would be 1 of the candidates for the Lib Dems in Eastbury ward for the 2010 Local elections.

We are told that the Lib Dem Leader was not at all comfortable with his approach and indeed did check him out with senior party officials who told her, yes Mr Riaz is very active in the borough especially in Eastbury ward and he was just what they needed and wanted as a candidate in the next local elections.

We are told that this information has been passed back to Eastbury members and they have insisted that a further letter be sent to the General Secretary drawing his attention to this and again putting forward their concerns about the data protection act.

Now we are not making any judgements on this further news, it has been passed onto us and we will leave it up to our friends and supporters to make their own judgements, but, just how much of all of this were Laila Butt and Mr Aziz involved in? please bear in mind the relationships between them that we have outlined at the begining.

Also another very important question to be answered - Why? were so many members banned from attending the Barking CLP AGM, despite we are told many of them attending for years in the past, and despite many of the receiving a letter from the CLP Secretary only the week before inviting them to attend.

This post contains allegations,rumour,observations,anecdote,historical memory/fact and lots of written evidence.

Monday, 28 September 2009


The sources for this are numerous and are to be viewed as allegations, anecdote, observations,rumour, historical memory/fact and written evidence supplied.

We are told that the first the whole of Eastbury ward knew there was something wrong was when they got a letter inviting them to an Extraordinary General Meeting.

It seems that they were told that a few days after the ward secretary had sent over to the Barking CLP secretary Laila Butt the new positions in the ward and the nominations for positions within the party there was a phone call from Rob Chapman from London Region, he stated that he had received a couple of complaints from ward members that they had not received notice of the wards AGM.

The ward secretary informed the members that she had asked Chapman who had made the complaints he claimed he could not find the email but one of the names was Mr Riaz.

The ward secretary they were told stated to Chapman that all ward members had received the notice, and even emailed him a copy of the label list used for the envelopes, but, Chapman was having none of it he said that he would advise Ken Clark that the AGM should be re-run.

Jim McDermott the Chair told the meeting that in a conversation with the secretary he asked her to check with all members to see if they had received the notice.

Ward Secretary reported that she had managed to contact majority of ward members who told her that they had received the notice, but, there were 4 or 5 who had a bigger story to tell. Ward Secretary reported this to Chair and it was agreed that the secretary would visit these members and take statements from them.

The first member visited was perhaps the most telling, and gave a pretty good idea of what was to come next.

It was reported to the EGM that the visit was made to the address at which Mr Riaz had allegedly moved to, the male resident was a party member and was very happy to make a written statement and to sign it.

He told that back in the beginning of December he got a telephone call from Mr Riaz, who told him that he was having problems with his wife and needed to have a new postal address and would Mr.....mind if he used his? Mr.......said that would be OK, and in fact said that Mr Riaz actually stayed at his house for a night. He did not know Mr Riaz had moved his party membership to his address.

Mr .....statement which was read out to the members then went on to say that some 2 or 3 months later he had a telephone call from Mr Riaz asking if he could use Mr.........home address on the electoral register, Mr.....said that he knew this would be wrong and he refused.

Mr......confirmed that he had received the notice for the AGM.

Another ward members statement was read out Mr B stated that Mr Riaz had knocked on his door and asked him if he received any letters or notices from the ward? Mr A said that he did, Mr Riaz then asked him to sign a piece of paper to confirm this.

Mr A said that being an elderly gentleman he got worried about this, so the next day he made a visit to North Street to find out if it was genuine. He said he was spoken to by a young man with glasses who told him that yes it was genuine and that Mr Riaz worked as part of M Hodge team and was an incredibly busy member of Eastbury ward.

The ward members who were listening to this all said they were very surprised at this as none of them until just recently had heard or seen Mr Riaz.

But, we know that this gets better.

This comes from numerous sources and is to be viewed as allegations, rumour, anecdote, observations, historical memory/fact and in this case written evidence.

Sunday, 27 September 2009


As is usual this posting is a matter of rumour, allegations, anecdote, observations, historical memory/fact and in this case written evidence.

Now we come to the tale of the mysterious Mohammad Riaz, first appeared on the Barking labour party scene about 2 years or more ago. Once again on questioning many 'knew' him but no one seems to know of him.

But that did not seem to matter at North Street, according to them he was a willing and terribly hard worker.

In fact if many of you as friends and supporters will remember back you will have seen Mr Riaz voting regularly at Barking CLP meetings, at the Barking clp AGM, at the Co-op meeting AGM and also we understand at the LGC. All of his votes were of course illegal votes but then again when would the Chair John Davis ever worry about that.

Allegedly Mr Riaz lived in Goresbrook ward, but, we understand that he never attended a ward meeting there. We have also been given information that Goresbrook was not the ward he was interested in.

Members have told us that a few of them would be sitting together at a meeting talking and would look round and there was Mr Riaz listening in to what they were saying. Always there in the background at meetings or M Hodge coffee mornings was how he was described to us really creepy.

We are also told that the only 2 people he seemed to be really close with were Mr Aziz and Laila Butt.

We have seen evidence that last year in the London elections a list of Ward co-coordinators was sent out to members and Mr Riaz and his mobile tele no was listed was the Ward co-coordinator for Eastbury Ward, strange this don't you think bearing in mind he allegedly lived in Goresbrook ward.

We understand that this was challenged by the Chair and Secretary of Eastbury as the Chairman was in fact the co-coordinator for Eastbury this was hurriedly brushed away by North Street as a simple mistake, but knowing what followed on from there we, and we are sure you will come to a different conclusion.

Now as we have said Mr Riaz allegedly lived in Goresbrook ward in Stamford road, which many will know is quite a long road and covers 2 wards. We are told that the next word of Mr Riaz was an up date on membership lists which go to many members of the party, the up date in December stated that Mr Riaz had moved, only to another address in Stamford road, but one which would put him in Eastbury Ward.

Why the move in the same road you may ask, well we asked the same question, and what rolled out from this is a real comedy of errors, that will bring some very red faces not only in North Street, London Region but right to the General Secretary of the Labour Party, as it was on his desk that this pile of corruption would finally end up.

Just to give you an example of the stupidity of the North Street mafia and why this case will continue to run, when 'they' moved Mr Riaz into Eastbury ward they moved him next door to the ward secretary. Well to be fair to them there is a small road between the houses, but what they would not have known and what we have subsequently found out is that the ward secretary knew the owners of the house that Mr Riaz had allegedly moved into.

In our next installment we will tell you what Aziz,Butt and Riaz did to try and destabilize the Eastbury ward AGM and just how and why the General Secretary has been caught up in this dirty little game. We would place on record that we and others involved in this firmly believe that the General Secretary is an innocent party in this but the same could not be said of Rob Chapman from London Region.

As is usual this posting is a matter of rumour, allegations, anecdote, observations, historical memory/fact and in this case written evidence.


This afternoon we have had quite a few emails informing us of comments made on the Tribune blog, that appeared to have been carried over from here which accuse us of being the BNP and a bunch of racists.

We can only come to the conclusion that the North Street mafia are trying this form of attack because of the 3 part story we are running.

Now perhaps we could have been a little bit more sensitive in choosing the title of our story, but we reckon even if we had chosen something entirely different we would have been branded racist because of the 3 individuals involved.

We would like to point out that all of our postings have been about the corruption going on with in North Street, the very fact that these 3 individuals are involved in it is all part of the story.

We would also suggest that those in North Street are showing their own naivety if they are not aware of the problems that the London Labour Party are dealing with in a borough not too far from Barking that 2 of these individuals have strong links to.

Other than that we can only assume that the North Street Mafia do not want the full story of what went on in Eastbury ward to come out, and these 3 individuals were very involved in that.

So NO we are not the BNP neither are we racist, what we are is a group of like minded individuals who banded together to fight the corruption that is going on within the Barking Labour Party and we will continue to do so.

Saturday, 26 September 2009


As is usual this posting is a matter of rumour, allegations, anecdote, observations, historical memory/fact and in this case written evidence.

And so we come to the 2nd little piggy Laila Butt, now many have said that what this young woman knows about politics, and the Labour Party could be written on the back of a postage stamp. And from our investigations this appears to be true.

The same could also be said about her ability to act as a secretary to Barking CLP, having seen some of her early correspondence we can appreciate the fact that all correspondence and minutes etc are in all probability covered by M Hodges staff at North Street.

When it comes to politics though the same cannot be said of her father we have been told, we have seen evidence that clearly links him into politics in Pakistan in a big way, much the same as Mr Aziz. We understand that they both have a strong political base within the Pakistan Peoples Party which for many years has been under the control of the Bhutto family.

Many of our readers will be aware that the Pakistan Peoples Party has long held the label of corruption. And now it seems or appears that a level of that corruption is seeping into Barking labour party.

We doubt that there are many true labour party members in Barking that will not say that corruption has firmly taken hold with North Street as its base.

For some time Laila Butt was we are told even working for M Hodge, but then we hear that Laila decided she would go to college to study Law we understand, and this is where the link with Mohammad Riaz can be confirmed.

Bear in mind we have established the link between Mr Aziz and Mr Riaz as they had been into business together.

We have evidence that Mr Riaz decided to attend the same college and study Law the same as Laila Butt.

We have also discovered that it was Laila who encouraged Mr Riaz to rent a property in Barking & Dagenham, and also to join the Labour Party.

As many of our readers have stated it seems Laila Butt has great difficulty making and keeping friends who are female, in fact many of the Muslim woman dislike her intensely, but she does not appear to have the same problem with the males.

After setting the scene in our next post we will set out for you just what the 3 of them got up to next.

As is usual this posting is a matter of rumour, allegations, anecdote, observations, historical memory/fact and in this case written evidence.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009


We would like to place on record our thanks to a number of supporters who have passed on to us the necessary leads and information which have contributed to this tale.

As is usual this posting is a matter of rumour allegations, anecdotes, observations, historical memory/fact and in this story an incredible amount of written evidence.

Lets first look at Mr Aziz, practically everyone knows of him in Barking and Dagenham Labour Parties, but, no one really knows him. If you ask regular attendees at the Mosque they will tell you they know of him, but that's all, if you ask members at the Cultural Society they know of him, but know very little about him, and many will say they trust him even less. Not well liked Mr Aziz we understand.

It seems that the first many knew of Mr Aziz was when he arrived in the borough in 97, strange but it seems he moved around a bit between Barking and then Redbridge basically to see which borough offered him a home first, Barking won that race.

Even stranger is that although Mr Aziz claimed to have come from Denmark his wife did not arrive here until some 3 years later from Pakistan.

Now on joining the Labour Party which he seems to have done very quickly on getting settled in Barking he told everyone one he talked to that he had big business interests in Denmark, strange then that when he arrived here he immediately made claim for benefits. We have also seen evidence that would support that a regular income is still arriving from business interests in Denmark.

Now if this is not criminal enough there is a far more serious criminal matter to be exposed, but we will hold that back for now.

Anyway we are reliably informed that when he and his family were finally settled in Barking Mr Aziz ran a madrassa from his home for you Muslim boys.

We are also reliably informed that he regularly pestered the MP Margaret Hodge through her secretary to nominate him to the House of Lords.

Now we all know that Mr Aziz stood for election to the council a number of years ago in a Dagenham ward, and to be fair to him he did put in the work, but, would not go out on his own would only work as part of a group, the reason for this is as many will know Mr Aziz has great difficulty in speaking and understanding the English language, and we understand that Mr Aziz cannot read or write English at all.

Mr Aziz failed in has attempt to get elected at this time, he was incredibly bitter and angry over this and stayed away from local party meetings for a few months.

But, it appears that outside influences brought him back. The problem with Mr Aziz and working for the party was easy to see during the next round of elections, he was never available to leaflet or canvas during the following General Elections, and we are told that when asked why he stated that he could not and would not set foot in the blocks of flats because they smelled, and he did not see why he had to do something that was beneath him.

During the following Local elections in 2006 we are told that Mr Aziz disappeared, allegedly he returned at the beginning for a brief holiday in Pakistan for a family holiday, but we have now seen evidence that shows that while in Pakistan he was detained at the governments pleasure for approx 6 months.

Now we and others can find NO evidence whatsoever to support Mr Aziz's claim to use the title of Doctor, and we have extensively researched this issue not only in this country but in Denmark and even further in Pakistan itself.

Anyway what is the link with Mr Mohammad Riaz we have seen evidence that prove positive that up until some 2 years ago both Mr Aziz and Mr Riaz were in business together in the East End of London outside of Barking of course.

Now that will lead us nicely into Part 2 of our tale, and would we suggest go some way to explain why when you ask members at the Mosque what they know of Mr Riaz they will tell you they know of him, but, know nothing about him, the same is said when you ask members of the Cultural Society they know of him but know nothing about him, other than the fact that they do not trust him. Strange this?

As is usual this posting is a matter of rumour, allegations, anecdotes, observations, historical memory/fact and in this tale written evidence.

Tuesday, 22 September 2009


Before we roll out our next piece in the ongoing saga of corruption we would ask our readers to come up with what they believe are the links between Mohammed Riaz, Laila Butt and Abdul Aziz.

Please no racist comments as they will not get through moderation, we would however give you a few ideas, that have nothing whatsoever to do with their religion or race.

But have an awful lot to do with business, money and the East London Mosque.

Please put your thinking caps on and let us know your ideas, there might even be a token prize for the one who gets the closest.

Thursday, 17 September 2009


We hear from our insider that Messrs Rodwell and Twomey have had to re-open the Local Government panel.................we hear that they are surprised they only have 46 candidates when they need 51.

We could have told them that weeks ago, if they would only listen. If they had played it by the book, and if the North Street mafia had not corrupted the whole sorry process it would all be over and done with weeks ago.

This is what happens when you allow outsiders to play out their personal vendettas.

We also hear that at the most recent meeting of the London Region Board, Ken Clark was moaning that the whole process was taking up too much time. Well Ken corruption does take time because honest people will challenge it, and will go on challenging it.

So just a little bit of advice Messrs Rodwell and Twomey, play this round of panel selections by the book, NO more personal vendettas, NO more trying to get family and friends in just because they are family and friends, and who have no intention whatsoever of doing any work, play it by the book, other wise the challenges will just roll on and on, and in some instances could even end in legal proceedings we hear.

Of course this is just a little piece of advice.

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

GEORGE SHAW Chapter 10

As is usual this posting is a matter of rumour, allegations, observations, anecdotes, historical memory/fact and written statements.

So we come to the Sunday of the Thames Ward Selection interviews. As has been explained to us there is a ruling that the ward has to be quorate to select their candidates if not then their numbers will be made up from the Executive committee of the CLP. One way that the North Street mafia have made sure that they will be able to impose THEIR candidates on the wards was by setting the quorate number at an unachievable number of 10. They knew that many wards would be unable to achieve this. And to be honest Barking & Dagenham parties have never treated their members in this manner before they always set what they knew to be a realistic number, so that ward members would know that they were selecting the candidates, and that they would know that they were getting the best candidates for their area.

Still Thames Ward would have been able to reach this number with ease, if it had not been for the corrupt actions once again of George Shaw.

We are informed that only 1 Thames Ward member turned up for the meeting. We are also informed that this member is wheelchair bound and had contacted the LGC Secretary Dominic Twomey to ask if the venue they had selected for the meeting was readily accessible for members with disabilities, she was informed that it was not. This is a clear breach of the Labour Party rules, which state that all venues MUST be accessible for members with disabilities. We understand that Dominic Twomey told her that if she wanted to attend he would make sure that she was carried up what was a steep flight of steps, which were on the outside of the building onto the street.

Does Mr Twomey and his partners in crime have no sense in how incredibly embarrassing this was for the member. We find this totally shocking bearing in mind the organization that Mr Twomey and we believe Mr Rodwell works for in the borough, is the largest champion for rights for the disabled no less.

Still so committed to attending this member turned up and was aided and manhandled up the steep flight of steps into the building.

She was the ONLY member from Thames Ward to attend, George Shaw had of course arranged it with his buddies that they did not attend, and other loyal members had been so sickened and angry at the corrupt actions of George Shaw at the shortlisting meeting that they did not attend either.

Even if those few had attended they would not have been quorate, and therefore the EC committee would and were brought in and imposed their choice of candidates.

The single member who did attend has informed many members that she was totally disgusted with the way that the process was handled from start to finish.

But as we pointed out to our readers yesterday there is a way to successfully challenge this process because of the illegal use of members who had no entitlement to be members of the EC committee.

We can now inform our readers that 10 members of Thames ward have formally resigned from the party and at least another further 10 who subs are due within the next month or two have let us know that they will not be renewing their subscriptions to the Labour Party.

In Thames Ward we would respectfully suggest that this is totally due to members now seeing George Shaw for what he really is a bully, a spiteful and vindictive old man. He has been like this for most of his life but now it is finally out in the open members and more importantly the voters in the ward are disgusted. They are telling us that unless there is a radical change in the ward,and that unless Fred Barns and Joan Rawlinson are re-instated they will not vote Labour in the elections, and this doesn't just mean the local elections they will not vote for Margaret Hodge.

Can she or the local party afford to loose all those votes, we don't think so.

The local labour party has the time, the local government committee has the time to change, not only for Thames Ward, but, also the other wards where these dirty deeds have been done. It will cost Labour Barking we can promise you that.

Why? because when we start rolling out the very grave and important facts that we have discovered about some of your other candidates, some of which is criminal you will be in even more trouble.

As is usual this posting is a matter of rumour, allegations, anecdote, observations, historical memory/fact and written evidence.

Monday, 14 September 2009


We have now completed our research into the "so called" selection interviews that have taken place over 2 weekends, under the watchful eyes of Rodwell, Twomey and an alleged cheater Rob Chapman East London coordinator paid for by the trade unions and working out of London Region.

Whats the Good news? you ask, well we have of course heard from many party members about these events, and what we can quite categorically tell you is that there are only 3 wards who have now legitimately selected their candidates.

This is because these 3 wards did not have to have their numbers made up to a quorum by the EC of Barking CLP. It is fair to say that Eastbury ward only managed to do this at a second attempt, but the reason they had the chance of a 2nd attempt is that they successfully challenged the so called membership of the EC rolled out by Barking CLP.

The other 2 wards are Longbridge because they managed to turn out their members. And Abbey Ward who turned out members, although their membership list is under investigation at the moment.

We would advise good members from Becontree and Thames that they can and should NOW challenge the decisions made at their selection interviews because the same EC members that were used for Eastbury ward were used for theirs, apart from George Shaw who was we hear too scared to show his face at the Thames meeting.

The 2 Executive members that were ruled out were Alicia Edmunds from Gascoigne Ward who has only been a party member since December and therefore does not qualify to me a member of the Executive, and Edna Fergus who was a lapsed members.

You cannot be denied the right to have the selection interviews declared null and void as Eastbury has already proved its case and Rodwell, Twomey and London Region had to accept it.

We would strongly suggest that any wards who have had candidates that they do not and will not accept imposed on them to challenge the validity of the EC and also challenge the validity of the Local Government officers imposing candidates who have NOT been interviewed for the PANEL.

There is of course always the fall back position, that a meeting of the Local Government Committee MUST be called to endorse, or not the candidates. But we would strongly urge members not to wait for this to happen, as it looks to us and many of our supporters that North Street mafia have thrown the rule book out of the window.

So at long last the power is back in the hands of the ordinary members, write your letters send your emails and challenge the decisions of Rodwell, Twomey and Chapman, these are supposed to be your decisions, the decisions you take on behalf of the community you live in, you do this because you want the best people for the job, not a bunch of ner do wells, some of whom have a real seedy past,

The door is ajar you just have to push it fully open.

Sunday, 13 September 2009


Despite us in numerous postings reminding you and others that there is a Labour Party Rule Book which ALL members are required to abide by. You have constantly failed to take notice of it.

We have been inundated over the last couple of days by emails from party members asking us to point out to you that:

In line with Party Rules in the selection of candidates for Local Government, those candidates are required to be ENDORSED by the Local Government Committee.

That does not mean that a) the Chair and Secretary can sit down over a cup of tea and endorse them. That does not mean that b) only the North Street mafia members of the Local Government Committee can endorse them.

What it does mean is that you are required to call a meeting of the Local Government Committee so that each individual candidate can be ENDORSED or REJECTED as the Local Government Committee sees fit.

Until such time as you do this, the candidates are NOT prospective candidates at all.

And just to add to your concerns, what do you propose to do if Ward Members refuse to endorse and accept the candidates that you have forced on them. Just who is going to do the work in the wards?

We are asking this because we hear that you ran into some problems this weekend in the selection process. We also hear that there is a possibility that as there are no more candidates on the panel, and you have vacancies, that you are proposing to fill the gaps with persons who have NOT been through the selection panel process, we hear that you are proposing to impose these people and in fact may have already done so, one of which we understand could be Darren Rodwells daughter.

Well our advice to you is that if that is what you have done or are proposing to do you are leaving yourself right open to a successful legal challenge.

And as it appears to us from the correspondence we are receiving that more members are now waking up to exactly what is going on, there very well could be a legal challenge mounted by a large number of very disaffected party members.

By the way, because of the large number of emails received overnight giving various points of view into exactly what went on yesterday, it may take us a little while to put it all together for posting.

Saturday, 12 September 2009


Before we bring you what could be the last chapter for George Shaw on this whole sorry and corrupt mess with regard to the selection of candidates for Thames Ward. We feel its required of us on behalf of the decent, honest party members from the ward, which we understand are now a dwindling number to ask George a question, one which we hope he will have the courage to answer.

George please tell us and our friends and readers why as Chairman of Thames Ward, and to quote you George ' a loyal and hardworking member of the party for nearly 40 years' , WHY did you NOT turn up for the selection interviews???????

We await your response George, we don't want to hear it from anyone else just you. Come on for once in your life be a man and explain to us why.

Friday, 11 September 2009


Who ever it is within the North Street mafia or their little hangers on.

Do STOP trying to access and control this blog by contacting google stating that '''you'''' have forgotten your sign in or your password.

We believe that we have informed readers several times that this blog is very well supervised, and google is very much aware of the situation of possible abuse.

So please just stop wasting your time and ours.

Time we feel you could be better spending in checking out the backgrounds of your so called new candidates.

Be warned that if we can find the information out about them, which we believe if you continue along the route you have chosen will bring great embarrassment to the Labour Party and the council.

Don't you think that opposition parties can find it out too?

Wednesday, 9 September 2009


As is usual this posting is a matter of rumour,allegations,anecdotes, observations, historical memory/fact and written evidence.

So we come to the "night of the long knives" this is the evening where despite doing all he could do to prevent it George Shaw had to show his hand.

All of Barkings shortlisting meetings were taking place at the Abbey community centre, and despite being told that they were not allowed to be present, we are told that on the evening there were quite a large number of the potential candidates hanging around. We are also told that there were quite a few of them inside the hall itself. Seems to us its one law for some and one law for them.

We are told that Rob Chapman and Dominic Twomey were checking off people on a list as they arrived.

Thames Ward members were the usual faces but there were we are told at least 2 who members did not recognise at all.

2 female long standing members of the party turned up at the door to take part, 1 of them was told by Chapman and Twomey that she could not go in as her membership had lapsed.

We understand, but are still trying to clarify the point, that the word 'lapsed' is only used if your membership has not been renewed for 3 months.

This lady had brought along copies of evidence that her membership had run out the previous Saturday and she had renewed it by post on the Monday, she then put up the argument that she had renewed her membership and paid her dues, but, neither Chapman or Twomey would accept it.

This is despite the letter going out to all members informing them that if they had not paid their membership they could still attend the meeting as long as they had paid their fees by 6.0pm on the day of the shortlisting meeting. Which of course this lady could prove she had.

We hear from a number of sources that a very heated exchange took place but Chapman and Twomey were adamant she was not getting in. Of course they had counted the numbers already in there and knew exactly how many George needed to win.

George opened the meeting and we understand that members were asked to agree 6 candidates to be interviewed none of which was Fred Barns, a member moved from the floor that the ward should interview 7 and that rightly Fred should be interviewed.

In stepped someone very very close to George who moved that a vote be taken that the ward only interviewed 6 and that she could not and would not support the inclusion of Fred.

We understand that George had great difficulty in controlling his facial expressions at this time at could not keep the look of pure smugness off his face.

A ballot of members took place and George announced that it was a tied ballot. George then stated he would as Chairman use his casting vote.........a moment of pure triumph for evil here, it should really be accompanied by a drum roll.....George completed his final act of treachery by voting against the inclusion of Fred to the shortlist.

We understand that silent uproar broke out, members just got up from their seats and walked out in disgust.

Outside very very angry ward members were pretty vocal on their feelings about George and his corrupt actions. We understand a lot of decisions were made outside of that meeting that could have a major impact on labour in Thames and Barking.

Of course Barry Poulton could not resist turning up to gloat at this time.

But, what the ward members did not realize at that time is that George Shaw under Party Rules did NOT have the right as Chairman to use the casting vote.

Members have discovered that now and have made their protests but of course they are being ignored by the North Street mafia.

In our next post we will describe the total farce of the ward interviews??????and let you know just how many party members from Thames have resigned from the party over this.

As is usual this posting is a matter of rumour, allegations, anecdotes, observations historical memory/fact and written evidence.

Tuesday, 8 September 2009


As is usual this posting is a matter of rumour, allegations, anecdotes, observations, historical memory/fact and written evidence.

On receiving their rejection letters Fred and Joan were we are told dumbstruck. They had both done an enormous amount of work for Thames Ward as Councillors something that both they and their residents were well aware of.

Both of them reacted in different ways, Fred got angry, but channeled his anger into putting forward an appeal. Joan we are told took this very differently, Joan is slow to anger, but we know she felt incredibly let down by George Shaw and Margaret Hodge both of whom she had totally supported.

Obviously Margaret Hodge and the mafia got to hear very quickly that they had been caught out by saying what they did while canvassing in Thames Ward. We are told that Margaret Hodge actually phoned Joan Rawlinson several times, she allegedly said that she was personally very sorry that Joan had not got through the panel, and that Joan should leave it to her as "we really need you" was the words used. Funny not "we really want you" but need.

Anyway we understand that after a lot of soul searching, and with the full support of her family Joan decided not to appeal. Of course that does not mean in anyway that Joan has walked away from the residents in the ward because she has not and is still representing them and is really overwhelmed with the full support she has from the residents.

Fred meanwhile had put in his appeal. Fred was optimistic and pretty sure of his grounds. George we hear was furious, he had been led to believe that Fred would be out on the first round and their would be no chance at all of George having to break cover and get involved at all. Once again George was given reassurance that it would be ok.

Of course Fred was successful at his appeal and in our view rightly so, they were not judging him on the work that he had done, which they should have been they were judging him on his disability, and of course that is illegal, and Fred successfully argued that case.

We understand that the air at North Street was black and blue when George Shaw was informed that Fred had been successful, because this would know mean that George would have to do the job himself. In fact we hear from our Insider (yes we do have one) that George ranted words to the effect that as always "if he wanted a job done he had to do it himself".

We are informed that several meetings then took place in North Street with very clear directions being dictated to Darren Rodwell and Dominic Twomey just how the short listing meetings for wards were to be run, where they were to be held, and more importantly a very tightly scripted plan for George to ensure that Fred most definitely fell at the next hurdle.

As is usual this post is a matter of rumour, allegations, anecdotes, observations, historical memory/fact and written evidence.

Sunday, 6 September 2009


As usual this posting is a matter of rumour, anecdote, allegations, observations, historical memory and first hand witness statements.

In the run up to this we have described to you how George had to "bite" his racist bullet and do his deal with the devil, of course this is the devil he believes will dance to his tune.

He along with the North Street mafia and abetted by Rob Chapman engineered their takeover of the Local Government Committee. Succeeding in this was crucial to their long term plans. We are told that on the evening of the Local Government AGM the mafia had their mobiles glued to their ears so that they could receive instructions from outside. And just who was out side Mike Haywood, he had written their script, a script they could not move from.

Anyway they gained control, there are we understand still questions by the Dagenham delegates about the rigging of ballots, but they had control.

The next thing anyone heard was that Rob Chapman would through North Street be sending out the application forms for any party member who wanted to stand as a Councillor.

The argument is still raging on we here as to how Rob Chapman came to be involved, because the selections of candidates is the responsibility of the Local Government Committee, and as they had not met to discuss how the selections were to be done WHO in total breach of party rules handed it over to Rob Chapman?

That question along with other breaches of rules will be dealt with under a separate posting.

Now what you have to bear in mind is that on his own admission George Shaw supervises all of the party work done in North Street, so, the sending out of all of these letters and forms came under the control of George and so, more importantly would have been what happened to them on their return when they had been completed by party members.

Also with these forms is a report from the Ward Secretary, now for Thames Ward this was Barry Poulton. He had to write reports on Fred Barns and Joan Rawlinson, and would you believe he even wrote his own. To this day, despite numerous requests we believe neither Fred nor Joan have seen the reports that Barry put in.

We come to the interviews to go onto the 'panel' once again a breach in rules, this panel was not done by the Local Government Committee, but outsiders, and according to many outsiders who had been well briefed on exactly who could NOT get through the process.

All sitting Councillors were seen by the same panel with a very aggressive Chair. Both Fred and Joan fell at the first hurdle. Fred because of his disability that prevents him from doing a lot of walking, but, he always went on the canvassing his wife would do the door knocking, he was there to talk to the residents, never mind all of the other campaigning work Fred did, they turned him down just on the grounds of his disability.

Joan they just ripped to shreds, they were vicious. Joan has worked solidly for 15 years as a ward councillor, yet they just tortured her, and George Shaw gave them the information to do it.

Now strangely enough there is a sting in the tail of this, as the following Saturday when the letters of rejection were dropping through peoples letterboxes, Margaret Hodge and her mafia were canvassing in Thames Ward.......and it just goes to show how cock sure and arrogant they are. M Hodge knocked on the door of a party member and got to talking, she then went on to tell this Thames resident and party member that of course Barry Poulton is the only Councillor on the ward who does any work, but, don't worry I will make sure you get 2 new good councillors next year because Fred and Joan have been de-selected. We understand that the resident then told M Hodge to and slammed the door.

We are told that the letter of rejection had not even dropped through the letter boxes of Fred and Joan at that time.

But we do know that the resident concerned has made a full written statement of what took place that morning. And this may very well be the reason why things did not go to plan.

As is usual this posting is a matter of rumour, anecdote, allegations, observations, historical memory/fact and first hand written statements.

Friday, 4 September 2009

SAUCY JACK has now gone from pornography and threats, to now threats with a knife.

We can only assume that Saucy Jack has a personality disorder, and we would recommend treatment.

We will of course continue to moderate his comments and not inflict them on our friends and supporters.
SAUCY JACK you are such a "jerkoff" do you feel more relieved now?

The knock on your door will come.

Thursday, 3 September 2009

*************NEWS UPDATE**********

We have been informed that a Barking CLP meeting took place this evening at North Street.

Our man on the inside (yes we do have one) tells us only approx 15 turned up. No MP. No Chairman, just where has John (brown envelope) Davis disappeared to?

So the saintly Darren Rodwell chaired the meeting, you know the one, who does everything for the community while putting their money in his companies bank account. Which we understand is very much in the red.

Graham Letchford stole our thunder by informing the meeting that all Goresbrook ward members have resigned, and he is the only one left, whoops Graham you forgot your wife. You also forgot to tell the meeting why the members had resigned, something we were storing up for next week, but, the members resigned we are very reliably informed because they would not stand for having Graham Letchford imposed on them as a candidate.

Just how many more good true labour party members have to resign before London Region get the message.

Our Insider also informs us that our blog was mentioned, great they are even talking about us in labour party meetings now, just what we like to hear, even if the Bully George Shaw states that he knows who we are. Poor old man he just doesn't get it does he.

We now have Insiders where he and the others wouldn't think we could have insiders, these are party members who at first when all this corruption started to come out just wanted to rip up their party membership cards, but after a number of conversations they now realize that the only way to fight is from the inside.

The North Street mafia will not even think twice about our Insiders, that is why they are so good at what they do.

Tuesday, 1 September 2009


As usual this posting is a matter of allegations, anecdotes, observations, rumour and historical memory/fact.

A little over a year ago George Shaw had to make a tough decision. He had already told Fred Barns in a telephone conversation that Fred was DEAD to him and he wanted nothing more to do with him.

But, as much as George is a bully, he is not a stupid bully, and over the previous year he had seen the growing support that Fred had in the ward. George had heard the grumblings at the TRA meetings whenever he had a go at Fred. He knew Barry Poulton did not have the support on the ward. More importantly George knew he could not get rid of Fred or even Joan on his own. He knew that the ward would not go for it.

So George had to think just where he could get the help he needed. Didn't take him long to work it out that only the North Street mafia could help him, BUT, as with all things there would be a price to pay.

George went along for a meeting at North Street to discuss his 'problem' they fell over themselves to help dear old George. At first it was going to be John (brown envelope) Davis moving over there. But for once John put his foot down,he was staying where he was. Too far to drive after a few drinks we hear.

So they agreed Cameron Geddes, no problem with George on that one, he was pretty sure he would be able to manage Cameron, just as he had before. But the next choice was where the whole plan very nearly went down the toilet, they told George he would have to have Jose Channer, no problem with her being a woman of course, easy to manipulate, but, Jose Channer is from the BME community, George could not and would not swallow this.

They told him that it was only window dressing, that they must have a BME candidate in the ward.

We hear that at first George stormed out of the meeting, told them he would get rid of Fred on his own, but, George knew, he would have to swallow his racist bullet.

He went back a couple of days latter and very very reluctantly agreed.

Shortly after agreeing to their plan George Shaw set about resigning from all committees, boards and panels in the ward, he stepped down as Chair of the TRA, and came off the Tenants Federation, he also came off the Governing Bodies of the schools.

No reason for this was given at all. The only group that George Shaw stayed a member of was the Labour Party, and he still attended the ward meetings. Even though we understand he was loosing his grip of those.

Perhaps that is why when the Selection Process started (which we will cover in the next posting) George had to work to a script.

As usual this posting is a matter of allegations, rumour, anecdote, observations and historical memory/fact.

Saturday, 29 August 2009


Because of the obscene, disgusting filth that the North Street mafia and their friends have decided to post on here today we are moderating ALL comments on this blog for the weekend.

We will be fair, we will continue to put through the normal disputes etc, but what we will not tolerate is filth.

Please also be aware that the police have been notified once again.

We are doing this reluctantly but feel we have a responsibility to our friends and supporters not to subject them to such trash.

Hopefully normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.


We thought we would give you all a little preview on what will be coming up over the next week or so.

We will of course be posting Part 6 of the George Shaw saga, this will tell readers and friends of how George was made to sign up to the deal with the North Street mafia that would go against all of his racist principals........the very full information on this comes from our insider in the mafia.

We will clearly demonstrate why within the Party rules it clearly states that LGC officers should ensure that checks are done so that there are no issues that would disqualify a potential candidate.

ie. a candidate who it has been discovered is an un-discharged bankrupt. a candidate who has so many bailiffs and debt recovery companies after them that residents in the area are all very well aware of what is going on. a candidate who has a lot of night time visitors with suitcases. a candidate whose name is not really their name and we could go on..........but that is all to come. and if we can find this out don't you think the BNP can as well.

And probably the last piece for this week will be the full expose of Mr Muhammed Riaz. We will prove his close links with Laila Butt and Abdul Aziz, we will go on the prove their links with the East London Mosque, and further more their extensive links both business and political with politics in Pakistan.

We now pose a question, do the North Street mafia really think that those councillors who have been de-selected would have the time and access to the sites that would give that level of information? No of course not. We keep stressing to the mafia that this is so much bigger than they think perhaps when all this comes out finally they will get the message.

Friday, 28 August 2009


Over the last 24 hours or so our mail box has been overflowing with complaints against Darren Rodwell and a FLYER that he is promoting in Thames Ward.

These complaints have come in from residents and members of the Party, and more importantly members of the Party who know the rules.

A number of these have sent a copy of the FLYER over to us and we now fully understand their anger.

For our readers and supporters who may not have seen this let us explain.

Its one side of A4 in black and white, Headline Margaret Hodge MP, how you can help me to improve your local area. Taking Action: there then follows a list of Barking & Dagenham Council telephone numbers for different services.


Police Safer Neighbourhood Team - NO PROBLEM THERE

Contact details for Margaret Hodge MP and John Biggs London Assembly Member

Here we go:

Your local Labour Team - Cllr Barry Poulton - with a Council telephone number that will put residents through to a council officer, Cllr Barry Poulton will be well aware that it should be his own telephone number that goes onto Political Leaflets - No Member of the council should involve council officers in politics.

Then the names of Cameron Geddes and Josephine Channer, with a mobile phone number and an email address. Just who will be answering these calls and emails?

At the bottom is the usual script printed by Barking Labour Party, promoted by Darren Rodwell on behalf of Barking Labour Party 102 North Street Barking.

Firstly can we draw to Darren Rodwells attention the FACT whether he or the North Street mafia like it or not Joan Rawlinson and Fred Barns are still the duly elected LABOUR Councillors for Thames ward until May of next year, and must still be part of the Labour team.

By doing this Darren Rodwell has committed a clear UN COMRADELY act against Joan Rawlinson and Fred Barns, one that Darren Rodwell will NOT be able to deny as it is in print. This is one of the founding rules within the Labour Party that members must treat each other in a comradely manner.

Secondly Darren Rodwell has fallen into the trap of putting Barking Labour Party's address as 102 North Street, when will the North street mafia learn that 102 North Street is the constituency office of Margaret Hodge MP paid for by the BRITISH TAXPAYER, it is not and never has been the office of Barking Labour Party, an agreement by Barking CLP and the Parliamentary Fees Office has never been entered into, to our certain knowledge Barking CLP and other wards who use 102 North Street do not make any payment at all to the Fees Office.

We would refer the North Street mafia to the article written in the Evening Standard about this just a couple of months ago.

So just what has Darren Rodwell in his arrogance done, he has breached party rules in his treatment of duly elected Labour Councillors, he has breached Council rules by involving Council officers in a political leaflet. And he has breached Parliamentary rules by stating on the leaflet that 102 North Street is the office of the Barking Labour Party.

Just goes to show what arrogance and corruption can do.............but the flip side of this is that it has so angered the residents of Thames view that they are now even firmer together in their fight against this corruption.

Wednesday, 26 August 2009


Must be our lucky day today through friends and supporters in our community we have found Mr Riaz, and OH what a story he has to tell.........when his story hits this blog it will call into question the actions of some very senior members within Barking CLP, it will go some way to making Rob Chapman feel very uncomfortable, especially in regard to his not inconsiderable role in the whole sorry affair.

We should imagine it will also cause a great deal of embarrassment to Ken Clark and the General Secretary of the Labour Party who it now seems have both been misled.

Still that is a piece of work in progress, but just wait for the hit the fan.


Check the front page of the local newspaper this morning, Harry Day has been found guilty in court of sexual abuse of young boys in his care. He has got a prison sentance of 13 years. After the jury deliberated for only 6 hours.

Why should this be cause for concern for our readers in Barking & Dagenham. Reason being that young people from our borough were sent to his Citizens Guild centre in Norfolk, George Shaw was Chairman of the Guilds management committee.

And most importantly of all is the statements made by the young people themselves who when questioned under oath after having gone through the gruelling questioning while giving evidence, were asked "Why they had not come forward before now?". We understand that all of the young people involved stated that they did not come forward because "Harry had influential friends".

We certainly hope that by now having the courage to give their evidence, and we do appreciate it must have been very difficult and painful for them, these young men are comforted somewhat by the 13 years in prison handed out to Harry Day, and may he rot in jail.


We would like to inform friends and supporters of this blog that we have NOT invited the commentor arbitrator to either post or comment on this blog.

We firmly believe that the people behind this bogus name are the North Street mafia who appear to be so worried and concerned about the truths that are coming out on this blog that they are now operating a sustained and vicious attack.

We are confident that our friends will support us in our continued fight to get the truth out.

Tuesday, 25 August 2009


Sorry for the delay on this, as usual this posting is a matter of rumour, allegations, observations, anecdote and historical memory/fact.

So George now has control of the TRA on Thames View, not so bad some thought, an experienced councillor, used to chairing meetings, and at that time some still respected George enough to believe he would help to get things done.

Well it did not take long for the more acute of residents and officers of the council to see just what George was up to.

Even though Fred was Mayor he still made every attempt to attend the TRA meetings, and always we are told brought a full briefing for the residents on what he had been doing on their behalf, if issues had been raised with him he always took the responses back to the meeting. But, here is where the George Shaw method of pushing people out first started to show, whenever Fred started his feedback, George would interrupt him and say something like, "Oh yes me and Barry sorted that out, didn't we Barry?" Barry would duly nod his head. Barry was now totally George's man, after the initial fall out. George much preferred Barry's way of doing things, which was basically to allow George to do them and just follow on behind.

George even got Barry to set up regular walkabouts on the estate with officers, did not inform the other ward councillors. This went on for some little time until the plug got pulled because the other ward councillors had to be invited.

George took his control very seriously, and set about engineering himself on different boards and panels that were being set up in the ward. It got to be quite embarrassing for both officers and other Councillors because George lives in the past and will not let go of how he used to do things.

Over the last 18 months or so George has taken to criticising the council every chance that he could get, the TRA members were getting fed up with it, they were certainly seeing the way that George was treating Fred Barns at their meetings and they did not like it at all.

Fred tried his best, he worked closely with the new residents on Barking Riverside, he got a group of them together to set up a Residents Association, George put every obstacle he could find in their way. Residents have told us of a joint meeting called to discuss regeneration issues in the area, George was at first adamant that the Riverside residents should not be invited, but they were, George then insisted that in the hall they be isolated and made to sit together on one side of the room.

Many now say that they had a lot of respect for George, but, the way he has treated Fred and Joan has made them change their opinion of him, but, we don't think George has ever changed from the basic nasty right winged bully that he has always been.

We were reminded of a meeting that was held some 3 years ago, it was a joint ward meeting for Barking CLP, Phil Woolas MP for Oldham had been invited by M Hodge MP to explain to party members how he and his party had tackled the BNP in Oldham, it was for most a very worthwhile meeting.

But, it was also a meeting that caused a great deal of embarrassment both for M Hodge and other members of the party. Why? because for the very first time, what we had all suspected was proved true. George Shaw and a small number of his friends in the party showed themselves for the racists they truly are. Even M Hodge was heard to condemn George Shaw for his comments at the meeting.

Leopards, especially old ones like George do not change their spots, he always was a racist and will continue to be a racist, that is probably why in wanting so desperately to get rid of Fred Barns George may have been made to pay a price to high.

We will come right up to date in our final part on George Shaw later.

As usual this posting is a matter of rumour, anecdote, allegations, observations and historical memory/fact.

Monday, 24 August 2009


Many of you may have got caught out yesterday and clicked on a link to a profile that they thought was "night shift worker" and then found themselves looking at a load of degrading filth.

Firstly can we assure you that we know for a fact that this was not posted by our good friend 'night shift worker'

If members had noticed or remember it was headlined "night shift worker says" in red, when in fact if you check back on previous postings by our friend you will find that they all start anon.......and is signed off 'night shift worker'

We do take responsibility for ensuring that this blog is monitored and will do our best to make sure this does not happen again, but, like everyone else we do want to be able to trust our readers, so for the moment we are not going to moderate comments, but if this kind of attack continues we will do so.

As for those persons who are attacking this blog in such a shameful manner, please be aware we do know who you are, and so do the police.

Once again our apology to friends and supporters.

Sunday, 23 August 2009


We feel that we must return to the subject of Graham Letchford. Comments on another posting have made this necessary.

One of the comments called for John Davis Chair of Barking CLP to take disciplinary action against Graham Letchford for his comments on this blog.

In his comments Letchford states quite clearly that in 'his' view Cllr Barnbrook BNP is the only Councillor on Goresbrook ward who does any work.

We are pretty sure that there are a large number of the Labour Group members and officers of the council who would refute that statement, along with residents in Goresbrook ward.

Letchford then goes on to claim that because Barnbrook BNP was in 'his' view the only Councillor doing any work that is why Letchford would meet with him and pass case work on to him.

Now we are pretty sure, in fact we are positive that this is a clear breach of Labour Party Rules. What Letchford (as a card carrying member of the Labour Party) should have been doing was meeting with his Labour Councillor in the ward and working with him to resolve issues in the ward.

Also in his comments Letchford boldly states that he BANNED Councillors from attending 'his' Tenants and Residents meetings, we would suggest that Letchford had no right to BAN duly elected Councillors in this manner, but aside from that Letchford knew very well that by putting in this ban it would only affect the Labour Councillor, because allegedly Barnbrook lives in the ward (even though it is well known he lives in Blackheath) and he could then attend as a resident. Which we are told Barnbrook did on a regular basis, and Letchford allowed him to grandstand from the floor, with Letchford even supporting Barnbrook when he criticised the Labour Council.

This is another issue, Letchford continually at public meetings criticised the Labour Council and Councillors, is this something that a member of the Labour Party should be doing? Is it in breach of the Party Rules? Yes it is.

And we come to another comment posted yesterday by a 'Labour Party Member Barking' who criticises other comments made against Letchford and Barnbrook by saying ' don't run down a respected Councillor' and 'your way is wrong'.

Are these the kind of statements that should be being made by Labour Party members, that we shouldn't criticise Barnbrook?

We have been hearing rumours for many months now of how right wing the North Street mafia are, we have even heard it said that when they are in power they are going to BOND with the BNP and work with them.

This may come as a bit of a shock to the Dagenham CLP, do they realise that if any of the North Street mafia do get elected they will be working with the BNP.

Or perhaps between now and May of next year the North Street mafia may get an attack of honesty and stand for election in the colours of their true party , which many believe is not the Labour Party.

So yes we agree the Labour Party does need to step in and take disciplinary action against Graham Letchford, could they trust John Davis to do it NO, this must be taken higher.

We will leave you with a quote from Cllr Barnbrook who while standing around a camp fire at the BNP RWB festival a couple of weeks ago, Barnbrook stated that "Ive got balls made of steel, in my own ward if I go around naked, and put black boot polish on my face, they'd still love me" even some of the local labour party members too we think.

Saturday, 22 August 2009

****************UNDER ATTACK************

It has been a very late night for us here on the blog. We have come under a sustained and very abusive attack.

The attack started on our system at about 11.0pm last night, and it was a case of all hands on deck to combat the attack.

We can only guess at where and why the attack took place.

The WHY should be pretty obvious to our friends and supporters, the truth is coming out, the corruption is being exposed, and party members and residents are now able to read about it and add their comments. Something not allowed in Barking CLP anymore we understand.

Where did the attack come from, well your guess is as good as ours, it could have come direct from the North Street mafia, or they could have gone crying to Central Labour Party and it could have been done from there.

Our guess for what its worth is that the North Street mafia engineered this, it was not a professional attack, spasmodic and not too successful.

They appeared to be trying to delete certain comments, which we have successfully retrieved, those being the ones posted by G Letchford the alleged Labour Candidate for Goresbrook, who in his own words admitted to working together with BNP Councillor Barnbrook.

We would ask the question WHY is he still a candidate?

There were several other postings that they tried to delete but we believe we have been successfully in saving all, as we do of course run a back up on our system.

They tried without success to find out who we are, and also who was making comments, well if they had asked us the question in the first place we would have saved them all the mucking around, we don't even know the identity of com mentors.

The only thing we are left with is their very stupid attempt at humour on a previous posting they tried to make which was just a line of aaaaaaa and when we can get round to it we will remove this as well.

So all is back to normal this morning, we do hope friends and supporters can still click onto us without any problems, we have checked as much as we are able, but if you or you know friends who are experiencing problems send us an email and we will see what we can do to help you out.

As for the North Street mafia and the Labour Party, we would like to say on the record that we have not in any of our postings attacked the policies of the Labour Party or the government, we are still true party members, but what we are attacking, and drawing your attention to is the abuse of the processes within the Labour Party by a minority group of corrupt individuals.

Have a good day friends.

Friday, 21 August 2009


????????? re JOHN DAVIS

We hear that John (brown envelope) Davis has now missed 3 Labour Group meetings, why?

Is he scared now to face his labour group colleagues? Is he worried that he will be questioned about the fact that he was NOT interviewed for the selection panel, in the same way all other candidates were.

And it has also been reported to us that John (brown envelope) Davis now seems to enjoy the company and conversation with a certain Cllr Christine Knight, who many will know is a BNP councillor.

It is reported that John (brown envelope) Davis has been seen leaving the Town Hall with his arm around Cllr Knight, it is reported that many of the labour group members shun Davis now because he appears to spend most of his time in conversation with the BNP and Cllr Christine Knight in particular.

Comments please, or an explanation would be nice.

Tuesday, 18 August 2009


As usual this posting is a matter of rumour, allegations, observations, anecdote and historical memory/fact.

When we first started writing about George Shaw we honestly thought we would get everything done and dusted in 2 parts, but as you can see we are now on part 4 and still information is coming in on a daily basis. Not only from party members but more importantly from residents who tell us that knowing how vindictive George Shaw could be they have kept quiet for so long, but it now appears that they feel liberated, and angry enough to speak up.

So just to start this off lets put some election results up firstly for G. Shaw - 1990 - 1714; 1994 - 1517; 1997 - 941. As you can see George Shaw's vote is dropping off, not so popular anymore.

Early 2002 George Shaw made the announcement that he was not going to stand for re-election in the May. Along with several of the older councillors, of course what George and some of the others were hoping was that senior members of the Labour Group would talk them round and persuade them to stay on, it has happened before, and George and some others were sure it would happen again, well this time they were out of luck, senior members made sure they avoided them, did not enter into conversation with them, and then the announcements mysteriously turned up in the local press, there was no way back then George and the others were out.

Fred Barns was elected in 2002 - 980, Dave Miles - 940; Joan Rawlinson - 947. So already Fred has upped his vote where George's vote was on a downward spiral.

But George was not going to go away, he believed he could be the puppet master, there had been for many years a very strong Tenants and Residents Association on the estate which was chaired by a very good and popular man George Atkinson, a few weeks before the elections in 2002 George Shaw took George Atkinson to one side and did what only George could do, he leaned on him, George Shaw wanted the Chair and he was determined to get it.

Following the elections we understand the newly elected Councillors turned up for their first meeting of the TRA, George Atkinson announced he was standing down as Chairman and that George Shaw would now take his place. Which duly happened, but what happened next set the pattern for what would happen a few years in the future, George Shaw announced that George Atkinson would now take the place of Vice Chairman, of course this came as a big shock to the person who was vice chair at the time and we are told he stormed out of the room, this person was Barry Poulton, more to come later.

So we now have George Shaw in control of the largest TRA in the ward, he then made himself very busy, he thought he had his puppets well under control, so what, that he wasn't a Councillor anymore, he still had the power and didn't have to move off of the estate to use it.

As with anything becoming a councillor for the first time there is an awful lot to learn we are told, Joan had the experience of course but Dave Miles and Fred Barns were not slow to learn, but there was a difference between them, Fred recognised the need at the time to keep George on side for a while, Dave was his own man, he had strong trade union links and also good friends in the labour group. This did not go down well with George he could see his control was slipping, so he started looking round for another puppet, and he found one, Barry Poulton, so when it came round to the selection interviews for the 2006 elections Dave Miles knew, he had seen what was going to happen so did not even attend for interview.

So the 2006 slate for Thames ward were Fred Barns, Barry Poulton and Joan Rawlinson. When the votes were counted Fred Barns - 1264; Barry Poulton - 1127; Joan Rawlinson - 1157. On the face of it a winning team with Fred once again increasing his numbers over George, but, the peace did not last long, only a couple of weeks, and then the real nastiness started.

As usual this posting is a matter of allegation, rumour, anecdote, observations and historical memory/fact.

Sunday, 16 August 2009


As is usual this posting is a matter of rumour, allegations, anecdotes, observations and historical memory/fact.

As stated at the end of the last posting we will now go on to tell you how George Shaw ruined a very well regarded Headteacher.

Because of the sensitivity of this issue we will try as much as we can to protect the Headteacher by not naming her or her school.

As is fully recognised nowadays the Governing Body of a school has far more legal responsibility for what goes on in their school than they ever did before, but, what must always be remembered is that the day to day management of the school is the sole responsibility of the Headteacher.

This school on Thames view had Roy Patient as Chair of Governors well versed in the relationship the governors should have with the Headteacher. This newly appointed Head was a consummate professional, who wanted to work in an area where the children had a great need for a good education. She was we have been told also a long time member of the Labour Party, she duly set about bringing a breath of fresh air to the school, but none of this would or could save her from the venom of George Shaw.

He made no secret we are told from her early days in the school of saying he wanted rid of her and took every chance he could to undermine her work in the school. Rather unluckily for George it appears he had met a worthy opponent, this Headteacher was very strong and dignified and George had little chance to make an attack.

However after many years at the school building a wonderful relationship with the community and her children George got his chance.

It is said that the Headteacher had cause to dismiss one of the dinner ladies for a serious breach of parent confidentiality. The woman had it seems 3 previous warnings about her behaviour so the Headteacher was left with little choice but to dismiss, the governors were all made aware of the situation and agreed with the Heads actions. But, the dinner lady went to see George, and yes, you guessed it, George took this as his one chance to get rid of the Head, he told the dinner lady that he totally supported her and would make sure she was reinstated.

We have not been able to discover which officers George Shaw dealt with on this, probably because they have all left the council now, but George did what George does best, he bullied, he bullied and he ranted and raved until the officers caved in and told the Headteacher she had to re-instate the dinner lady.

The remaining governors were shocked at this, and we are told that there were a number of meetings which took place with the Head, the Director of Education and some of the governors, but in the end, the bully won. This bullying and controlling councillor was responsible for the breakdown of a totally professional and dedicated Headteacher who we understand left and has never returned to the profession she loved, he destroyed her, for no other reason than to show he could, and that he didn't like her.

This gossiping dinner lady who used to stand outside the school gates and give out confidential information to all who would listen kept her job. And of course who did she vote for after that, who was the man who saved her job? George Shaw.

Who we think, all can see now is a bully, who hates women who are stronger and more intelligent than him, and this bully will do anything to win.

We will come more up to date in our next chapter.

As usual this posting is a matter of rumour, allegations, observations, anecdote and historical memory/fact.


We have been asked to place this response to whoever it was who made the comment about Jo Chesterton leaving the council, and the comment went further to allege that the council is near bankrupt.

A very senior member of the Labour Group has asked that we state that Jo Chesterton chose to leave for his own personal reasons.

And as for the councils finances they are in good shape, Barking & Dagenham is a 4* council one of only 26 in the country. You don't get that kind of acknowledgement if you are bankrupt.

Saturday, 15 August 2009


Not one comment on the life and times of George Shaw so far.

Is this because North Street know that. What has been written is correct, or is it that they have been instructed to stay away?
Not that this matters to us, but it is very much a codemnation on them and appears to bear out that the information given to us by so many people is accurate.

We will of course continue with the story as there is still much to be told.

And just a word to the wise North Street this blog is not a flash in the pan.

Thursday, 13 August 2009

George Shaw Part 2

As is usual this posting is a matter of allegations, rumour, anecdote, observations and historical memory/fact.

At the end of part 1 we had informed you that there appeared to be a problem with the electrics at the farm and that some workers and volunteers had been electrocuted while working although thankfully none of them were seriously hurt.

While all of this was going on following the departure of the previous manager had taken over she had the very full support of George Shaw so much so that George would not accept any criticism of her at all. The management committee were pushing for the job to out to advert, but, George did not want that he is reported as saying that he did not want any intellectuals applying so as you can guess the temp manager got the job. She soon fell into line on just how George wanted things done, but, there were serious problems on the horizon, on of which was the electricity.

We understand that a very fiery meeting of the management committee took place to discuss this very serious issue. As any responsible person would expect there were requests that this matter be taken seriously, that a qualified electrical surveyor (possibly from the council) be called in to find out exactly what the problem was, and then for this surveyor to report to the MC how it could be fixed. George Shaw was having none of this, he demanded that the new manager be allowed to get on with fixing it as she saw fit. George it would seem had been in discussion with the new manager and it was a case of she knew a friend of a friend who could fix it.

With his usual manner of browbeating and bullying he forced the resignation of several members of the management committee and got exactly what he wanted total and absolute control with now no one to challenge him. From the investigations we have managed to carry out we understand that the situation with the electricity was never put right and safe, but, this did not seem to worry George because he was very much aware that there were other problems on the horizon.

It seems that the finances of the farm were not what they should have been, invoices and bills not being paid. The Council had stated it wanted a Business Plan ready before the next allotment of Grant funding was due, but George had stuck his head in the sand, he was obviously working under the principal that all he needed to do was talk to Grants officers in the council and everything would be OK, but this is where things started to change.

Over a period of time the new manager had grown into her position, and was increasingly speaking up for herself and putting forward her own views on how the farm should be managed, how money should be spent etc. Of course as with others before her this did not go down well with George Shaw.

The very real and very sad outcome of George Shaw's need for revenge on this one is that it has had a major impact not only on the community in Thames ward but for children all over the borough.

George decided that the new manager had to go, but, in doing this he also took the decision that the farm should go as well, don't forget George was due to come off the council, he would no longer have the automatic place on the management committee, so he just did not care how much damage his poisonous venom did.

We understand in the end that the Council took the decision that it could no longer fund the City Farm, which we suppose they the Council had had a good look at the books etc and come to that decision on a financial level, but, no one was in place who could ask George Shaw just what he had spent the money on, he was the Chairman the responsibility was his, but as is always the case with George the farm was dead to him, he just walked away leaving a trail of devastation behind him.

In Part 3 we will inform you of the damage done by George Shaw to a very professional Headteacher.

As always this posting is a matter of rumour, observations, allegations, anecdotes and historical memory/facts.

Wednesday, 12 August 2009


As usual this posting is a matter of rumour, observations, allegations, anecdotes and historical memory/facts.

We have discovered that some 38 years ago (1971) George Shaw was first elected to Barking & Dagenham council to represent Gascoigne ward then following the boundary changes he was re-elected in 1978 to represent Thames ward with Dougie Walters, Scrattons Farm was not part of Thames ward back then, it is said that both George and Dougie were right wing, and both of them disliked the much loved MP Jo Richardson and at elections times did all they could to get rid of her. Thankfully for the residents of Barking they were not successful.

George's career on the council seemed to kick of big almost from the start, he was elected as Vice Chairman of housing 1972 to 1977 while his old side kick John Lawrence was Chairman.

When Dougie Walters retired from the council the seat went to Roy Patient. It seems that Roy and George and their families had been friends for many years, and for some years to come they both worked together very well, to some observers at the time if was firmly believed that Roy got on because he did what George told him to. But we are getting ahead of ourselves.

In 1977 George Shaw finally put the knife into the back of John Lawrence and took the Chair of Housing, as a consolation prize he allowed John to stay as his vice chair. He even convinced John to take the Chair back while he was Mayor in 1985/86 but he was back firmly in control as Chair while he was Deputy Mayor.

It is difficult to explain and probably just as difficult to comprehend just how much power Chairman of committees had in those days, but they were incredibly powerful, and some like George abused that power with relish.

Just take for instance officers in Housing, if you did not get on the right side of the Chairman, you just did not get promoted, you may even loose your job. Even the hiring of officers down to the most lowly of positions was done by a panel of members who were usually George's cronies, who were happy to get the additional money for turning up at the meeting, and of course very grateful to the Chairman, so it won't be a stretch of your imagination to think what could and did happen there.

But as far as Thames ward was concerned it was George Shaw's kingdom and he ruled it, you did not get a council tenancy on Thames unless the lettings committee which he Chaired approved it, later on when that committee was abolished, officers just quietly passed him the list, and bearing in mind how right wing George is we think you can guess the rest.

At some time in mid 80s Roy Patient started to stand up for himself and develop his own career on the council, George cut him stone dead, would not talk to him, no reason was ever given why, the families that had grown up together no longer spoke. This was George punishing Roy in much the same way as he is now punishing Fred Barns, Roy showed he was his own man, he was not George's lap dog, and then George filled with his venom, decided that as far has he was concerned Roy was dead to him, the exact words George has used to Fred.

George set to with his nasty bullying mind to get rid of Roy, he spread vicious rumours around the ward, he made life so uncomfortable for Roy but even more so for Roy's wife who was at home most days on her own and had been cut off from people she thought were friends. George even tried to ridicule Roy in the council chamber, but George always does his best work in the dark and he knew that Roy would not tolerate his wife being so unhappy and lonely. Eventually Roy sold his house and moved away. Many people will tell you about the big smile and the crowing that George did on that day.

One thing you need to realise about George Shaw is that in Thames ward his reach was endless, if you were a council officer and you were working on anything in his ward, if he didn't like you you didn't keep your job for long, especially if you were a woman. Just as the very last Youth officer that run the youth club there before it very conveniently burned down found out.

Ask many of the Voluntary Sector organisations who tried to operate in the ward......but lets just take one as an example.

The City Farm. The area of the farm was originally waste land, and we are told the idea came from Barry Watson, the electricity company agreed to give the land for free and the council gave money from the Grants committee (Chaired by our old friend Brown envelope Davis). After some time and because we understand for health reasons Barry Watson left, George Shaw became Chairman of the management committee, lots of volunteers were trained to work on the farm, the visitor numbers were brilliant. A Councillor colleague became manager of the project, and things seemed to go OK for a while, but as with everything, the minute the manager starts to think for themselves George is in with the venom, he managed very skillfully to so blacken the name of the manager, she lost not only her job but her place on the council, still shrouded in mystery that one.

But an even more worrying matter was happening at the farm, there was concerns raised many a time about the electrical supply to the farm and how some of the workers and volunteers were being electrocuted while working around the farm, although non of them were seriously hurt this was a real worry for the more responsible members of the management committee.

We think there is a need to take a break in this posting we are sure you will agree that trying to get over 30 years of bullying and skulduggery down in one posting, and for our readers to sit and read it is a bit too much, so END of part one as they say.

As usual this posting is a matter of rumour, allegations, observations anecdotes and historical memory/fact.