Thursday, 17 September 2009


We hear from our insider that Messrs Rodwell and Twomey have had to re-open the Local Government panel.................we hear that they are surprised they only have 46 candidates when they need 51.

We could have told them that weeks ago, if they would only listen. If they had played it by the book, and if the North Street mafia had not corrupted the whole sorry process it would all be over and done with weeks ago.

This is what happens when you allow outsiders to play out their personal vendettas.

We also hear that at the most recent meeting of the London Region Board, Ken Clark was moaning that the whole process was taking up too much time. Well Ken corruption does take time because honest people will challenge it, and will go on challenging it.

So just a little bit of advice Messrs Rodwell and Twomey, play this round of panel selections by the book, NO more personal vendettas, NO more trying to get family and friends in just because they are family and friends, and who have no intention whatsoever of doing any work, play it by the book, other wise the challenges will just roll on and on, and in some instances could even end in legal proceedings we hear.

Of course this is just a little piece of advice.


  1. Once again editor you still haven't managed to come clean with the truth.....

    I understand from my ward meeting tonight that the email was sent to every ward, asking if any member who hasn't already been part of selection process can enter if they wish to do so.

    I also understand that this has always been the case and that's why the party had 90 members at the start of selections which was 35 more then in 2006.

    I must say editor you do seem to hear alot these days - it's a shame you and the merry men where not listening in 2006. As for advise I don't think you can offer any after what I've seen on this blog.

    I believe the pair have done a very good job for the party dispite your best efforts.

  2. Dear Anon @ 15.37

    Please do get your facts straight, the invitation to ward members makes NO reference whatsoever to "any member who hasnt been already been part of the selection process".

    In FACT that would be a breach of the Labour Party Rules as Messrs Rodwell, Twomey and Chapman should be well aware.

    As for our information Anon, as we have stated many times in the past we do have someone on the inside who is so sickened by the corrupt practices that they are passing information to us on almost a daily basis now.

    So Anon we have told the TRUTH it is you that is trying to twist the truth for your own advantage.

  3. Poor old anon @ 15.37, dont know which ward you belong to but I would suggest that you ask to actually see the email first before you come jumping on here.

    The Eds right you know, they cannot bar anyone even those who have tried and through corruption and petty vendettas failed first time round.

    I could even ask anon if you are now trying to twist things just because this blog issued the advice yesterday?

    Well the cat is out of the bag as they say, even Rodwell and Twomey must obey the party rules now, they are being watched, and not only by party members.

    I just wish the Editor would actually get hold of the email and post it on here so we can all see, that way there could be no arguement.

    night shift worker

  4. I can confirm what the original posting says, and the comment from the Editor, the invitation to ALL ward members did NOT ban anyone from applying, even if they had failed first time round.

    As has been said this would break party rules.

    Barking party member

    ps I have actually seen the email sent out by Dominic Twomey

  5. Thanks for putting this blog on, I didnt know it existed until this week when i read the local paper.

    I live in Barking on the Gascoigne estate and had heard that we could be loosing Val and Milton, and I signed the petition but didnt know all of what has been going on.

    I spent several hours last night reading through your blog and now fully am with you.

    Its about time the ordinary voter started to use the power they have, we have the vote, not a bunch sitting in a room somewhere.

    I belong to a club on the Gascoigne and I am going to make sure that all of our members get to read whats been going on, and I suggest that others do the same, the more we get the information out to friends, neighbours etc the better.

    We dont want to loose our hard working and trusted councillors, and now we have a chance of being better informed the battle is now joined.

    thanks to this blog and the Dagenham post

    Gascoigne resident

  6. Thanks to the letter writer in this weeks Post I can now find out what is being hidden from the majority of party members in the borough.

    I live in Valence ward, and up until the election next year I still eblieve that I am a Dagenham member and Jon Cruddas is my MP no matter what M Hodge thinks.

    I could not make it to the selection interviews because my wife has been very ill, and I did not get a letter asking me to go to the short listing meeting either.

    But round the shops over the last couple of days I have had a chat with other members and they told me what happened. I was very angry that you turned you backs on Don he is a good man and is still doing his job and the first person I and many contact with a problem.

    I have also heard that the powers to be think Valence is not winnable thats why L Rice and her husband would not stand in the ward. and had to be found safe seats, well they are in for a big shock then.

    In my opinion for what its worth Valence is very winnable with the right people in there doing the work, they have to want to do the work, and they need to be able to relate to the people who liver hear.

    Ive been told that the ward has already told london region and others one of the people they want, and I agree with what some of my friends in the ward have said. It will be a fight and we want a fighter and we want to choose who we want not what you want to dump on us just because you think it cant be won.

    We live hear we talk to people and we know it can.

    Valence ward member and Dagenham party member

  7. I wish Valence all the luck in the world in fighting the BNP and hope they do appoint candidates that care about the ward and the fight ahead. Candidates thats choose to stand in Valence win my respect. Don is a good person and has been a great councillor bue he agrees that his ill health is preventing him from giving all he can and needs to in this fight.


  8. Ive met up with a couple of the Valence ward members over this weekend.

    They tell me they all got rather vocal and heated with Linda Rice who was in the Chair, because her husband couldnt make it because he had to look after the children.

    It seems that Linda Rice told them that the Panel had been re-opened and that invitations were being invited from members who wanted to be considered as there were vacancies.

    The ward members then I was told, told the Chair who they wanted in Valence, they also said who they didnt want as well.

    Linda Rice then told them that they couldnt have the people they wanted as "we have decided". Now what Valence ward want to know, and so do I as a party member is who is the "we" that has made these decisions.

    It cant be the Local Government committee as they have not met I understand. And it cant be Barking CLP because its nothing to do with them, and not their decision to make, and it certainly isnt Dagenham, so who is it?

    until 2010 a Dagenham party member

    ps because of course the exec of the LGC would already know that in line with party rules they cannot prevent any party member putting in an application.

  9. So I understand it after talking to a member of the LGC you can't re-enter if you have been refused before?

  10. Sorry anon @ 13.57 would suggest that your friend who you claim is a member of the LGC goes and has a look at the party rules........there is no reference in the rules to those being turned down not being able to apply again.

    In fact anon my union has checked it out with members of the partys NEC and their advice to any member who was turned down first time round is to apply again.

    Looks to me like Messrs Rodwell, Twomey and Chapman are trying to make the rules up as they go along, and how it suits them, of course, many are aware that Rodwell wants his daughter to go forward as she needs the extra income.

    Still lets wait and see shall we, who will win this one, Rodwell and Twomey or members of the partys NEC.

    night shift worker

  11. The post from anon @ 4.57 sure makes for interesting reading. Especially the quote from L Rice if true that "we have decided". I also want to know who the we are.

    many of us in barking party were totally unaware of all that has been put on this blog. we would turn up for ward meetings, have a bit of a chat about local issues, we were always told there was no correspondence which some of us questioned as we always used to get correspondence sent through from the clp by the previous secretarys, but not this one.

    Now since learning about this blog many of us can see why, and we dont like it, the labour party is not supposed to be a closed shop where only those at the centre know what is going on as has clerly been demonstrated by this blog.

    well more of us are finding out now, some say its too late to do anything about it, but there are growing numbers of us that think otherwise.

    we are thinking of all getting together to plan just what we can do, and if its possible to get a place to meet we will but we wont be inviting any of the noth street crowd to join us.

    upset barking party member

  12. Everyone knows that for years it was based on the old boy network that decided if you were going to be a candidate. The applications and independent interviews are new and this is what the deselected did not like hence this website. I welcome the new process as it allows everyone to be considered not just those that were already councillors or sheep that just were appointed as they agree with the bully boys. Read Matthew Huggins book if you don’t believe me. I hope this process continues in Barking for years to come. It is fair and just and has allowed many more people to apply who are skillful and committed to doing the best for the local resident

  13. Anon @2.02 you really are a joke, a very sad joke if you honestly believe what you have written.

    You are obviously very new to the party otherwise you would have known that in the past just to get onto the panel individuals were interviewed by the whole of the Local Government committee.

    There is nothing new in this process other than the FACT that the North Street mafia have corrupted it for their own benefit.

    At NO time did Darren Rodwell as Chair of the LGC consult with the members of the LGC about calling in London Region to do the selections - first breach of the rule. At no time has Darren Rodwell or even D Twomey as the secretary run background checks on the individuals who applied.

    At no time has Darren Rodwell brough back to the LGC the list of candidates for its endorsement. 2nd breach of the rules

    Perhaps if they had the would not be facing some very nasty publicity for the party when the ball starts rolling.

    And as for being skillful well LOL the many individuals that North Street have lied and cheated to get onto the selections dont have the necessary skills to get on a bus.

    There has been NOTHING FAIR or JUST in the whole of this process.

    your time is very nearly at an end.

    we will rock you

  14. "We will rock you" - after speaking to the LGC chair I believe you may have your fact's wrong on your first point and as for your second point I don't believe the selection process has finished yet, once it has then the LGC will vote on it

  15. And that is your answer is it anon @ 8.17 you spoke to the Chair of the LGC? well good for you, and did you ask him to show you where in the Labour Party Rule book it states this.

    Please try looking at the rules yourself, as we have all been told on here many times that the Chair has great difficulty in reading.

    Not a defense for his actions.

  16. Dear Editor I'm sure if you had the nerve, you yourself could speak with him and hear the reasons on why you and others are wrong.

    I would say it's show a lack of understanding on your part and from talking to him and others I'm still confused on what needs defending.

  17. We have no wish or need to talk to the Chair of the LGC, and it is not a matter of nerve, it is more a matter of applying the rule book.

    You know all those things that North Street does not stand for fairness and justice and more importantly honest.

  18. north street not standing for fairness, justice and honest - sounds like pot kettle black to me.

    i heard you were kicked out of one party before and now not selected for labour maybe nows the time to sit back and think about what it is about you rather then attack everyone else around you?
