As is usual this posting is a matter of rumour, allegations, observations, anecdotes, historical memory/fact and written statements.
So we come to the Sunday of the Thames Ward Selection interviews. As has been explained to us there is a ruling that the ward has to be quorate to select their candidates if not then their numbers will be made up from the Executive committee of the CLP. One way that the North Street mafia have made sure that they will be able to impose THEIR candidates on the wards was by setting the quorate number at an unachievable number of 10. They knew that many wards would be unable to achieve this. And to be honest Barking & Dagenham parties have never treated their members in this manner before they always set what they knew to be a realistic number, so that ward members would know that they were selecting the candidates, and that they would know that they were getting the best candidates for their area.
Still Thames Ward would have been able to reach this number with ease, if it had not been for the corrupt actions once again of George Shaw.
We are informed that only 1 Thames Ward member turned up for the meeting. We are also informed that this member is wheelchair bound and had contacted the LGC Secretary Dominic Twomey to ask if the venue they had selected for the meeting was readily accessible for members with disabilities, she was informed that it was not. This is a clear breach of the Labour Party rules, which state that all venues MUST be accessible for members with disabilities. We understand that Dominic Twomey told her that if she wanted to attend he would make sure that she was carried up what was a steep flight of steps, which were on the outside of the building onto the street.
Does Mr Twomey and his partners in crime have no sense in how incredibly embarrassing this was for the member. We find this totally shocking bearing in mind the organization that Mr Twomey and we believe Mr Rodwell works for in the borough, is the largest champion for rights for the disabled no less.
Still so committed to attending this member turned up and was aided and manhandled up the steep flight of steps into the building.
She was the ONLY member from Thames Ward to attend, George Shaw had of course arranged it with his buddies that they did not attend, and other loyal members had been so sickened and angry at the corrupt actions of George Shaw at the shortlisting meeting that they did not attend either.
Even if those few had attended they would not have been quorate, and therefore the EC committee would and were brought in and imposed their choice of candidates.
The single member who did attend has informed many members that she was totally disgusted with the way that the process was handled from start to finish.
But as we pointed out to our readers yesterday there is a way to successfully challenge this process because of the illegal use of members who had no entitlement to be members of the EC committee.
We can now inform our readers that 10 members of Thames ward have formally resigned from the party and at least another further 10 who subs are due within the next month or two have let us know that they will not be renewing their subscriptions to the Labour Party.
In Thames Ward we would respectfully suggest that this is totally due to members now seeing George Shaw for what he really is a bully, a spiteful and vindictive old man. He has been like this for most of his life but now it is finally out in the open members and more importantly the voters in the ward are disgusted. They are telling us that unless there is a radical change in the ward,and that unless Fred Barns and Joan Rawlinson are re-instated they will not vote Labour in the elections, and this doesn't just mean the local elections they will not vote for Margaret Hodge.
Can she or the local party afford to loose all those votes, we don't think so.
The local labour party has the time, the local government committee has the time to change, not only for Thames Ward, but, also the other wards where these dirty deeds have been done. It will cost Labour Barking we can promise you that.
Why? because when we start rolling out the very grave and important facts that we have discovered about some of your other candidates, some of which is criminal you will be in even more trouble.
As is usual this posting is a matter of rumour, allegations, anecdote, observations, historical memory/fact and written evidence.
It would seem that the people behind this blog are not the true labour party members as they claim to be - because of they were they would not be acting the manner that they are. The only thing that this website is going to achieve is helping the BNP. How shameful for the residents of this borough when the first BNP council are elected, and even more shameful for the people that have helped to elect them. Lets hope the people who are posting on this blog realise this before it is too late.
ReplyDeleteDo give it a rest anon, you keep twittering on that this blog and those who comment on it will bring about a bnp council, have you not considered the fact that the North Street mafia are doing that all by themselves?
ReplyDeleteIf you wanted your strongest team to keep out the BNP why have you taken out those with a proven track record and handed the ward to the BNP, lets list them for you, Thames ward for a start Labour is totally finished there you/or the north street mafia have taken out Fred and Joan and let in the womble Barry Poulton, residents are outraged they will not support or vote a labour slate without Fred and Joan, so you have lost Thames and thats just for starters.
Gascoigne Ward Milton McKenzie and Val Rush, you have pushed Milton in to Dagenham and totally removed Val the residents themselves have raised a massive petition and they too are outraged, they will not vote a labour slate without Milton or Val so you have lost Gascoigne.
Goresbrook, true to say only 1 labour councillor there Warren but he is also well supported in the area, plus all of the party members have resigned in disgust.
Are you getting the message yet, OK Abbey ward may just squeeze through on the muslim vote, but you have been so arrogant in your selection of candidates there by putting up 3 muslim candidates you are telling the rest of the electorate in that ward up yours we dont need your vote and we dont care what you think or say anymore.
Just a few examples for you anon but I would hope that you finally get the picture on just who is really handing Barking to the BNP.
night shift worker
Looks like this blog is growing or about to grow in readership, thanks to a letter in yesterdays Dagenham post which put the blogs address in and invites other interested residents to have a read.
ReplyDeleteAlso I noticed that another couple of blogs have also picked us up, pickled politics, and the tory Ian Dale well I suppose we could do without him.
But thanks to the Dagenham Post letter writer.
Dagenham party member
Brilliant piece about George Shaw ducking out of the selection interviews, could not even face his own members then.
ReplyDeleteHe must realize by now that all of his dirty little secrets are out in the open, and certainly us residents on the view are seeing him in a different light.
Good thing for this blog bringing politics back to the people, lets see just what really goes on.
Thames view resident
I cannot believe that George Shaw has treated the residents of the ward with such contempt. After all the years he has spent telling us he knows what is best for us.
ReplyDeleteHow he is so committed to Thames ward, and that he would do everything in his power to make sure we are well represented, and then through sheer bloody arrogance or was it as has been said cowardice he just dont turn up for the selection interviews.
Well thats done it for me and my family we will not be voting Labour next time round, and we will make sure our neighbours and friends find out the truth too.
Thanks to the Dagenham Post and the letter writer who put me onto this blog I and many like me are finally finding out just what the truth is.
Thames Ward resident.
Ten is a pretty standard quoracy level for selection meetings. Ask around.
ReplyDeleteAlso I don't see how candidates selected by two, three or even six or seven people can have any credibility. The executive have a mandate, and it is right and constitutionally correct that they intervene.
This objection basically reveals that the old guard just bungled along for so long becuase tiny amounts of people were turning up to previous seelction meetings.
The executive have a what????? you must be joking, what that little lot did not have is the right to come in and impose their candidates against the wishes of the ward.
ReplyDeleteThis has got absolutely nothing to do with the old guard as you put it, but it has everything to do with corruption and personal vendettas.
I hear that you did not apply the same principals in the Dagenham selections, i hear you were just a wee bit too scared to go over there and try your tricks.
And as for being right that they intervene, read the bloody rules mate.
disgusted party member
Disgusted party member I've spoken to Dagenham members and they also had to run the same process as run in Barking CLP - So please get your facts right!
ReplyDeleteThe LGC are made up from members from Barking and Dagenham, which oversee the selection process and the process must be the same with both CLP's involvement.
Oh do grow up anon and use what little brain god gave you, we are all aware that Dagenham should have run the same process, just as we are all aware that they didnt, and we are also aware the Messrs Rodwell, Twomey and Chapman did not have the balls to challenge the fact.
ReplyDeleteSo give the holier than thou speech a bloody rest will you.
Dagenham deals with its own.
disgusted party member
So tell us "disgusted party member" what was different because I believe both were overseen by the LGC and the process was followed in the same way and the leader himself assured me it was? As for grown ups I believe it's not members like myself acting as children from what I've seen and read on this blog! Lastly I think the party has done something that needed to be done for a while.
ReplyDeleteWith or without support from some narrow minded, self centered bigots.
As for Dagenham dealing with it’s own – It’s a shame you didn’t deal with the BNP.
So the Leader himself assured you it was did he? well that should give readers and supporters some indication of who you are.
ReplyDeleteAs for taking assurances, that just goes to prove that the LGC Messrs Rodwell and Twomey did NOT interfere and poke their noses into the Dagenham process in the same way they did Barking. Becuase if they had, a) they would have been told to p...s o..f and even if they had insisted which I doubt very much that pair of cowards would, they would have seen for themselves just how Dagenham ran their selections.
And you think the party (which you have only been a member of for 5 minutes) needed this do you? Then you support corrupt practices, lying and cheating to get what you want and to settle old personal vendettas as the right thing to do??????
As for your suggestion that those who disagree with what the North street mafia has done are narrow minded and self centered bigots, I would just suggest to you that the many members of the party and also members of the public who disagree with you and yours cannot all be wrong.
The old saying goes, you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool ALL of the people all of the time.
And you reckon you are dealing with the BNP do you? well there is a growing number of people that firmly believe that you and yours are dealing with the BNP, in fact there is strong belief you have struck a deal with the BNP, and that you are working to ensure that next May their wards will be strengthend, and that you and your chums will get a financial benefit out of it.
So please dont come on hear in your arrogance, as you and your cronies continue to do, and belittle people who dont agree with what you are doing. They and me have a right to be heard.
And your driving Barking party further to the right is not going to win you any support.
disgusted party member
When will you understand that North Street do not support the BNP and that no deals have been done with them? You really should look at the candidates that are standing - surley the BME status of so many of them tell you this alone? For the others look who their friends are and the amount of work that they do in fighting the BNP. Instead of sitting at your computer and having a go at everyone why dont you get our there and help with the fight? The infighting needs to stop and Labour members unite and discuss their differences behind close doors and take complaints to the right avenue rather then playing in to the hands of the BNP and washing their dirty laundry in public
ReplyDeleteWE and friends and supporters will believe it, as and when the North Street mafia stop their cosying up to the BNP, when Letchford stops having his lengthy meetings with Barnbrook.
ReplyDeleteAnd when North Street realise that by loading wards with BME candidates they are handing those wards to the BNP with no fight needed.
Just be honest with us, did the BNP write the script for what you are doing?
To fight the BNP you need to know what is being said on the ground in order to fight it. Ignoring them and their sympathizers will not help defeat them or help resolve the issues that are exist. As I said previously look at the work that is being done to try and undo the lies the BNP are spreading? These are your party members you should be talking to and supporting rather then spreading rumors about on this blog.
ReplyDeleteBME labour members had every right to apply to be candidates and just like every other job if they have the commitment and skills to carry out the job they should be appointed to be candidates on their merit and not denied a place because of the colour of their skin, or religious view points. There are laws about this no?
The BNP were not just elected by residents because of peoples fears of BME moving into the community (although there will be some who did) but also because of the state of the borough were we live. Look at the state of our pavements and roads? In some parts of Barking and Dagenham it’s like living down a farm road. Look at our schools - even our best schools are only achieving half of what Newham and Havering good schools are - look at the league tables if you disagree. What about the state of our council houses that have damp and mould and we expect young families to live in? We might not like it but these are the real reasons why people are choosing to vote for another party. These are the issues that we should be working on.
Editor - you need to understand that you are helping the BNP with your blog which is very sad as you seem so against them. Your comment about the BME Coucnillors may also lose your support within the BME community and others. Maybe its time you start talking with your party about your concerns and try to resolve them in the right manner?
you just have no idea of the truth do you,
ReplyDeleteyou expect everyone to believe what you say is gospel,yet by your own admission it is based on rumour, hearsay and gossip,you still can not produce hard evidence in most of the statements you have made,and this will probaly come back and bite you on your behinds as well,because it is well kmown that now you have made more enemies than friends
For Gods Sake. There have been many first hand witnesses contributed to this blog as to what has gone on in the selection procedures, and so many who have first hand experience of the lies and corruption and still you believe the writers of this blog are making it all up.
ReplyDeleteWhat will it take for you stupid b...... to see sense? The truth is in front of you from people who know and have put their names to what they have witnessed, and still you can't believe it.
Blinkered or stupid?
"Loading Barking Labour Party with BME candidates," will hand the wards to the BNP.
ReplyDeleteEditor please don't tar the elecetorate of Barking and Dagenham with your own racist views, some people are able to see beyond the colour of a candidates skin and look for people who care about their community and are willing to do the work when casting their vote.
And if you have such a problem with BME candidates, there's another party you can join where they have none at all.
I dont think the Editor or any others who run this blog have racist views, they just know the community well, and have an idea how to run a successful election campaign, which by now it must be obvious the North Street mafia do NOT.
ReplyDeleteIf you were to have studied the demographics of the wards you would perhaps have a better idea of what the Editor was trying to say. And what MANY Barking party members know to be true. So dont come that load of old rubbish about racist comments.
As for anon @ 12.15 you have shown by your own pitiful and arrogant views that you have not got a clue how things work in local government.
You have also shown that you are NOT prepared to give credit where credit is due, do you really not recognize the great improvements in education in Barking & Dagenham? do you give no credit at all for the money spent on schools in the borough, nobody is saying we are there yet but a long way has been travelled by existing councillors, you give no credit for the millions being spent on road and pavement improvements. All recognised and led by existing councillors.
And finally housing, yes recognized as one of the biggest issues in the borough, but you give no credit whatsoever for the fact that this council is leading the fight to get the levy paid to government returned. In fact North Street has not even come out in support of the Labour majority group on this. Yet Dagenham has.
You give no credit for the works already being done to improve housing stock.
In fact you give NO bloody credit at all do you?
Your arrogance and your vindictiveness, and your hunger for power, and in many cases additional income, leads you to believe that you can put up a slate of 2nd rate candidates in Barking, some of whom have serious criminal backgrounds, in your arrogant belief that only you lot can put things right.
Well as far as I am concerned and after reading on here and talking with residents across the borough thank God it looks as though you are not even going to get the chance.
we will rock you
As is usual with the North Street mafia they will try any trick in the book to try to distract friends and readers from the original subject of this posting which was the racist,bullying and cowardly actions of George Shaw.
ReplyDeleteFor what ever reason George seems not to want to come on here and put his own case forward, well thats ok with us George, we have given you every chance, in fact over 10 chapters to come on and deny all or part of what has been written.
You have chosen not to George so we take it then that you are in agreement with the postings and the supporting comments.
As for the previous anon comments trying to brand us as racist just goes to prove that the North Street mafia do not have any idea at all on who they are dealing with, and rightly so.
But, thank you to "we will rock you" for pointing out just what we had been trying to say and the dumbwits at North street could not or would not understand, we totally and fully support BME candidates going through for election, but, you would expect those who are organizing the campaign, and we understand Darren Rodwell is the campaign co-ordinator, to use some commonsense.
Still what can you expect??????
We will rock you - if you reread the posting at 12.15 I was highlighting the reasons why people have voted for BNP in the past - these have been and remain the issues that need to be addressed.
ReplyDeleteI am not arrogant or vindictive, hungry for power or money as you have suggested. I am not a deselected councilor, a labour member or candidate. However I am a lifelong labour voter – something that I am not sure you are in fact I would go as far as suggesting that the BNP are behind this blog. If you really are against the BNP then you need to decide what you are doing and stop helping them.
Sorry anon @3.17 wrong again, the BNP is not running this blog, they have absolutely nothing to do with this blog. And your silly digs along with others that have been posted today will be treated with the contempt they deserve.
ReplyDeleteReaders and supporters will be very much aware of what you and your cronies (although you deny being one of them) are trying to do, the Editor said as much earlier, you are desparately trying to divert attention away from George Shaw, and the corrupt and vindictive approach being taken by the North Street mafia.
In fact if you sit down and read it properly, North Street are doing far more to assist the BNP, and that is why we will continue to draw readers attention to the closeness of certain so called labour candidates and the BNP.
We know very well which side we are on anon, on the side of honesty and fairness, can the same be said of you?
I saw the elliusive George Shaw walking on the estate this weekend, his stupid hat pulled down over his face as if he didnt want to be recognised, shoulders tooped and looking like a man who has lost his way.
ReplyDeleteClearly not wanting to run into conversation with anybody, it was really comical to follow him down the road, if he saw someone coming towards him he recognised he crossed over the road, he spent some time zig zagging up Bastable ave.
Perhaps the next thing we will see is the For Sale sign going up at Georges house, that will certainly be something to cheer at.
We might even throw a party.
Dont even bother (north street) coming on here and telling us we are a load of bullies. This is just pay back for the many years that George Shaw spent telling us it was all for our own good, while he hounded other well respected people out of their jobs, and that includes Fred and Joan
Thames View resident
Thames View Resident - George is not hiding in fact he continues to work hard for the Labour Party which can’t be said about other people. However hounding someone in the area that they live and bullying them out of their home is morally wrong, not to mention the lies and defamation of character on the web is clearly harassment. Maybe you want to reveal your name so the police can investigate your appalling behaviour.
ReplyDeleteMy appalling behaviour, so seeing someone out on the street and watching how they walk down it is appalling behaviour is it.
ReplyDeleteThen I would love to know what you call the bullying and driving people out of their jobs that George Shaw has done in the past, and certainly seems to be bent on continuing.
There is nothing wrong with the truth you know the truth sets us free
Thames view resident
It would appear that the editor is making mistakes again... It seems that Thames View Resident, We will Rock You and Night Shift Worker are all the same person. Ed Do you use different names as you want people to think that more people are viewing this site and supporting you then there actually is? Apparently Bob Bailey suffers with schizophrenia maybe the BNP is the editor of this site after all?
ReplyDeleteLies and Defamation? What planet are you from?
ReplyDeleteThere is truth and honesty on this blog. And why would the police be interested in someone walking down the road behind someone else.
Get real you idiot.
George only works for George.
Would be really interested to hear how anon @ 7.55 comes to that conclusion.
ReplyDeleteDo you honestly believe all we have to do with our time is sit at a keyboard and churn out comments.
Sorry friend you are way off base as always, if we have anything to say we say it under either Ed or Admin, we dont have to come up with other names, unlike some of your more undesirable friends.
As tonight has been quite busy on shift, I have not been able to catch up until the early hours this morning, reading anons post @ 7.55 is enough to send anyone off to sleep.
ReplyDeleteYou lot at North street just keep clutching at straws dont you.
You pounce on anything and try to twist it how you think it should be, just as you are trying to do with Barking party, its got to be your way or out you go.
Well straws have been known to blow away in the wind.
night shift worker
Dear friends and readers, we thought we would make a final statement on the issue of who is or is not hosting this blog, and who is not posting comments.
ReplyDeleteFirstly can we assure you that it is not the BNP.
Secondly, although some of our group are party members not all are, but as a whole we do believe in playing by the rules, and fighting corruption.
And lastly, the accusation made yesterday about some of our regular contributors.
Our hands were forced into having to moderate the comments before they appear on the blog as you will remember, and this can be very time consuming.
Therefore there are a small number of regular contributors who we trust that will come straight through and not have to go through moderation.
We hope that this now settles this matter and we can move on.
really? you worked out what your mistake was then? but what i dont get is that the named contributers are putting comments as anon and then putting a name at the end? there fore they are not members and would not have sign in accounts. this would show under followers section surley? Also how can they comment when a comment has not been displayed and then both comments appear at once? sounds a bit dodgy to me??? you may claim not be the bnp but the the damage this blog may do to the labour party you might as well be.
ReplyDeleteIf I dont want to be listed as a follower then thats my choice isnt it. And please try and improve on your spelling?????? Its surely not surley, but thats you innit, very surley.
ReplyDeleteAnd you obviously need to brush up on your computer skills, and from what i know there is such a thing as a telephone, dont you think people talk to one another.
In my view for what its worth the only damage being done to labour in Barking and Dagenham is being done by north street, and of course the government aint helping.
thames view resident