Sunday, 13 September 2009


Despite us in numerous postings reminding you and others that there is a Labour Party Rule Book which ALL members are required to abide by. You have constantly failed to take notice of it.

We have been inundated over the last couple of days by emails from party members asking us to point out to you that:

In line with Party Rules in the selection of candidates for Local Government, those candidates are required to be ENDORSED by the Local Government Committee.

That does not mean that a) the Chair and Secretary can sit down over a cup of tea and endorse them. That does not mean that b) only the North Street mafia members of the Local Government Committee can endorse them.

What it does mean is that you are required to call a meeting of the Local Government Committee so that each individual candidate can be ENDORSED or REJECTED as the Local Government Committee sees fit.

Until such time as you do this, the candidates are NOT prospective candidates at all.

And just to add to your concerns, what do you propose to do if Ward Members refuse to endorse and accept the candidates that you have forced on them. Just who is going to do the work in the wards?

We are asking this because we hear that you ran into some problems this weekend in the selection process. We also hear that there is a possibility that as there are no more candidates on the panel, and you have vacancies, that you are proposing to fill the gaps with persons who have NOT been through the selection panel process, we hear that you are proposing to impose these people and in fact may have already done so, one of which we understand could be Darren Rodwells daughter.

Well our advice to you is that if that is what you have done or are proposing to do you are leaving yourself right open to a successful legal challenge.

And as it appears to us from the correspondence we are receiving that more members are now waking up to exactly what is going on, there very well could be a legal challenge mounted by a large number of very disaffected party members.

By the way, because of the large number of emails received overnight giving various points of view into exactly what went on yesterday, it may take us a little while to put it all together for posting.


  1. What I have heard today is that the Eastbury Ward members gave the North Street mafia a real bloody nose yesterday.

    Can you confirm this?

    Barking party member

  2. Could not agree more with your very good advice to Rodwell and Twomey. In fact I would go further, as a long standing member of the party and also a delegate to the local government committee

    I would like to put forward the following motion, lets face it many members of the party read this blog, even with the threats of expulsion hanging over their heads, and we also know the North Street mafia read it too, so

    I move the MOTION that a meeting of the Local Government Committee be called to review and where agreed endorse the candidates.

    Also just so Messrs Rodwell and Twomey know that their every action is being watched, I would like to let them know that we are all very much aware of just who went through the selection process, and therefore know exactly who is on the panel.

    We also know you did not have enough people on the panel to fill all of the seats especially women, and taking into account that at least 1 member told you that they did not wish to stand in any other ward.

    So, you cannot legitimately just phone around friends and relations and put them forward as candidates, which is something I hear you are trying to do in Mayesbrook and Valence Wards.

    You must open up the panel, and to do that you must write again to ALL party members, that includes the ones that you have done the dirty on.

    Be warned you are being watched.

    Long Standing Party member
    Local Government Delegate`

  3. A meeting of the Local Government committee must be called immediately.

    Dagenham party member

  4. I am getting really fed up with Barking calling all the shots, we in Dagenham want to get on and fight a successful election campaign, and it seems to me every week there is news of lying and cheating coming out from Barking.

    Unfortunately Barking seems to have control of the local government committee, but that does not give them the right to cheat and lie using a joint committee as cover. because that gives the impression that Dagenham members are in on it. well we are not and we are fed up with it.

    So call a meeting, and I will be more than happy to move a vote of NO confidence against the Chair and the secretary. and London bloody region if it comes to it.

    angry dagenham member

  5. Never mind Dagenham party members getting bloody fed up with it, so are the really honest and decent members of Barking party, we are fed up with being lumped in together with what is now a closed shop.

    We hear nothing at all from the party other to be told, go there do this and vote this way.

    Well enough is enough, so I will join the call for a Local Government committee meeting to be called, with no interference from Hodge, Haywood or London Region, its about time the 2 parties got together and decided what they stand for honesty, or lies.

    Disgusted Barking party member

  6. Oh My God what the hell is going on in Barking and Dagenham. Thank God I moved away and am longer a member.
    These long standing councillors deserve your respect for all the free time (in the early days, no payment then) and effort they put in for their wards. All you are interested in is backstabbing each other and there is no concern at all for the suffering people of Barking and Dagenham.
    Would it be sour grapes that some of you were not re-selected? Maybe you were not good enough.
    Liam Smith as Leader!- you poor people. Didn't he walk the across floor? How can you trust someone who is on benefits and you are paying for his seven children! On the occassions I have seen him he had pink hair, scruffy clothes and acted like a complete yob.
    As for John Davis he is a wonderful councillor and I know he has helped many people and not for financial gain (or brown envelopes. How rude is that) Would this be also jealousy?
    Joe Lacey has not got a villa in Spain. Are you upset that you have not been invited to go on holiday with him? I wonder why.
    All of you get a life and go back to grass roots and serve the people of Barking and Dagenham, after all that is what you are paid for.

    Ex Dagenhamite

  7. I could not agree more with the posting and the comments, as a Dagenham member I do not want to be tarred with the same brush, and that is what is happening.

    It needs to be sorted once and for all, call an LGC meeting.

    Party member

  8. Thank God you are an Ex Dagenhamite. We have enough lies coming out of North Street thank you very much.

    Barking party member

  9. Well said ex dagenhamite. I to have seeked advice and help from councillor Davis over many years and yes he has been nothing but helpful and never asked for anything in return. Councillor Davis has gained many friends over the years as councillor not because he gets anything out of this its because he is a genuinely nice helpful person who puts an awful lot of time into the community (even before councillors got paid). Would these new councillors that are coming in now be so keen if they were not getting paid for their time (I dont think so). See if they would do many years of hard work for nothing. Is all the rubbish on this site true or is it allegations, if its true then dont be cowards and sit behind a screen typing in your little hidouts, come forward and show yourself. If its allegations, then lets face it, whats the expression, oh yes, its not worth the paper it wrote on or in this case the site its typed on. Keep up the good work Councillor Davis. Well done you.

    Resident of Barking and Dagenham for over 40 years.

  10. I totally agree with you resident of over 40 years - it would appear that the bloggers will not put their name to the information. There are probably lots of reasons why this is the case I think the main reason is they are worried about what action will be taken against them for the slander of good people in this borough that want to make Barking and Dagenham a better place

  11. The cyber-bullying continues... but as the information is apparently true then it must be ok to act this manner.

  12. John Davis doing something for free, dont make me laugh, go and talk to some ex Ford workers, learn the history of the man. He earned the "brown envelope" title in Fords and he brought it with him and carried on earning it in his position as a councillor.

    Times have changed for John now, he no longer has any power on the council, thank heavens, He is treated as a joke and rightly so. He should never have got through to stand this time and if the selections had not been rigged he would not have done so.

    Again with the cyber bullying???? I will ask again how can telling the truth after all of these years be cyber bullying?

    night shift worker
