Thursday, 3 September 2009

*************NEWS UPDATE**********

We have been informed that a Barking CLP meeting took place this evening at North Street.

Our man on the inside (yes we do have one) tells us only approx 15 turned up. No MP. No Chairman, just where has John (brown envelope) Davis disappeared to?

So the saintly Darren Rodwell chaired the meeting, you know the one, who does everything for the community while putting their money in his companies bank account. Which we understand is very much in the red.

Graham Letchford stole our thunder by informing the meeting that all Goresbrook ward members have resigned, and he is the only one left, whoops Graham you forgot your wife. You also forgot to tell the meeting why the members had resigned, something we were storing up for next week, but, the members resigned we are very reliably informed because they would not stand for having Graham Letchford imposed on them as a candidate.

Just how many more good true labour party members have to resign before London Region get the message.

Our Insider also informs us that our blog was mentioned, great they are even talking about us in labour party meetings now, just what we like to hear, even if the Bully George Shaw states that he knows who we are. Poor old man he just doesn't get it does he.

We now have Insiders where he and the others wouldn't think we could have insiders, these are party members who at first when all this corruption started to come out just wanted to rip up their party membership cards, but after a number of conversations they now realize that the only way to fight is from the inside.

The North Street mafia will not even think twice about our Insiders, that is why they are so good at what they do.


  1. I think the question that has to be asked is how the North Street mafia who now control Barking Labour Party can put Graham Letchford forward as an Executive members of the party, as a Local Government delegate of the party, and I hear that at last nights comedy of errors they even put his wife forward as an Executive member of the party, without even telling her.

    I hear that she stated at the meeting she knew nothing about it and was very quickly told to keep quiet.

    How can the mafia and Letchford do this in the full knowledge that in his own words the ward is defunct because all members had resigned.

    When is the Labour party going to do something about this corrupt little bunch.

    Mind you I am not surprised at all that Goresbrook members have resigned in disgust, some of them have been members for a long time and well respected, and a couple of them have told me that they cannot support the corruption that is going on now.

    Wonder who North street will get to look after its garden now.

    night shift worker

  2. In recent days some contributors on this website have attempted to discredit barking true labour members not with reasoned arguments but by using a pornographic website it would appear, of children, something I find hard to comprehend. Don’t they understand that these children who are the victims of such appalling crimes cannot defend themselves? To then encourage people to view such sites is despicable. I hope the police will be able to trace who is responsible and prosecute them. I support “Barking true labour members” and I applaud “night shift worker’s” support of their work. Let me make it clear I do not know this Group or “night shift worker”. All I would say is that I have been a member of Thames Ward for many years and what they are saying is the truth, whether you like it or not. It is not cyber bullying to tell the truth. I have yet to read of one person on this website who has defended George Shaw and we now learn that he had to use North Street to get rid of Councillor Barns because he didn’t have the support of Thames Ward to do so. One party member was told she couldn’t enter the short listing meeting because her membership of the Labour Party had lapsed when in fact she had proof with her that that was not the case, the lady with her was so distressed she did not go into the meeting because she felt she had to support her friend. These are two ordinary women Labour party members who were stopped from carrying out their democratic right to use their vote as they were perfectly entitled to do. No one will ever convince me that the short listing meeting in Thames Ward was fair. It was conducted by a biased chair with the aid and support of the North Street mob and the London Region
    I do not forget Joan Rawlinson, a hard working councillor who was deselected by the London Region no doubt with the collusion of North Street. I wonder how it makes Jose Channer feel that North Street regard her as “only window dressing”. So much for the commitment of equality for all. There has to be a woman on the short list so Jose Channer, who no one in Thames Ward has ever heard of, will replace Joan Rawlinson as the woman candidate for Thames Ward. Joan has been a councillor for a number of years and has always worked hard, particularly for the people living on Scruttons Farm, where she lives and she has l00% support of the residents living in Thames Ward. It may well be that Jose Channer is a good candidate but is it right that George Shaw and the North Street mob should dictate who shall and shan’t represent Thames Ward as the candidates for the Labour Party at the forthcoming local elections. The same applies to most of the hardworking deselected councillors by the London Region. They have been replaced by candidates of whom little or nothing is known. In the past candidates had to have worked in the local community before being considered suitable quite apart from the checks that should be made into their background. Not any longer it appears.
    We hear now that the whole of Goresbrook Ward members have resigned from the Labour Party and I can imagine how angry they feel but if we all do this these corrupt people will be able to continue to tear the local party apart. We need to continue exposing how corrupt they are. I have sometimes felt like tearing up my card myself but I can’t do it because I still believe in what some would call the “old Labour Party” and its core values. Dennis Skinner told me once when I was at the House of Commons you must keep on fighting for the Labour Party and what it stands for, a better life for ordinary people. Unless the national Labour Party at last heed what is happening in Barking and call for an enquiry into the corruption here it may be that all members who feel the same as me shall have to take Goresbrook’s lead and leave the Labour Party. What will be left won’t be the Labour Party anyway. (cont. below)

  3. (Cont from above comment) I am sure there will be people who will dismiss what I am saying on this website as completely untrue but so be it, the truth is often hard to accept but unless we accept it and acknowledge the corruption that is going on we could end up with a BNP Council and we can then kiss goodbye to the values that I and many others who joined the Labour Party so long ago have fought so hard to protect. As a member of the local party I ask two questions. l. Who authorised the London Region to intervene in the selection of standing candidates? 2. Why? I don’t expect anyone to come on this website and give an honest answer. I agree with the commentator who says all this was planned long ago. It gives me no pleasure to say this, it just makes me very sad.

  4. What I want to know is where has all our money gone.

    Barking members have not seen any paper work about our finances for months.

    We dont know what money that lot in North Street are spending or even what they are spending it on.

    They seem to forget it is NOT their money it is ours.

    And while I am on about money, what about the Share club, Tom Fitz Henry is a great bloke as straight as a die and he offered to run this as a way to raise funds for OUR party.

    There used to be a draw every couple of months where those who had paid in had a good chance of winning a few bob.

    Nothing on this now for months and months. Dont you corrupt lot get it, its illegal for you to hold onto that share money.

    Its not yours, and unless I and many others who have been paying into that for years now get some proper legal answers we are calling in the police.

    Party member

  5. All the above are perfectly reasonable comments and at last people who are giving well thought out arguments about what is going on in Barking.

    There is nothing to add, but applause for sensible and well balanced comments. Unlike other stupid and childish ones. Adults at last
    rather than idiots and narrow minded bigots.

    When are we going to see some action on all that is going on? Keep up the good work, whoever is running this blog.

  6. The answer is simple - Come to the CLP or ward meetings and get the answers to your questions through the proper channels....... Until then you wont nor should you receive an answer on this forum including from Mr Shaw.

    From talking to members at the meeting, I believe you also forgot to say in your reporting of the Barking CLP meeting last night that this site was condemned by all of the leadership – Regional, Borough and CLP level.

    So I don’t know who you think you are speaking for, but it’s not the Labour Party of Barking and Dagenham or it's residents.

  7. Members should NOT have to ask "what are you doing with our money" there should be a monthly up date from the Treasurer.

    There should be an annual written statement from the Treasurer?

    You are also holding back Share Club monies that are not yours to hold.

    Ordinary members should as they used to receive full correspondence from the CLP Secretary this does not happen.

    The North Street mafia is a closed shop, a private club, its not working with the ordinary members it doesnt even want to work with them. It will listen to no questioning of its dictates either.

    As for your stating that this site was condemned by all and sundry at your meeting, the feedback from our Insider, yes we do have one, right at the heart of the North Street mafia, tells us that Ken Clark stated that if it were discovered that party members were running this site they would be expelled. Well we are ok then.

    Leader of the Councils advice was dont read it then!!!!!

    Who are we speaking for, we are putting up conversation points, results of investigations and contributions from Party members and residents.

    And we reckon that we are in all probability reaching far more of those than you are.

  8. I always thought that political parties were covered by financial regulations and as such had to give financial reports, accurate ones at that to its members.

    Why are the North Street mafia ducking the issue now?

    Its not their money they are playing with. Its not the MPs money either and neither she nor any of her staff should have any say or direction in how it is spent.

    My advice to Barking Party members is to call in the Financial Services Authority and get them to go through the books, you as party members need to find out that was is being spent has been brought to you for approval first.

    My money bets that you as party members have no idea on just what and where your money is being spent on.

    night shift worker

  9. night shift worker seems to think he knows all about everything, doesn't he? And.. when he says, things like, "you, as party members need to find out", etc. etc. ad nauseum, and yawn. Well that would pre-suppose that he is not a member himself, and that being the case, I would respectfully, of course, suggest that he minds his own business, and continues his own, night shift work, if of course that is a genuine comment.
    Baring Labour member

  10. by "man on the inside" do you by any chance mean "woman, formerly on the inside and now bitter"?
