Thursday, 8 December 2011


We have been a bit tied up the last few days.........we are on the trail of the real life story of Stinkypants and we would appreciate our readers help, any piece of info no matter how little will go to making the bigger picture.

What do we have so far you may ask........well, cast your minds back to 2009 when Stinkypants first appeared, he claimed to have sent an email to M Hodge stating that he was coming back to Britain from Korea to help her fight the BNP. What utter rubbish, the nearest Stinkypants has been to Korea was his library borrowed atlas..........

Secondly, we have absolute proof that Stinkypants has NOT seen any military service, that is unless of course he counts his 3 week membership of the Boys Brigade.

Where do we go from here? you may ask, we are looking very closely into his alleged term as a councillor in another part of the country.

Now what we ask you to bear in mind in this investigation is who it was that brought Stinkypants into the borough, yep, Darren Rodwell, just how many of Stinkypants tall stories does he know.

We will not give up on this one, we understand that Stinkypants may be feeling a little vulnerable at the moment, and he don't like being called Stinkypants, but that's how its going to be until we unmask just who or what he really is.

Sunday, 27 November 2011


Or words to that effect was the pronouncement made by Hodge this week in her speech to the press stating she would be fighting to save the £330,000 grant to the Broadway theatre.

You would think that St Hodge had the good common sense to understand the hard times people in the borough are suffering, what with the increase in food prices and utility prices and the growing cost of child care for working parents, but, no not St Hodge, she says we must have culture, well in good times we would agree, but, what do you cut out to buy the theatre tickets????????

Can you imagine, "sorry kids, sandwich only for the next 3 weeks, and don't forget no lights, no TV, we have to save for the theatre tickets".............

Give us a break Hodge and get with the real people.

The worrying thing is her Barking Mafia will do as they are told and vote to keep the grant to the theatre, so what service gets cut to the tune of £330,000?

Thursday, 24 November 2011


There we were sitting with all of the other civic minded residents taking part in the Leaders Consultation on the budget. Some had even managed to read through the very badly written reports in officer speak.

Quite a few residents were asking questions looking for assurances, but finally for us the penny dropped, one resident raised his concerns over the planned reduction on community safety coordinators.

We were surprised at the answer given by the Deputy Leader, he stated that the community safety coordinators posts would stay. So the decision has already been taken then????????? so if they are staying whats going in their place?

Really we should not be surprised a Councillors wife works in this department and so does a Councillors sister in law.

Consultation you couldn't make it up.

Saturday, 5 November 2011


We are sure many of you would have read the Deputy Leaders defence of council members when it was suggested by a member of the public that they should take a pay cut.

The Deputy Leader stated "they give good value for money" hahaha

Just go on the council website and have a look at the members attendance figures, lets just stick a pin in 2 Dee Hunt expected at 19 meetings she attended 8. Tony Perry expected at 32 meetings he attended 24.

And they are not the only ones who are sitting pretty, taking the money and doing no work for it.

Come off it Deputy Leader, "value for money" you couldn't make it up.

Monday, 31 October 2011


Why? is Margaret Hodge MP holding meetings with the councils Finance Director?????

As far as we understand the councils finances are no business of an MP, so, is she just trying to protect her own little groups or looking to poke her nose in where she shouldn't?

As far as finances are concerned Hodge is the last person to consult with, look at the mess and debt she got Islington council into while Leader.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011


According to todays Post Pondfield park has come into the tidy sum of £45,000 to put in additional play areas.

We have been asked by residents and supporters of Thames Eco park to remind the supporters of Pondfield park that they have an outstanding debt to the Eco park of £64,000.

Just a brief summary of why; several years ago that money was allocated to the Eco park, but, because the soil tests were taking time Damian Parker agreed with Thames residents that the money would be loaned out to Pondfield park on the full understanding that any future monies coming in for Pondfield would be repaid to the Eco park.

We have been informed that the chair of the residents association and former councillors have copies of all necessary relevant paperwork.

So come on Pondfield repay your debt.

Monday, 24 October 2011


We are very reliably informed that a very cosy meeting took place to discuss the way forward on the Hope pub in Gascoigne road. At this meeting were the Police, 3 ward Councillors and the Imman. Oddly no residents, especially as the pub is in a residential area.

Anyway the councillors see no problem at all with the pub being converted to a Mosque (NO surprise there) even though the police did raise the issues of the BNP and EDL and probable demonstrations.

Never mind just wait and see what happens when the residents find out. We can only hope for their sakes that the majority of councillors will recognise that 3 Mosques in Barking is just too many.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011


We are reliably informed that things are heating up within the labour group, certain individuals are wearing out the corridor that leads to the Director of Finance office all of them going behind the backs of individual Cabinet members trying to protect either their own jobs, which rely on council funding, ie Rodwell and Twomey, or to protect his wife's job, Rodwell, or to protect the funding of their Cultural society, Saeed.

Why should they be protected? all services are under threat, more council staff may very well be made redundant, are they fighting to save these? No just their own.

What a self serving bunch of bastards.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011


You may have read in the local press today that stinky Baldwin has been slung out of the Labour group and, suspended by the Labour Party.

Just who do we have to blame for this? Darren Rodwell of course, so determined was he that he was going to control Barking's selection and new Councillors, he got rid of hardworking, knowledgeable and loyal Councillors only to replace them with: those who don't care, don't attend meetings, don't work in their wards and.........well the list is endless.

So just how did this all kick off? it appears to revolve around the career ladder climbing of Josie Channer, you remember her of course, selected to stand in Thames ward, who just 3 days before polling day rushed to the cash desk to pay the £000s she owed in Council tax, also quoted in last years New Statesman when questioned about the elections that "they (meaning the cultural shift in the local party) had pissed off all the white voters" with a laugh, and this is the indiviual for whom Rodwell kicked out Joan Rawlinson a very hard working Councillor.

Well it appears that Josie not a year into service as a Councillor got herself shortlisted for interview in a by-election in Leicestershire, not selected, she also went onto put herself forward for the GLA and has been selected to fight for Bexley.

It appears that a couple of weeks ago at a meeting Caroline Flint MP took it upon herself to praise Josie Channer for defeating the BNP, this we have been told really pissed stinky Baldwin off, and in one of his usual drunken fits he sat down to fire off endless abusive emails to party members.

Stinky has never been a stable character and in fact we have spent some time researching his background, his claims of military service are mis-leading, so are his claims to be a member of the legal profession, his claim to have served as a councillor before???? well you should talk to some members of that council they would confirm what we knew 18 months ago.

STINKY is and always will be a fraud, and we are happy to go on record and say that Darren Rodwell knew this, way back when he met him in Newham and invited Stinky to stand for election in Barking with a promise that he would do ok.

Well it seems Stinky will go to the Tories, how much longer before the biggest traitor to True Labour Values, Darren Rodwell crosses the floor to join him?

Tuesday, 11 October 2011


Keep a look out on here, we are just dotting the eyes and crossing the t's on a pot boiler that will really put Rodwell to shame..........

keep a look out

Friday, 30 September 2011


So where does all this moving around leave Hodge and Barking Clp?

Well 2 wards come over from Redbridge, so there is a good chance that Mike Gapes will be challenging Hodge for the seat!!!!!!

And the funniest of all Hodge gets a ward from Dagenham .........River ward the one she really did not want. It is one of the largest in the borough with nearly 90 members, who really don't want anything to do with Barking, but more importantly they HATE Hodge, they would see her in hell before they selected her as MP.

Lots of fun on the way.

Monday, 26 September 2011


It seems Dagenham are working on their plans to give the Barking Mafia a bloody nose. Not only will they take out the 9 Councillors in the wards going back to Dagenham, ie Alibon, Parsloes and Valence, but they will also take out any Barking Councillors who live in those wards but sit on the council for another Barking ward.

Talk about cleaning house Dagenham members are really going to enjoy themselves.

Saturday, 17 September 2011


We thought we would leave this post for a few days following the announcement hoping the penny would drop with interested parties.  Looks like the penny needs to drop even further for Rodwell!!!!! he has stated in the press that he is quite pleased/happy to be going over to Dagenham CLP.  SILLY BOY!!!!!

They, Dagenham cannot wait for the Wards to go back over, Alibon, Valence and Parsloes, if Rodwell and his cronies think they are going to get re-selected to stand next time round they can forget it.

We are reliably informed that the only sitting Councillor from those 3 wards who will get through is Bert Collins.

When Dagenham punishes it does it right, they have long memories and they are very loyal, they also have the full backing of the Unions.

So Rodwell and co., make the most of it, humiliation is coming your way.  Many people over the past couple of years have been heard to say "what goes around comes around" well it looks like they are going to be proven right.

In fact Hodge may even find she will have a fight on her hands to get reselected in Barking, but more on that next time.



Friday, 19 August 2011


We have been tipped off that the Mayor Milton McKenzie has no problem at all in rubbing the workforces nose in it.

It appears he wants a new car for the rest of his year, not satisfied with what is already there or even a vehicle for £40,000 he is demanding a Jaguar at £70,000 a pop.

Of course sensible people would understand the anger of the work force many of whom have had to take a pay cut.

Somebody needs to tell McKenzie NO and advise him that residents are facing cuts and so are the council workforce.

Perhaps in the spirit of London he should just get one of Boris bikes.

Monday, 15 August 2011


Who said this then? M Hodge MP for Barking.

As all will be aware MPs were recalled to the House last Thursday to debate the riots that had been ongoing in parts of the country.

It would have been reasonable to expect that the MPs of those areas that had had riots would have been in the House representing their constituency, not so Hodge......on holiday we hear, although so were many other MPs who returned to answer the recall.

Also many would have read the article in the Dagenham Post the day before on Wednesday, where Hodge claims 100s of residents had phoned her saying they were terrified...RUBBISH she was on holiday, so that article was a load of lies as well.

Still residents of the borough should be thankful for the firm stand the Leader of the Council is taking, the very fact that the council set up a facebook page to keep people informed which is we are told still being updated.

Its a great start Mr Leader but now you have to follow through with firm and robust actions. Why should tax payers money go to paying for yobs to have a week away, why should the youth provision be targeted at the yobs in a soft and cosy manner.

And do watch out for the pressure from the self interest groups who only want money, many will have see the like on tv over the past few days.

If they had been doing such a great job in the past why did we have the riots last week? Perhaps this is a question Hodge should have asked in the House last Thursday, our money is on the Leader of the Council asking the question now.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011


We send our deepest sympathy to the family of Alan Thomas who has sadly passed away.

He was a stalwart councillor for Goresbrook Ward, much liked and respected.


We are reliably informed that at a recent meeting with residents and council officers one of the ward councillors for Thames informed them that Cllr Josie Channer would no longer be attending meetings with residents in the ward, as she feels she is being Victimized.

Why? you could ask, has it got anything to do with the church she attends on the ward, the horrendous noise from the church that can be heard in a residents garden a mile away, the fact that church members feel the have a legal right to go into the road and marshall traffic, holding up residents.

And of course when residents complain NOTHING is done. We do understand that the church wants the council to hand over a large chunk of land down there so they can do a new build and Cllr Channer appears to be driving this idea.

Also, we hear she is hedging her bets and will also be a candidate in the 2012 GLA elections, it seems one way or another she is determined to get the land.

Monday, 1 August 2011


Don't have to take our word for it, go and have a look at the BNP London Patriot website.

Full story and and photo of Rodwell, obviously not his council photo, one could ask how the BNP took this one.

So why are they so full of praise for Rodwell, it seems he has followed through with their suggestion to look to scrap the Union Reps funding..........

You have been warned Rodwell take on the unions at your peril, lets face it you are not their most favorite councillor, and once the workforce learn you are trying to take away their legal right to Union representation, all at the suggestion of the BNP, ( no matter how you try to wrap it) you will loose.

There has always been the suggestion that Rodwell was to close to the BNP, we think this goes a long way to prove it.

Wednesday, 27 July 2011


We here that there is debate going on in the offices of the local newspaper over a change of name. It has been suggested that the paper be renamed the Rodwell Times haha.

Well what can you say he has at least one picture and one story in every week, this does not of course mean he is doing any work it just means he has got a good inside contact at the paper.

Well this weeks story is about to give him the biggest load of grief he ever had, we read Rodwell is going to take on the Unions, well good luck with that one, don't call us when their tanks are parked on your lawn.

Someone really should get a grip of this man.


Welcome back we have had a few weeks sun and sand and returned to find things are changing.....and not for the better......

Just have a look at those MISSING Councillors, Baldwin has vanished off the face of the earth, Hunt and Barrett obviously feel they no longer need to work for their money, so the residents of Mayesbrook ward have no representation at all.

Goresbrook......well Lollipop Louise gone altogether, Letchford evicted and still missing, so this ward is down to 1.

If you look at the attendance figures for all Councillors they are appalling, we have to ask why the Chief Whip is allowing this to happen?

Thursday, 7 July 2011


We have been contacted by a number of our readers following an article in this weeks Post, they have asked that we set the record right about Rodwells invitation to the Queens Garden Party.

You can check the procedure out your self with an officer in the councils Democratic Services.

Every year the Council along with all councils receive an allocated number of places between 4/6 to the garden party, usual practice is then that all councillors who have not been before and wish to attend submit their names to officers/ Leader, lucky names are then pulled out of the hat.

That's how Rodwell got his this year, nothing to do with the Queen noticing him, and as for him being so arrogant as to believe the Queen will even notice him let alone speak to him , its laughable.

What a Liar

Monday, 4 July 2011


Instead of scrabbling around to get their dirty little hands on money, shouldn't Rodwell and Twomey be calling an AGM of the Local Government Committee? we hear that the LGC has not met for nearly 2 years since R & T took it over.


We have been reliably informed that one of the Barking mafia councillors has been evicted from their house for the 2nd time in a year for failing to pay their rent.

A few questions to be answered on this..........will this councillor now be given a council property?

Is this councillor in breach of the councils code of conduct for members?

Let us know who you think it is.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011


Cast your minds back a few weeks when we drew to your attention a really poor report from the Children's services Select committee, yes that's right, the me me me I I I report of the Lead Member. We were rightly critical of the report and the Lead Member Linda Rice.

Well it appears that the labour group listened to us and agreed, last night at the groups AGM Linda Rice lost her place as Lead Member to Laila worries there we are all very much aware of just how lazy Ms Butt is.

Who else moved around? you may ask, well Nirmal Gill is new Chair of Assembly. Saint Rodwell has passed his Lead Member on Safer communities to Tariq Saeed, questionable one this, Rodwell of course has gone where he will be most happy, Finance.

We would suggest that it might be a good idea if the auditors who have to report to his committee have a good look at his companies finance.

The real headache is the move of Evilyn Carpenter to group secretary. We just warn hold on to your hats its going to get bumpy.

We were asked a few days ago why she lost her job with the council. We understand it was an accumulation of issues, ie Evilyn is not a team player, she cannot follow a line managers instructions, Evilyn is ALWAYS right even when she is wrong. But, we believe the final straw was an issue over financial irregularities.

We will post more as we find out.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011


Our attention has been drawn to day to an article in todays Dagenham Post.

Of course all are concerned with the Budget cuts proposed and accepted by the out going board members of the PCT.

But what really made us laugh is just how easy it is to disprove a lie that Rodwell made to the press.

He claims that he resigned over the proposal not to take forward the plan for a community hospital on the old Aventis site.

Rodwell claims that he was so disappointed that this project would not go ahead that he resigned from the Board of the PCT.

Doesn't Rodwell know that the "Minutes" for all PCT board meetings are published on the internet?

Just to set the record straight Rodwell did not resign the PCT Board ceased to exist on the 31st March 2011. That's when he lost his job, we are pretty sure he will miss the additional money, but, knowing Rodwell as we all do it wont take him long to find another way to fill his pockets.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011


Talk about double standards!!!!!!! councillors are imposing Parking Charges on the workforce, this means that for staff at the Civic, Town Hall or any other council buildings staff will have to pay approx £240 per year.

But, no charge is to be levied on Councillors.

The openness and even handiness of this bunch really should be called into question.

A wage freeze on staff, pay cuts for some, and for a great number more, job losses.

Just what sacrifice are these councillors making? none of course.

Why shouldn't Councillors have to pay and share the pain of their workforce?


A little easy quiz to start off

Which councillor makes sure that at the end of a civic function, or even after a meeting he takes home 2 or 3 doggie bags?

Which councillor when reporting left behind black rubbish sacks always bumps the number up from 4 to 40?

are you there yet?

We know have an explanation for this councillors excesses...........we are very reliably informed that he knocks back a large bottle of scotch every day.......

Now you don't have to take our word for it, ask his neighbours, ask the refuse collectors who have to lift his bottle box every fortnight.

At least we can be thankful that he doesn't drive.

Monday, 2 May 2011


Why has Councillor Twomey announced that his select committee will be holding an investigation into the problems at Queens maternity unit?

Has Councillor Twomey been on another planet for the last couple of months?

Or, has Councillor Twomey had more pressing issues to deal with?

Well lets help him along a bit shall we? Councillor Twomey for your information there has already been an investigation into Queens Maternity unit by an official government department, they have already issued their findings in a report which you can get on line.

They have also issued their recommendations which Queens have to comply with in a set out time frame.

We understand their time ran out last Wednesday, perhaps Councillor Twomey should also read the follow up report.

Just don't waste officer and member time, and of course council tax payers money on an investigation that has already been done by persons far more qualified that you Councillor Twomey.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011


It seems that over a short period of time, in fact less than a year the council has gone from being responsible and diligent where money is concerned to being totally off the wall.

Why have they now painted a Yellow Brick Road in the Ripple Road? do we assume that this Yellow Brick road will continue down to the Heathway so that all travellers on the road can see the fantastic PLASTIC flowers in the hanging baskets.

You really couldn't make this up!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, 15 April 2011


We hear that concern is growing amongst council workers about the behaviour of Walter. It appears that even though Walter will not leave his home, he is glued to his laptop and the vitriol that pours into his emails to officers and occasionally to members is growing. We understand that in the past it has been very rare for an officer to make a complaint against a member, but, now so concerned are officers with the abuse and content of his emails that they are working together to put in a very robust complaint about him. We are told that all evidence is being collected, by a senior officer. Mind you this is not the first time we hear..........his previous contact with council officers in another part of the country was pretty much the same.........we understand that he didn't hang around too long. By the way on a personal note, perhaps his best friend needs to have a quite word about body odour.....

Wednesday, 13 April 2011


There we were thinking that finally the councillors in B & D were sensitive to the hardships being faced by residents and more importantly the workforce, they were going to cut the members pay budget and remove the allowance for Deputy Chairs. OK its not a lot of money, but is was a start. We should have known better. No Turkey is going to vote for Christmas. Sneaky Twomey brought a motion to the Assembly to keep the allowance for Deputy Chairs, he actually stated that the job of Deputy is more than chairing a meeting when the Chair is not there. Get real Twomey............that is all they do, its money for nothing. Still what can we expect?

Saturday, 9 April 2011


A number of our readers have contacted us this week to point us in the direction of an article in a number of national newspapers last weekend. It appears that a local government award ceremony had been held in London, a real posh do by all accounts B & D council booked a table which cost quite a bit of money so that officers could go on this jolly, it was stated that the money to pay for the table, food and booze came out of the Children's services budget ???????? By mid week when the local paper reported on this someone on the council had changed their response and stated that the money came from the chief executives budget. Firstly we could ask the question why it was necessary for officers to go on this jolly for a job they get very well paid to do anyway. Secondly why does the chief executive have a budget, just how much is in this budget? These questions are quite legitimate for council tax payers to ask, after all it is their money. But, if you think that's bad just wait until May, this is when the council holds one of its bigger jollys. This is when the Mayor for the year is sworn in, all 51 councillors will be invited along with their partners, plus the families of the incoming and outgoing Mayor, and of course don't forget officers and the usual hangers on. There will be food and booze for all paid once again from your council tax. Don't you think that the councillors need or should be a bit more sensitive to the fact that they are imposing cuts on their residents? and more importantly they are making staff redundant. Of course we know that insensitivity is a watchword for the Barking mafia so we don't expect any change there.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011


Once again in this weeks local press Rodwell is moaning because the 'council' are not dishing out money for Street Parties to celebrate the Royal Wedding, "he doesn't understand why" Rodwell says. Well lets just explain it for him shall we???? Just look at the cuts the council are having to make, look at the council staff that are being made redundant, doesn't that tell you why Rodwell? The council has already agreed to allocate a small amount of funding for St Georges Day which has been done for the last couple of years and has been accepted. Why should council tenants rent money and residents council tax money be there for you and your friends to dip their hands into for a 'jolly'? Over the years there is evidence to back up that Rodwell dipped his hands in and personally benefited from council funding. So a suggestion Rodwell there are 4 wage packets going into your household, if you want a jolly on the 29th pay it yourself.

Monday, 28 March 2011


We note with a great deal of interest that there are some financial cuts coming to members according to the report going to this months Assembly. Vice Chairs/Deputy lead Members will only get paid if they have to take the chair of a meeting. Ok its not a lot but its a start. Also we note that there will be no post of Deputy Mayor and therefore no payment. On the scale of things its peanuts but its a start.


Members of the Childrens Select Committee should seriously consider questioning why they even bother turning up for meetings????????? if we were in their position we would resign and just let the lead member get on with it. How on earth could they have agreed the wording of the report that is going to this months Assembly? Read it on the councils website, dont just take our word for it, it reads as though the Lead Member has done all of the work on her own...........the stupidity of officers allowing a report to go out worded like that really needs to be questioned. A committee is just that it is a group of interested people, not just a one woman band.

Friday, 25 March 2011


Well it didn't take him long..........we have been informed that our Walter/Liar has recently resigned from all committees he was on.

He now is only obliged to attend the Assembly meetings.

Why? well if we believe what he has said ????? he has a medical condition which prevents him from leaving his home. This also means he is no longer able to make visits to his ward to look at any problems raised by his residents.

No, you couldn't make this up, not been in place for a year and already ducking out of the work.

Nice money if you can get it.


Once again we have to read about the troubles at Queens maternity unity in the national newspapers.

Little or no news on the latest in the local press. Not a word from M Hodge MP no questions raised at the councils Health Select committee, we must ask Why?

We gather from the latest news that Queens have until next Wednesday to have made major improvements, if not, for the safety of Mums and babies the unity will close.

No words of reassurance coming through the local press either from the MP or the council that they are monitoring the situation, or even that they are asking questions.

How does that show that they care for Mums and babies in the borough. Queens is designated as a High Risk unity, that means that only Mums who have had problems in the past, or are likely to have problems this time round are admitted.

Do they not recognize the worry these Mums are facing now?

If Queens closes where do they go? don't even bother suggesting King Georges as we understand that the level of care there is none existent.

So come on Hodge and the council get your finger out and start representing all of your community.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011


Following on from our opening story on Walter Mitty, just put your thinking caps on and see if you can answer this:

As our Walter/Liar has stated frequently on the Internet that they were a member of the Armed Forces in 1960s.

How old would you expect our Walter to be now?

Tuesday, 15 March 2011


Over the years the Labour Group on the council has had its fair share of Walter Mitty characters.

A good few years ago there was 1 who liked to put initials after his name, no proven right to do so of course, but, it was thought of as harmless, that is until further matters caught up with him involving the police and a time in prison.

Strange world the next lot came in pairs, only 1 of which caused the group a major headache, problem with him was that to be a good liar you also have to have a good memory. To their credit the group dealt with this young man very quickly, although it did manage to cause a major split in the group, even Hodge poked her nose in (as always), at least one member of the existing group holds a grudge over it.

The other member who came on at the same time is to a certain extent quite harmless, quite laughable really we hear, if you were to say to them you have broken your arm they would say they have broken both of theirs and a leg as well.

Although we must say their neighbours don't find them harmless.

Now you are probably asking yourself what has this got to do with the here and now?

Well over the next week or two we will expose what is probably the biggest case of Mitty syndrome/or liar.

We will bring forward evidence that will prove that this member is not and can never be considered a truthful person.

Wait and see

Monday, 14 March 2011


We don't think so!!!!!

As residents in the borough start to watch their pennies. As the councils workforce gets smaller due to layoffs and redundancies, as the councils workforce are having to accept a pay freeze and in some areas even a pay cut...........where are the councillors feeling the pain?

We have now heard that from next month the councils workforce are having to face even more pain, those who in the past been in a position to claim their mileage for travel that is work related will not be able to make those claims anymore. The Essential car Allowance has gone, BUT only for the councils workforce, these cuts do not apply to Councillors they will still be allowed to claim their mileage. WHY?........what makes it so essential that councillors can claim their mileage?

Also coming in April is the fact that the councils workforce will have to pay to park their cars at work, either at the Civic or Town Hall and any other council sites. BUT, again this does not apply to Councillors, WHY?........ why do councillors not have to pay to park their cars?

It seems to us to be very much a case of "don't do as we do, do as we say".

When you consider that a fair number of the councillors have 2 or 3 incomes going into their household pots, they wont be feeling any of the pain that their residents and their workforce are feeling.

Shame on them.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011


We hear that the book has just be opened on who gets to be this years Mayor and already there are 5 names on the list.

Of course 3 are from Barking. 1 will be known to many he has been so desperate for the job. The major cause for concern with this one is his drinking habits, the fact that his partner is probably a member of the BNP and the fact that he cant string a sentence together. The only benefit for residents if he were to get the job is that it will be safer on the roads as he will not be driving himself anywhere.

No.2 and No3 are a little more worrying, No.2 is in major Debt, some would be concerned that the Mayors Charity money would go were it should.

No.3 would have to be sent for English Language lessons. There is also a money worry with this one, if you remember last year we reported that he only just got away with being arrested for attempting to commit fraud on a High Street Bank.

If Barking cant come up with safer hands than these we can see the votes will go to Dagenham. We hope.


Like us we are sure many would have read the praise Ms Hodge dolled out to Queens Hospital in the local press a couple of weeks ago. Full of herself of course that all of the problems she allegedly raised with them had been put right and at her latest visit she was very pleased with what she had seen!!!!!

She would have been better off reading the CQC report into the Maternity services at Queens, many would have read as we did in the national press that Queens is now in "Special Measures" they have we read less than a month to employ 50 more midwives and Consultants, and to replace all equipment necessary in a High Risk Unit.

Yes, a High Risk Unit that is what Queens Maternity is, no straightforward easy births, these are the ones that doctors and midwives know practically from the start may cause a problem and will need close monitoring.

Queens has the highest infant mortality rate in the country. Why hasn't Hodge looked at this? something that has been known in the area for quite some time.

And please don't think that the proposed Birthing Unit in Barking is going to solve the problem, this unit will only be for straightforward delivery.

Hodge must have known that the CQC report was coming, Queens are under a very real threat they will loose their licence and have to close their Maternity unless they fully comply with Special Measures.

This is why Hodge should hang her head in shame, she obviously didn't want to tackle a major issue, just the cosmetic look, and of course her picture in the paper.

Thursday, 24 February 2011


We have been reliably informed that the labour group recently had what could be called the most important meeting it has had in a very long time.

Along with all councils across the country the group were holding a meeting to discuss and decide the councils budget.

Remember this budget with its proposed cuts and spending will have a major impact on the residents of B & D, and just as importantly will have a major impact on council staff many of whom are facing department re-structures and redundancies.

We were shocked to learn that only 30 labour councillors turned up for this very important meeting, 21 couldn't be bothered. More importantly some of that 21 were members of a Trade Union.

They need to be reminded that being a member of a Union carries with it a responsibility.........its not just there for election times when you can get the money from your union or get union members to deliver your leaflets.

Well we hear you have lost that support.......

But more importantly how can the residents expect the support and care from the 21 councillors who could not be bothered to get out of their armchair, but, of course they still collect their pay each month.

Shame on you.

Saturday, 12 February 2011


Looking over the most recent paperwork for Rodwells select committee we note with some concern that once again Rodwell fails to make a Declaration of Interest when it comes to discussing Grants, T. Perry did we see and left the room while discussions took place.

Still this seems to becoming the norm where Rodwell is concerned. The point of interest in this item is the fact that although the Council has paid into the London Council Grants scheme for many years, and it has been known that the borough gets very little back for its money it has been decided that either some or all of the £500,000 will be returned to the council this year.

What Rodwell appears to be demanding is that the monies returned is Ring-fenced by the council to be spent on Grants to the Voluntary Sector, this would we assume be in addition to Grant money already budgeted by the council.

Now you could then ask the residents of the borough would they rather have this additional money spent on services provided by the council, which could mean a saving of some services as well as some council jobs. Or this money going into the very deep pockets of the "voluntary sector".

Just have a look at the salaries of the workers in the so called voluntary sector, their Chief Officers some of whom are on £70,000 plus, even their so called Managers are on £30,000 plus. We would suggest these are no longer Voluntary organizations, but, small business.

We reckon that the council tax payers in B & D would rather save their council services than inflate already too high salaries.

Then there is the other suggestion from Rodwell, he wants money from the Housing Revenue Account to go into the Grants pot as well.

For those who don't know what the HRA is that is the income from council tenants rents, and is set aside specifically to be spent on council housing.

Only 2 of the members of Rodwells select committee are council tenants so would be out voted or shouted down on Rodwells suggestion, but, we are pretty sure council tenants would rather have the money improving their homes instead of pouring more money into the voluntary sector.

Perhaps someone needs to let council tenants know just what Rodwell is planning to do with their money.

Friday, 11 February 2011


So speaks Saints.... Evilyn and Rodwell. The question we and many residents would ask is WHY?

Rodwell goes even further by insulting residents on the front page of the Post when he states that because the BNP only got 8 demonstrators to attend against the Mosque it is obvious to him that it is not a problem.

Well lets put him right shall the report that went to the planning committee it stated that the applicants only expect approx 80 people to use the Mosque. Put that up against the 1,300 residents who signed the petition against the development of a Mosque.

And even more worryingly the councillors ignored the officers recommendation that the application should be refused.

If you look at the membership of the planning committee you will see that the vast majority of the members are new therefore would not have the knowledge or experience to debate, and challenge the officers recommendation, but still this application was never going to fail was it? it was a promise made on the doorstep by Hodge and her Mafia and it will not be the last.

Still Evilyn should have the sense to realize she lost 1,300 votes that night by not following the democratic process.

Saturday, 5 February 2011


Who the f.......... hell put Linda Rice in as lead member on the Children's Services Select committee?

It has been known among certain circles that this mad woman has a very real grudge against the Education department within the council, in fact we are told that she was still in conflict with them when elected.

She has got a bee in her bonnet about Child protection policies in schools. In fact she spent some quite considerable energy in trying to ruin the reputation of at least one head teacher in the borough.

So on first look at the most recent papers for that select committee we were not surprised that she has taken it upon herself to start going into schools and interrogating Heads and teachers on the subject.

First a piece of advice to Heads and teachers, you do not have to allow her into the school, you do not have to subject yourself to her questions, but, if you choose to do so please make sure you have your Union Rep with you.

We will be following this up in more detail soon, but, we really should not be surprised at just how these lead members have got themselves in positions where they can serve either their own needs or those of their employers.

Rodwell, Lead Member for Community Safety select committee.........his wife works in the Community Safety department.......also Rodwells committee also covers Grants and as we have already stated on here Rodwell works for DABD who benefits from council Grants.

Twomey, Lead Member for Health and Adult services select committee, works for DABD as well so would of course be in a position to pass onto his employer any info regarding new projects either within the council or the PCT that his employer would be in a position to bid for.

We note with interest that since becoming lead members neither one of these has declared an interest, just why are council officers not doing their job?


With thanks to friends and supporters who maintained the blog while we soaked up the sun and the cricket.

We have a lot to catch up on..........the fight over the budget, the upcoming fight to see who gets to be Mayor??????? we may run a book on that one.

We are going to be spending the next couple of days talking to our inside contacts and of course going through reports.

See below a quick glimpse on just who we will be looking at first off.

Monday, 24 January 2011


Do be more careful what you say to residents at public meetings.....

We have been informed that at the end of last week Rodwell attended a public meeting, at the end of the meeting he was talking to a group of residents, who were we are told questioning him about why trusted councillors were got rid of and how they now had to put up with councillors they cannot contact and don't turn up at meetings.

We are told Rodwell stated that the previous councillors were de-selected because they were not doing their job............well the residents were we hear very quick to tell him that was a lie, and in fact its not only a lie its Slander and if those councillors who were de-selected by corrupt methods were to get together hire a solicitor and take Rodwell to court it could cost him quite a bit of money.

What is even more laughable is that when these same residents told him about how useless and unobtainable there new councillors are he said that legally they only had to attend 2 meetings a year to pick up their money and there was nothing the residents could do about it.............

Just goes to show the gravy train has made its way to B & D. Still give it time Rodwell could end up in a civil court.

Thursday, 20 January 2011


Pretty easy really when as Evilyn did when she decided to deliver on one of Margaret Hodges promises during the election campaign.

Madness must have overtaken Evilyn, when following a planning application being made for shop premises in Green Lanes to be turned into a Muslim community centre, to which 1,300 ++ voters in that area signed a petition against the application Evilyn spoke in favour of the centre which its reported would only be used by some 80 people.

Was she really suffering from madness? or was Evilyn forced into delivering Hodges promise?

There will be others!!!!!! it seems Hodge made a lot of promises on the doorstep, not that loosing 1,300 ++ votes will bother Hodge as we understand she will not be fighting another election, still perhaps Evilyn will have to learn her lessons the hard way, instead of just mouthing "we are listening to you" on the doorstep and then ignoring what the voters say, she really should have listened.

Thursday, 13 January 2011


Readers of this weeks Dagenham Post have contacted us to ask just when Barking had become a borough on its own, or is it just another symptom of the cracks in the labour Group.

It would appear Cllr Bartlett had a letter published in this weeks post calling on residents to for an action group "Barking against the cuts"

Looks to the residents as though Bartlett believes that there is only a Barking and no Dagenham.

Pretty sure Bartlett will find out different over the next few weeks.


Firstly can we wish all of our readers and contributors a Happy New Year.

Some years ago the B & D Labour Group took the decision to set up A Group Fund. All councillors already have to make a payment to the ALC so the group decided to put a levy on top of this which would cover Group expenditure, pay for any by elections etc.

Those councillors in receipt of special responsibility allowance would pay more than those in receipt of basic allowance.

All members agreed to this and we understand this is also in the groups Standing Orders.

Well we have only just got into the New Year and it appears that Margaret Hodge and Darren Rodwell have decided that they want the Barking councillors money.........

We have been informed that Hodge stated some few months ago that she would no longer be putting any money into Barking Labour Party, so we can only assume that this is why she and Rodwell are making the grab for what should be the Labour Groups funds.

Of course all of the usual mafia Muppet's will do exactly as they are told by Hodge and Rodwell, we hear that Dagenham members are not at all happy with the idea, and funnily enough there is a small group who are stating that they are not going to hand over "their" money either to the Group or to Barking CLP, as far as they are concerned its their money, they earned it.

Well firstly neither Hodge or Rodwell can make changes to the group Standing Orders in this way.

And secondly we are pretty sure the residents of Barking & Dagenham will not be at all happy especially at these tough financial times when they are having to watch every penny they are spending, and many probably struggling to pay their Council Tax, that Hodge and Rodwell want to skim of council tax payers hard earned money to fund their political agenda.

We will work hard to ensure that residents in the borough get to hear about this, then lets see what response Rodwell and Hodge come up with.