Tuesday, 8 March 2011


Like us we are sure many would have read the praise Ms Hodge dolled out to Queens Hospital in the local press a couple of weeks ago. Full of herself of course that all of the problems she allegedly raised with them had been put right and at her latest visit she was very pleased with what she had seen!!!!!

She would have been better off reading the CQC report into the Maternity services at Queens, many would have read as we did in the national press that Queens is now in "Special Measures" they have we read less than a month to employ 50 more midwives and Consultants, and to replace all equipment necessary in a High Risk Unit.

Yes, a High Risk Unit that is what Queens Maternity is, no straightforward easy births, these are the ones that doctors and midwives know practically from the start may cause a problem and will need close monitoring.

Queens has the highest infant mortality rate in the country. Why hasn't Hodge looked at this? something that has been known in the area for quite some time.

And please don't think that the proposed Birthing Unit in Barking is going to solve the problem, this unit will only be for straightforward delivery.

Hodge must have known that the CQC report was coming, Queens are under a very real threat they will loose their licence and have to close their Maternity unless they fully comply with Special Measures.

This is why Hodge should hang her head in shame, she obviously didn't want to tackle a major issue, just the cosmetic look, and of course her picture in the paper.


  1. prey tell me, what has the mayor making got to do with you, in any event? They are selected from their own, so has nothing whtsoever to do with you.

  2. contact me naughtyhodge@gmail.com
