Friday, 15 April 2011


We hear that concern is growing amongst council workers about the behaviour of Walter. It appears that even though Walter will not leave his home, he is glued to his laptop and the vitriol that pours into his emails to officers and occasionally to members is growing. We understand that in the past it has been very rare for an officer to make a complaint against a member, but, now so concerned are officers with the abuse and content of his emails that they are working together to put in a very robust complaint about him. We are told that all evidence is being collected, by a senior officer. Mind you this is not the first time we hear..........his previous contact with council officers in another part of the country was pretty much the same.........we understand that he didn't hang around too long. By the way on a personal note, perhaps his best friend needs to have a quite word about body odour.....

1 comment:

  1. Well Im not bloody telling him, cant even bear to stand near him

    dagenham member
