Wednesday, 3 August 2011


We are reliably informed that at a recent meeting with residents and council officers one of the ward councillors for Thames informed them that Cllr Josie Channer would no longer be attending meetings with residents in the ward, as she feels she is being Victimized.

Why? you could ask, has it got anything to do with the church she attends on the ward, the horrendous noise from the church that can be heard in a residents garden a mile away, the fact that church members feel the have a legal right to go into the road and marshall traffic, holding up residents.

And of course when residents complain NOTHING is done. We do understand that the church wants the council to hand over a large chunk of land down there so they can do a new build and Cllr Channer appears to be driving this idea.

Also, we hear she is hedging her bets and will also be a candidate in the 2012 GLA elections, it seems one way or another she is determined to get the land.


  1. Are there elections in 2012?
    Perhaps the independents can stand again, and lose again.

  2. so if Josie Channer is not going to meetings she won;t need the pay for the work she is not doing Who is she i have never seen her !!!
