Tuesday, 10 May 2011


A little easy quiz to start off

Which councillor makes sure that at the end of a civic function, or even after a meeting he takes home 2 or 3 doggie bags?

Which councillor when reporting left behind black rubbish sacks always bumps the number up from 4 to 40?

are you there yet?

We know have an explanation for this councillors excesses...........we are very reliably informed that he knocks back a large bottle of scotch every day.......

Now you don't have to take our word for it, ask his neighbours, ask the refuse collectors who have to lift his bottle box every fortnight.

At least we can be thankful that he doesn't drive.


  1. editor, I haven't got any idea who this Councillor from Thames Ward is, so is there any clues to come? IncidentallyHave you found out any information of a certain Councillor, no names of course, and no clues, who represents, supposedly Becontree Wards, oops about why she had to leave the council job she had, to do with the fiscal side of things shall we say, any news there?

  2. Yes as it is over two months since the post and no-one has got the answer perhaps you should give us a few clues, or even a name if you are so sure of your facts.

  3. I have no idea who this councillor could be. Perhaps you could be so good as to tell us.
