Wednesday, 11 May 2011


Our attention has been drawn to day to an article in todays Dagenham Post.

Of course all are concerned with the Budget cuts proposed and accepted by the out going board members of the PCT.

But what really made us laugh is just how easy it is to disprove a lie that Rodwell made to the press.

He claims that he resigned over the proposal not to take forward the plan for a community hospital on the old Aventis site.

Rodwell claims that he was so disappointed that this project would not go ahead that he resigned from the Board of the PCT.

Doesn't Rodwell know that the "Minutes" for all PCT board meetings are published on the internet?

Just to set the record straight Rodwell did not resign the PCT Board ceased to exist on the 31st March 2011. That's when he lost his job, we are pretty sure he will miss the additional money, but, knowing Rodwell as we all do it wont take him long to find another way to fill his pockets.

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