Tuesday, 15 March 2011


Over the years the Labour Group on the council has had its fair share of Walter Mitty characters.

A good few years ago there was 1 who liked to put initials after his name, no proven right to do so of course, but, it was thought of as harmless, that is until further matters caught up with him involving the police and a time in prison.

Strange world the next lot came in pairs, only 1 of which caused the group a major headache, problem with him was that to be a good liar you also have to have a good memory. To their credit the group dealt with this young man very quickly, although it did manage to cause a major split in the group, even Hodge poked her nose in (as always), at least one member of the existing group holds a grudge over it.

The other member who came on at the same time is to a certain extent quite harmless, quite laughable really we hear, if you were to say to them you have broken your arm they would say they have broken both of theirs and a leg as well.

Although we must say their neighbours don't find them harmless.

Now you are probably asking yourself what has this got to do with the here and now?

Well over the next week or two we will expose what is probably the biggest case of Mitty syndrome/or liar.

We will bring forward evidence that will prove that this member is not and can never be considered a truthful person.

Wait and see


  1. You still don't understand, do you. The governance of this Borough is nothing to do with you, any more. And, as can be seen from your previous rantings, no one, except, of course me, is actually reading this. Get yourself a life, if you can and rid yourself of the hate in you. Take to nature, and just relax. Let those that can govern, govern, you couldn't, so you failed.

  2. editor, all this proof you have, as stated in past rantings over the years have never actually come to anything, has it? does this indicate that you only print lies? methinks you do. of all the threats made to reveal so called misdemenours from elected members has come to nought. you are a bad and twisted person. if you say bad things about good people be sure you can bac it up or remain silent, lest when bending over, it will bite your bum. be warned.

  3. We must have someone worried.....

  4. Is it rrue that Laila Butt is no longer secretary of the Barking CLP, Do you know?

  5. We can confirm that Laila Butt is no longer secretary of Barking CLP

    We hear that she is very upset and angry, she has sworn to make life very difficult for those who did not support her.
