Wednesday 5 May 2010


PARSLOES Ward, really the only candidate for Labour on the ballot paper who is worth a mention is Bert Collins, a good man, works hard for his people, not only in the ward but across the borough........the other 2 are not worthy of having their names on the ballot paper let alone a further mention on here.

THAMES Ward, Well what a motley crew, Cameron Geddes, nobody on Thames knows what he even looks like, well the same has been said at North street it seems as he don't turn up there either.
Living in the past young man, sees life either through the bottom of a bottle, or on his playstation.

Josie Channer, once again very few on Thames knows what she looks like, other than her neighbours and they are none too happy either. It is said that in her application to go forward for selection she claimed to have worked for Her Majesty's Prison service, there are some now who would said that perhaps she had been detained by the same.

Barry Poulton, well known on Thames View estate for litter picking, abusing elderly residents, holding his surgery at his garden gate so all can hear, exaggerating issues, there are never 2 black bags with Barry always 202. Well known at council functions for hanging around at the end so he can empty the biscuit plate or even sandwiches into his bag. Obviously not big on cooking.

His claims of what he has done are so well documented and disproved that most just ignore him now.

One of these candidates it is said owes the council and incredibly large amount of money in council tax. They should really make sure the Bailiffs letters are not left pinned to the door for neighbours to read.

Will these 3 get elected? most unlikely. George Shaw your failure is just around the corner.

VALENCE Ward, very little is known about these 3 other than Maureen Worby, the question should be asked if she was not good enough for Dagenham why should she be good enough for Barking, well she is not. In fact very little work has been done by any of these 3 in this ward.

So there you go, a whiz through to top up where we started back in July, not made much improvement have they? in fact they don't instill any confidence in you at all do they?

Our feedback from North Street is that they have all been told that they are not allowed lunch or tea breaks tomorrow, they are not even allowed home to use the toilet. Darren Rodwell the King has given them their orders, they have we hear been told that any who do not follow his orders will be expelled from the party.

Would you really want to be in such a party?

We will give you regular updates during the day tomorrow.


  1. Barking Resident5 May 2010 at 14:59

    Independent Supporter:

    We read with interest in the DAG POST that our Labour spokesman stated the reason why some of our

    long serving cllr's were rejected was because they FAILED TO MEET THE "REQUIRED STANDARD"

    What sort of a joke is that!!

    When the labour party has put forward their own candidates whom we can only presume DO MEET with their

    "REQUIRED STANDARDS" These wanabes that M.Hodge & Co have put forward have been EXPOSED on several blogs

    over the past few months as having very dubious credentials such as :

    CANDIDATES Who owe thousands of pounds in UNPAID Council Tax!!

    CANDIDATES Who have been sacked from there jobs over misdemeanours!!

    CANDIDATES Who cannot speak English fully let alone write it!!

    CANDIDATES Who have worked alongside the B.N.P. and are still doing so!!

    CANDIDATES Who are using their employers phones & computer for their own use of campaigning !!

    CANDIDATES Who do not go to work but live state, sitting home all day playing computer games!!

    CANDIDATES Who are just plain Bullies I.E. BARRY POULTON of Thames Ward, Taken to standards for threatening an

    80yr old resident during a public ward meeting he was ordered to give the lady an apology which he has refused to do!

    and that if he were to be re-elected was to attend a course on how to CONDUCT HIMSELF AS A COUNCILLOR!!

    """""""NEED WE SAY MORE !!!!!!

    It is THANK GOODNESS our trusted Cllrs DO NOT Meet the "REQUIRED STANDARDS" of the labour spokesman.

    WHAT A FARCE!!! within the Labour Party with their Sleaze & Dishonesty in the dealings of the local Labour Selections,

    They must think the "Voters" are all idiots and are that stupid we would Vote for the unsavoury Flunkies M.Hodge & Co have

    shoved upon us.


    THE NORTH STREET MAFIA CAN DO ABOUT THAT IS THERE!! ) For after all , at the end of the day with all there wheeling & dealings it's our vote that will count in the ballot boxes.

    We will all be voting for the people we can trust and have an empathy with, We are grateful they have not turned their backs on us after the deplorable way the Labour Part have treated them , they are going to continue to serve us as INDEPENDENTS they know they have our votes & support , So GOOD LUCK to all THE INDEPENDENTS who are standing in the following wards










  2. Mr George Shaw has been up to his old tricks, harassing a Female Candidate on the Thames View Polling Station this morning, The word on the ground is that he has also had he the north st mafia on the phone to complain that the independent candidates are wearing (vote independent T'shirts) - will keep you posted as to what other trouble has been caused by labour today at other polling stations

  3. You say that Cameron Geddes never goes to North Street. So how can he be part of the North Street mafia.

  4. To the "Barking True Labour Bigot" sorry Editor you and all the other independents you never was as important or popular...... THE BOROUGH have spoken. I enjoy your blog for the laugh it gave me!

    Must go - got work to do rebuilding this borough for a brighter future without the BNP!

  5. This is not game, set & match for labour !!

    I doubt the votes cast for labour were by real residents, but by that of people shipped in by labour in vast number of people carriers pulling up to polling stations on thursday !!

    She must have got the voters that she shipped to barking & dagenham from all the immogration ports !!

    I’m sure Nick Griffin will contest this and do his home work to rid us of hodge and her councillors that i think were re-jects from j Kyle chatshow !!

  6. why dont you take defeat gracefully, we all worked bloody hard to get rid of the bnp,what did the independants do, except for attacking us and putting a card through peoples letterbox just before the election, no canvassing , no doorknocking, come on be realistic that doesnt win you anything,,im not gonna slag you off, you had your reasons, but you didnt go the right way of dealing with them,youcame across as bitter and twisted individuals, who couldnt get their own way,a lot of people did not deserve or warrant your personal attacks on them or their families, and this reflected in the election, the reason there was a higher vote count since 2006, is obvious, there is more people in the borough, more people came out to vote,and a hard long campaign by canidates that care about their communities, so lets stop this nastiness and work togetger to make this borough a nice place to live in,its the communities that matter, not who wants power. if your not with that, then tough, you deserved to lose
