Monday 31 October 2011


Why? is Margaret Hodge MP holding meetings with the councils Finance Director?????

As far as we understand the councils finances are no business of an MP, so, is she just trying to protect her own little groups or looking to poke her nose in where she shouldn't?

As far as finances are concerned Hodge is the last person to consult with, look at the mess and debt she got Islington council into while Leader.

Wednesday 26 October 2011


According to todays Post Pondfield park has come into the tidy sum of £45,000 to put in additional play areas.

We have been asked by residents and supporters of Thames Eco park to remind the supporters of Pondfield park that they have an outstanding debt to the Eco park of £64,000.

Just a brief summary of why; several years ago that money was allocated to the Eco park, but, because the soil tests were taking time Damian Parker agreed with Thames residents that the money would be loaned out to Pondfield park on the full understanding that any future monies coming in for Pondfield would be repaid to the Eco park.

We have been informed that the chair of the residents association and former councillors have copies of all necessary relevant paperwork.

So come on Pondfield repay your debt.

Monday 24 October 2011


We are very reliably informed that a very cosy meeting took place to discuss the way forward on the Hope pub in Gascoigne road. At this meeting were the Police, 3 ward Councillors and the Imman. Oddly no residents, especially as the pub is in a residential area.

Anyway the councillors see no problem at all with the pub being converted to a Mosque (NO surprise there) even though the police did raise the issues of the BNP and EDL and probable demonstrations.

Never mind just wait and see what happens when the residents find out. We can only hope for their sakes that the majority of councillors will recognise that 3 Mosques in Barking is just too many.

Wednesday 19 October 2011


We are reliably informed that things are heating up within the labour group, certain individuals are wearing out the corridor that leads to the Director of Finance office all of them going behind the backs of individual Cabinet members trying to protect either their own jobs, which rely on council funding, ie Rodwell and Twomey, or to protect his wife's job, Rodwell, or to protect the funding of their Cultural society, Saeed.

Why should they be protected? all services are under threat, more council staff may very well be made redundant, are they fighting to save these? No just their own.

What a self serving bunch of bastards.

Wednesday 12 October 2011


You may have read in the local press today that stinky Baldwin has been slung out of the Labour group and, suspended by the Labour Party.

Just who do we have to blame for this? Darren Rodwell of course, so determined was he that he was going to control Barking's selection and new Councillors, he got rid of hardworking, knowledgeable and loyal Councillors only to replace them with: those who don't care, don't attend meetings, don't work in their wards and.........well the list is endless.

So just how did this all kick off? it appears to revolve around the career ladder climbing of Josie Channer, you remember her of course, selected to stand in Thames ward, who just 3 days before polling day rushed to the cash desk to pay the £000s she owed in Council tax, also quoted in last years New Statesman when questioned about the elections that "they (meaning the cultural shift in the local party) had pissed off all the white voters" with a laugh, and this is the indiviual for whom Rodwell kicked out Joan Rawlinson a very hard working Councillor.

Well it appears that Josie not a year into service as a Councillor got herself shortlisted for interview in a by-election in Leicestershire, not selected, she also went onto put herself forward for the GLA and has been selected to fight for Bexley.

It appears that a couple of weeks ago at a meeting Caroline Flint MP took it upon herself to praise Josie Channer for defeating the BNP, this we have been told really pissed stinky Baldwin off, and in one of his usual drunken fits he sat down to fire off endless abusive emails to party members.

Stinky has never been a stable character and in fact we have spent some time researching his background, his claims of military service are mis-leading, so are his claims to be a member of the legal profession, his claim to have served as a councillor before???? well you should talk to some members of that council they would confirm what we knew 18 months ago.

STINKY is and always will be a fraud, and we are happy to go on record and say that Darren Rodwell knew this, way back when he met him in Newham and invited Stinky to stand for election in Barking with a promise that he would do ok.

Well it seems Stinky will go to the Tories, how much longer before the biggest traitor to True Labour Values, Darren Rodwell crosses the floor to join him?

Tuesday 11 October 2011


Keep a look out on here, we are just dotting the eyes and crossing the t's on a pot boiler that will really put Rodwell to shame..........

keep a look out