Friday, 19 August 2011


We have been tipped off that the Mayor Milton McKenzie has no problem at all in rubbing the workforces nose in it.

It appears he wants a new car for the rest of his year, not satisfied with what is already there or even a vehicle for £40,000 he is demanding a Jaguar at £70,000 a pop.

Of course sensible people would understand the anger of the work force many of whom have had to take a pay cut.

Somebody needs to tell McKenzie NO and advise him that residents are facing cuts and so are the council workforce.

Perhaps in the spirit of London he should just get one of Boris bikes.

Monday, 15 August 2011


Who said this then? M Hodge MP for Barking.

As all will be aware MPs were recalled to the House last Thursday to debate the riots that had been ongoing in parts of the country.

It would have been reasonable to expect that the MPs of those areas that had had riots would have been in the House representing their constituency, not so Hodge......on holiday we hear, although so were many other MPs who returned to answer the recall.

Also many would have read the article in the Dagenham Post the day before on Wednesday, where Hodge claims 100s of residents had phoned her saying they were terrified...RUBBISH she was on holiday, so that article was a load of lies as well.

Still residents of the borough should be thankful for the firm stand the Leader of the Council is taking, the very fact that the council set up a facebook page to keep people informed which is we are told still being updated.

Its a great start Mr Leader but now you have to follow through with firm and robust actions. Why should tax payers money go to paying for yobs to have a week away, why should the youth provision be targeted at the yobs in a soft and cosy manner.

And do watch out for the pressure from the self interest groups who only want money, many will have see the like on tv over the past few days.

If they had been doing such a great job in the past why did we have the riots last week? Perhaps this is a question Hodge should have asked in the House last Thursday, our money is on the Leader of the Council asking the question now.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011


We send our deepest sympathy to the family of Alan Thomas who has sadly passed away.

He was a stalwart councillor for Goresbrook Ward, much liked and respected.


We are reliably informed that at a recent meeting with residents and council officers one of the ward councillors for Thames informed them that Cllr Josie Channer would no longer be attending meetings with residents in the ward, as she feels she is being Victimized.

Why? you could ask, has it got anything to do with the church she attends on the ward, the horrendous noise from the church that can be heard in a residents garden a mile away, the fact that church members feel the have a legal right to go into the road and marshall traffic, holding up residents.

And of course when residents complain NOTHING is done. We do understand that the church wants the council to hand over a large chunk of land down there so they can do a new build and Cllr Channer appears to be driving this idea.

Also, we hear she is hedging her bets and will also be a candidate in the 2012 GLA elections, it seems one way or another she is determined to get the land.

Monday, 1 August 2011


Don't have to take our word for it, go and have a look at the BNP London Patriot website.

Full story and and photo of Rodwell, obviously not his council photo, one could ask how the BNP took this one.

So why are they so full of praise for Rodwell, it seems he has followed through with their suggestion to look to scrap the Union Reps funding..........

You have been warned Rodwell take on the unions at your peril, lets face it you are not their most favorite councillor, and once the workforce learn you are trying to take away their legal right to Union representation, all at the suggestion of the BNP, ( no matter how you try to wrap it) you will loose.

There has always been the suggestion that Rodwell was to close to the BNP, we think this goes a long way to prove it.