Wednesday, 8 December 2010


We have had a look at the Registers of Interest forms for all 51 of the elected councillors.

Now what you may not know is that ALL elected members are Legally required to complete this form and return them to the councils Monitoring Officer within 28 days from their election.

This is not only a Legal requirement it is also a requirement of the Councils Constitution. And part of the Members Code of Conduct.

2 Members have failed to complete and return their forms as of 8.12.10 we think they have had more than their 28 days, they are:

S. Ashraf and J. Channer

we would have expected either the Group Whip or the Group Secretary to have made sure that these were done, they didn't now the members will have to face the consequences.

Some of the others are lacking detail, they have failed to put their address:

Baldwin, AS Jamu, Letchford, Miles, Mullane, Perry, Ramsay, Saeed, Tarry, Vincent, Wade, L Waker.
Do we take it that these do not live in the borough?

Baldwin claims on his form that the Labour Party paid to him his Election Expenses?????????

Douglas claims that he is employed by the MP for Barking Margaret Hodge, now either he has made a mistake, or, Hodge has forgotten to list him as an employee with the House of Commons.

Obasohan, claims that he has a Cleaning Contract? is he the employer? or an employee?

Vincent, as well as not listing his address he has failed to list his employer.

Does make you wonder what class of members they are if they fail to complete a simple form correctly.

We would hope that the 2 members who failed to Register within the legal framework are now dealt with, and it is made public.


  1. did you honestly think we and probably the Editor didnt take a screen print of the offence in failing to complete the Register of interest forms in the 28 days.

    you lot are so thick.....and dont go expecting officers of the council to lie to cover your arses

    dagenham member

  2. Thanks dm. of course we have taken screen prints of all the offending documents, but would point out that the 2 who have all of a sudden (after our reminder) now posted their forms have not fully completed them.

    So, they are still open to challenge.
