Thursday, 22 March 2012


Since the Barking Mafia very quietly let it be known that they were having to fight a by election we have been running a book on who was most likely to be selected to fight the seat.

Before we go on lets just take a look over the past 2 years in the Goresbrook ward, firstly there was Lollipop Lil who had to fight to elections to get legally elected, and then had the brazen neck not to do a thing ,but, pick up her money for the next 2 years.

Then we had the manic depressive Letchford, you know him of the flashy shirts who doesn't believe in paying his rent and keeps getting evicted, by the way have a look at his friends on facebook the majority are very young women.

And finally Jim Clee nice old man but???????

So we opened the book, the bets started to grow running outright favorite was Gloomy Twomey, everyone seemed to be of the same mind that young master Twomey would bring his mummy back on to aid in his war against the Leader.

So you can imagine our surprise when it was announced that Simon Bremner had been selected. All we can say is that we feel great pity for the residents of Goresbrook Ward, they could well end up with a drunken mummies boy to go with the other two. No representation for the residents at all........

We are just pleased that we didn't ask Corals to run the book for us, we would have lost a lot of money. lol

Saturday, 17 March 2012


We understand that many of you will know of young families who sit for months even years waiting for a 3 bedroom house.

Well not so for Gloomy Toomeys son, not too long after the birth of his 3rd child a little girl he got the move he wanted to a 3 bedroom house. He also collected the full amount if not a little more on the decorating allowance. All thanks to Mum eh,

so much for her screaming integrity.


As many will know Laila Butt has believed herself to be the number 1 woman in Barking party, in fact this was supported by many within the party and at London Region, she was as well we understand being groomed to take over from Hodge as MP. Well not any longer, there is a new woman on the block, Saima Ashraf.

Who is she you may ask? well we have done a very quick investigation, Saima arrived in this borough from France with her children 8 years ago and was given a flat on the Gascoigne estate, we still trying to work out why the council housed her.

She works for the translation service in the borough. Just within the last few weeks she has been given one of the brand new show houses in the town centre almost opposite Hodges office. These houses are fully carpeted, fully fitted kitchen etc, in fact all she had to do was put her pictures on the wall. But, guess what she is now complaining that the rent is to high?????????

We want some questions answered, where is Mr Ashraf? why and who gave her a brand new house? does it have anything to do with the fact that Mike Haywood can be seen wearing out the path between his office and her home morning, noon and night??????

Seems to us it is understandable why Laila Butt is so angry.