He is so angry that the integrity of council officers is once being brought into question that he wants to get out this true tale, so much so we understand he has written to the Chief Exec other senior officers and members.
It appears that several years ago housing officers were instructed to audit council garages, things appeared to be going OK, you know the usual garages with junk stored in them etc which had to be cleared.
Then they came to Stour Road, one of the garages had been let some 18 months to 2 years previously BUT there was no name on the tenancy agreement and NO rent had been paid at all for that period of time.
Officers were instructed to enter the garage and if necessary clear it out, which they did. The former officer told us that there were stacks of Artists equipment, canvasses, paints etc. As the equipment appeared to be in good order rather than dump the lot in a skip the decision was made to donate the equipment to a local primary school.
A couple of weeks later the s....t hit the fan, a phone call came in from former councillor toomey demanding to know who had removed her property from her garage.
The officer states that she was very nasty and abusive on the telephone and threatened to sue the council for £100s because of her loss.
He tells us that the matter was then taken out of their hands, taken to a higher pay grade, did the council ever get the rent money......we doubt it.........did former councillor toomey get the money to replace her equipment.......probably, everyone who has spoken to us about her has stated just how nasty, poisonous and vindictive she can be, don't matter whether you are an officer or a member.
So the old saying does come true People in glass houses should not throw stones, and we know there are more stones to come Gloomy Toomeys way.