Saturday, 13 October 2012


We have been told that some years ago Members of the Council took the decision to support a major drive to raise standards in all schools in the borough.  This drive was led by 3 men Fairbrass, Larbalasteir and Luxton.   Any headteachers or teachers who were not up to the mark were invited to move on which they did, a major injection of new committed staff were engaged and the drive started.  Members were pleased to monitor the progress of improvement.

Now we come to today.........there does not appear to be the same commitment to young people in this administration.......just who is the Director of Education? not exactly a name or face to remember, in fact the senior management team in education is mainly made up of women which gives the impression of a knitting circle at the foot of the guillotine.

We fully appreciate that the council has a problem with lack of school places, but, some of the ideas they are coming up with in the local press are nonsense.

Why does the council not make an announcement in national and local newspapers advising anyone who is thinking of moving to the borough who has children needing school places that there are none,, that the council is doing everything it can to resolve the matter but with limited cash it could take 2/3/5 years before the new places will be available.

Then its up to the parents what they choose to do, but, they cannot say they were not warned.

Honestly, which parent wants to receive the letter stating that their son/daughter will be attending the Woolworths store in Barking Town Centre, school meals will be provided by Als Diner and Macdonalds.    Aghhhhhhhh

No we don't think so.

Sunday, 30 September 2012


As promised in the last post we bring you the truth behind the complaint made against the 3 ward councillors for Gascoigne ward, Ashraf, Aziz and Twomey, who, after reading  this you may wish to rename as the 3 Stooges.

We are told that several months ago consultation took place with residents in Movers Lane and a number of roads leading off it with regard to the imposing of a CPZ we understand that Hodge is also mixed up in this somewhere.

Now when the results of what should have been a democratic vote by residents was returned it appears that in one of the longer roads in the area the majority vote was against a CPZ in fact only 12 voted for it.

Now the resident(s) contacted the Head of Service because they were concerned that little whispers were going round that the CPZ was going to be imposed anyway.

We have now seen the reply letter sent out to the resident(s) by Head of Service, now are you sitting down? it states that "the 3 ward Councillors had decided that the CPZ would only go in the areas were the 12 houses were" are they really that thick? dumb? stupid? or what, how would it work? what happens if each of these 12 houses has more than 1 car? how do the Parking Wardens work out what is in and what is out?

No you really could not make this up, so the resident(s) contacted the 3 ward councillors and raised they issues with them, and waited for a reply, and waited, and waited.

By the time the Tenants and Residents meeting took place a couple of weeks ago resident(s) had still not heard from the 3 so attended the meeting, only 1 councillor attended Aziz, when resident(s) raised the matter with him, to be fair he did try to give an it is "he could not answer resident(s) questions because council officers do NOT answer his phone calls"  .............ok you can stop laughing now.

So getting nowhere at all the resident(s) have taken the steps to lodge a complaint, now where this will be dealt with we have not been able to find out, but the 3 Stooges should be quite safe if it goes to the Standards  Board as the council has made some major changes, it no longer has an independent chair, which we believe is probably a backward step, especially as they have put Barry Poulton in as Chair.

OK you can stop laughing now............many readers of this blog will remember that Poulton had to answer to a complaint made against him to the board, they will also remember that Poulton was instructed to follow the a number of tasks set by the Board, you will also remember that Poulton refused and did not follow the instructions given.

So there you have it, we will of course keep you updated on this as soon as we get any further news.

Thursday, 27 September 2012


We have just been informed that letters of complaint regarding 3 ward councillors have been sent to the Leader, Chief Whip and the Chief Executive.

We hope to bring you more on this as soon as possible.


Well the site appears to have held up this lets start with a light over view on the summer activity.

 Of course we are all aware of the savings that will need to be made by the council over the next couple of years, but, is the talk of cuts needing to be made really helped by the boasts of the Executive Member for Finance on Facebook about all of the designer label gear he has purchased over the summer? We don't think so.
Is it further helped by the attitude of some officers, this conversation was overheard by many in a local court recently, a large room is set aside for tenants and  officers to go through paperwork before going into the court, but there is no privacy, an elderly lady who looked very unwell and confused asked a B & D officer if they could go somewhere quiet and private to talk, the officer snapped back "No, you will sit there and listen to what I have to say"  never mind that the whole room had to listen to what she had to say.  The officer then proceeded to go through the arrears that appeared to have mounted up against this pensioner.

Others in the room were appalled at the way the officer was speaking to the pensioner,  but worse was to come.........the officer then said"  I see you are wearing shoes, well stop buying shoes and start paying your rent, then you wont have to come here again"

We have made some enquiries and it appears that this officer is well known for her attitude, we were told that this statement was mild compared to some she has made in the past.

Barking & Dagenham Council has for many years held the legend of being the council that cared.  Seems under this new administration care has gone out of the window.

What do you think?.............

Thursday, 20 September 2012


Well its taken a few weeks of hard graft to free this blog from the virus that we were attacked with.  We wanted to make sure that all of your comments etc were saved so that is why its taken a little longer.

Now perhaps the troll who did this is not aware that when you plant a virus you leave behind a finger print, we have followed the trail and we know who you are.

We will take revenge, but it will be at a time of our own choosing, so just keep looking over your shoulder.

A little stat you may be interested to know, since we set up this blog we have had over 360,000 hits, not bad going that.

Anyway, this is a test run tonight to make sure we have all of the damage out of the way, we will resume normal service at the weekend.

Saturday, 21 July 2012


Many of you may be aware that the Government will be introducing a new Law that will cover all blogs such as this, political or not,  (just one more way to close down free speech).  The penalties if found guilty will be high.

With this in mind and also to reassure our readers and commentators we have had a legal team go through the blog with a fine tooth comb.  We understand other blogs are doing the same.

We are very pleased to be able to tell you that we are in the clear, no possible threat of legal action found at all.

We apologise for the time this has taken, but, we felt it was necessary.

Keep watching we have some interesting stories coming up, and we thank you all for your support.

Thursday, 17 May 2012


Its that time of year again when the annual bun fight takes place at the labour group AGM.  Many have said over the years that this was the "Night of the Long Knives" more often than not we are told it turns into the "Night of the Long Yawns".

Not this time we are told!!!!!!!! Mr (I like a bet) Twomey made his bid for power, most likely ill advised by Mother Mrs (Gloomy) Twomey.  What did he go for you might ask?????   Chief Whip  lol, boy did he get a pasting, 15 votes to S Tarrys 32, thats got to be worth more than 4 pints of blood on the floor in anyones money, but we dont gamble, so we will leave working out the odds to our readers.

We bet Gloomy Twomey is doing her Lady Macbeth scene wringing and washing her hands cos sonny boy didn't win.

Another really odd position on the night, that of Master Rodwell, NO position at all, not a thing, we couldn't believe it, when you consider he was Lead Member on what is probably the most powerful select committee in the council that of the Public Accounts.............does raise the question why? don't it? has Rodwell finally woken up to the fact that being Lead Member doesn't mean you get to touch any of the money.

Were none to happy with the appointment of Letchford to Lead Member of Children's Services Select Committee, and would like to be assured that a CRB check will take place.

Other than that no real major blood letting, so Tweedledum (Rodwell) and Tweedledee (Twomey) are relegated to the back benches, well lads that gets you closer to the door.

Thursday, 22 March 2012


Since the Barking Mafia very quietly let it be known that they were having to fight a by election we have been running a book on who was most likely to be selected to fight the seat.

Before we go on lets just take a look over the past 2 years in the Goresbrook ward, firstly there was Lollipop Lil who had to fight to elections to get legally elected, and then had the brazen neck not to do a thing ,but, pick up her money for the next 2 years.

Then we had the manic depressive Letchford, you know him of the flashy shirts who doesn't believe in paying his rent and keeps getting evicted, by the way have a look at his friends on facebook the majority are very young women.

And finally Jim Clee nice old man but???????

So we opened the book, the bets started to grow running outright favorite was Gloomy Twomey, everyone seemed to be of the same mind that young master Twomey would bring his mummy back on to aid in his war against the Leader.

So you can imagine our surprise when it was announced that Simon Bremner had been selected. All we can say is that we feel great pity for the residents of Goresbrook Ward, they could well end up with a drunken mummies boy to go with the other two. No representation for the residents at all........

We are just pleased that we didn't ask Corals to run the book for us, we would have lost a lot of money. lol

Saturday, 17 March 2012


We understand that many of you will know of young families who sit for months even years waiting for a 3 bedroom house.

Well not so for Gloomy Toomeys son, not too long after the birth of his 3rd child a little girl he got the move he wanted to a 3 bedroom house. He also collected the full amount if not a little more on the decorating allowance. All thanks to Mum eh,

so much for her screaming integrity.


As many will know Laila Butt has believed herself to be the number 1 woman in Barking party, in fact this was supported by many within the party and at London Region, she was as well we understand being groomed to take over from Hodge as MP. Well not any longer, there is a new woman on the block, Saima Ashraf.

Who is she you may ask? well we have done a very quick investigation, Saima arrived in this borough from France with her children 8 years ago and was given a flat on the Gascoigne estate, we still trying to work out why the council housed her.

She works for the translation service in the borough. Just within the last few weeks she has been given one of the brand new show houses in the town centre almost opposite Hodges office. These houses are fully carpeted, fully fitted kitchen etc, in fact all she had to do was put her pictures on the wall. But, guess what she is now complaining that the rent is to high?????????

We want some questions answered, where is Mr Ashraf? why and who gave her a brand new house? does it have anything to do with the fact that Mike Haywood can be seen wearing out the path between his office and her home morning, noon and night??????

Seems to us it is understandable why Laila Butt is so angry.

Saturday, 18 February 2012


We were contacted early this week by a former Housing officer who is now retired. He is furious in fact spitting feathers would be mild. Why? he had read the comments made in last weeks Post by former councillor Gloomy Toomey as he calls her.

He is so angry that the integrity of council officers is once being brought into question that he wants to get out this true tale, so much so we understand he has written to the Chief Exec other senior officers and members.

It appears that several years ago housing officers were instructed to audit council garages, things appeared to be going OK, you know the usual garages with junk stored in them etc which had to be cleared.

Then they came to Stour Road, one of the garages had been let some 18 months to 2 years previously BUT there was no name on the tenancy agreement and NO rent had been paid at all for that period of time.

Officers were instructed to enter the garage and if necessary clear it out, which they did. The former officer told us that there were stacks of Artists equipment, canvasses, paints etc. As the equipment appeared to be in good order rather than dump the lot in a skip the decision was made to donate the equipment to a local primary school.

A couple of weeks later the s....t hit the fan, a phone call came in from former councillor toomey demanding to know who had removed her property from her garage.

The officer states that she was very nasty and abusive on the telephone and threatened to sue the council for £100s because of her loss.

He tells us that the matter was then taken out of their hands, taken to a higher pay grade, did the council ever get the rent money......we doubt it.........did former councillor toomey get the money to replace her equipment.......probably, everyone who has spoken to us about her has stated just how nasty, poisonous and vindictive she can be, don't matter whether you are an officer or a member.

So the old saying does come true People in glass houses should not throw stones, and we know there are more stones to come Gloomy Toomeys way.


Welcome back, some would say.........we have been quite busy over the winter months, we now have a number of new contributors spread throughout the council, the voluntary sector and other partner agencies.

We have also had sucess in 2 of our contributors gaining qualifications for a PI License which will of course stand us in good stead legally.

So with all this in mind we are going into the investigation business with all the Legal tools and protection we can.

Our first contribution from a former Housing officer now retired reflects the kind of reports we will be bring forward, and we have a list to come.
