What do we have so far you may ask........well, cast your minds back to 2009 when Stinkypants first appeared, he claimed to have sent an email to M Hodge stating that he was coming back to Britain from Korea to help her fight the BNP. What utter rubbish, the nearest Stinkypants has been to Korea was his library borrowed atlas..........
Secondly, we have absolute proof that Stinkypants has NOT seen any military service, that is unless of course he counts his 3 week membership of the Boys Brigade.
Where do we go from here? you may ask, we are looking very closely into his alleged term as a councillor in another part of the country.
Now what we ask you to bear in mind in this investigation is who it was that brought Stinkypants into the borough, yep, Darren Rodwell, just how many of Stinkypants tall stories does he know.
We will not give up on this one, we understand that Stinkypants may be feeling a little vulnerable at the moment, and he don't like being called Stinkypants, but that's how its going to be until we unmask just who or what he really is.