Sunday, 27 November 2011


Or words to that effect was the pronouncement made by Hodge this week in her speech to the press stating she would be fighting to save the £330,000 grant to the Broadway theatre.

You would think that St Hodge had the good common sense to understand the hard times people in the borough are suffering, what with the increase in food prices and utility prices and the growing cost of child care for working parents, but, no not St Hodge, she says we must have culture, well in good times we would agree, but, what do you cut out to buy the theatre tickets????????

Can you imagine, "sorry kids, sandwich only for the next 3 weeks, and don't forget no lights, no TV, we have to save for the theatre tickets".............

Give us a break Hodge and get with the real people.

The worrying thing is her Barking Mafia will do as they are told and vote to keep the grant to the theatre, so what service gets cut to the tune of £330,000?

Thursday, 24 November 2011


There we were sitting with all of the other civic minded residents taking part in the Leaders Consultation on the budget. Some had even managed to read through the very badly written reports in officer speak.

Quite a few residents were asking questions looking for assurances, but finally for us the penny dropped, one resident raised his concerns over the planned reduction on community safety coordinators.

We were surprised at the answer given by the Deputy Leader, he stated that the community safety coordinators posts would stay. So the decision has already been taken then????????? so if they are staying whats going in their place?

Really we should not be surprised a Councillors wife works in this department and so does a Councillors sister in law.

Consultation you couldn't make it up.

Saturday, 5 November 2011


We are sure many of you would have read the Deputy Leaders defence of council members when it was suggested by a member of the public that they should take a pay cut.

The Deputy Leader stated "they give good value for money" hahaha

Just go on the council website and have a look at the members attendance figures, lets just stick a pin in 2 Dee Hunt expected at 19 meetings she attended 8. Tony Perry expected at 32 meetings he attended 24.

And they are not the only ones who are sitting pretty, taking the money and doing no work for it.

Come off it Deputy Leader, "value for money" you couldn't make it up.