Thursday, 24 February 2011


We have been reliably informed that the labour group recently had what could be called the most important meeting it has had in a very long time.

Along with all councils across the country the group were holding a meeting to discuss and decide the councils budget.

Remember this budget with its proposed cuts and spending will have a major impact on the residents of B & D, and just as importantly will have a major impact on council staff many of whom are facing department re-structures and redundancies.

We were shocked to learn that only 30 labour councillors turned up for this very important meeting, 21 couldn't be bothered. More importantly some of that 21 were members of a Trade Union.

They need to be reminded that being a member of a Union carries with it a responsibility.........its not just there for election times when you can get the money from your union or get union members to deliver your leaflets.

Well we hear you have lost that support.......

But more importantly how can the residents expect the support and care from the 21 councillors who could not be bothered to get out of their armchair, but, of course they still collect their pay each month.

Shame on you.

Saturday, 12 February 2011


Looking over the most recent paperwork for Rodwells select committee we note with some concern that once again Rodwell fails to make a Declaration of Interest when it comes to discussing Grants, T. Perry did we see and left the room while discussions took place.

Still this seems to becoming the norm where Rodwell is concerned. The point of interest in this item is the fact that although the Council has paid into the London Council Grants scheme for many years, and it has been known that the borough gets very little back for its money it has been decided that either some or all of the £500,000 will be returned to the council this year.

What Rodwell appears to be demanding is that the monies returned is Ring-fenced by the council to be spent on Grants to the Voluntary Sector, this would we assume be in addition to Grant money already budgeted by the council.

Now you could then ask the residents of the borough would they rather have this additional money spent on services provided by the council, which could mean a saving of some services as well as some council jobs. Or this money going into the very deep pockets of the "voluntary sector".

Just have a look at the salaries of the workers in the so called voluntary sector, their Chief Officers some of whom are on £70,000 plus, even their so called Managers are on £30,000 plus. We would suggest these are no longer Voluntary organizations, but, small business.

We reckon that the council tax payers in B & D would rather save their council services than inflate already too high salaries.

Then there is the other suggestion from Rodwell, he wants money from the Housing Revenue Account to go into the Grants pot as well.

For those who don't know what the HRA is that is the income from council tenants rents, and is set aside specifically to be spent on council housing.

Only 2 of the members of Rodwells select committee are council tenants so would be out voted or shouted down on Rodwells suggestion, but, we are pretty sure council tenants would rather have the money improving their homes instead of pouring more money into the voluntary sector.

Perhaps someone needs to let council tenants know just what Rodwell is planning to do with their money.

Friday, 11 February 2011


So speaks Saints.... Evilyn and Rodwell. The question we and many residents would ask is WHY?

Rodwell goes even further by insulting residents on the front page of the Post when he states that because the BNP only got 8 demonstrators to attend against the Mosque it is obvious to him that it is not a problem.

Well lets put him right shall the report that went to the planning committee it stated that the applicants only expect approx 80 people to use the Mosque. Put that up against the 1,300 residents who signed the petition against the development of a Mosque.

And even more worryingly the councillors ignored the officers recommendation that the application should be refused.

If you look at the membership of the planning committee you will see that the vast majority of the members are new therefore would not have the knowledge or experience to debate, and challenge the officers recommendation, but still this application was never going to fail was it? it was a promise made on the doorstep by Hodge and her Mafia and it will not be the last.

Still Evilyn should have the sense to realize she lost 1,300 votes that night by not following the democratic process.

Saturday, 5 February 2011


Who the f.......... hell put Linda Rice in as lead member on the Children's Services Select committee?

It has been known among certain circles that this mad woman has a very real grudge against the Education department within the council, in fact we are told that she was still in conflict with them when elected.

She has got a bee in her bonnet about Child protection policies in schools. In fact she spent some quite considerable energy in trying to ruin the reputation of at least one head teacher in the borough.

So on first look at the most recent papers for that select committee we were not surprised that she has taken it upon herself to start going into schools and interrogating Heads and teachers on the subject.

First a piece of advice to Heads and teachers, you do not have to allow her into the school, you do not have to subject yourself to her questions, but, if you choose to do so please make sure you have your Union Rep with you.

We will be following this up in more detail soon, but, we really should not be surprised at just how these lead members have got themselves in positions where they can serve either their own needs or those of their employers.

Rodwell, Lead Member for Community Safety select committee.........his wife works in the Community Safety department.......also Rodwells committee also covers Grants and as we have already stated on here Rodwell works for DABD who benefits from council Grants.

Twomey, Lead Member for Health and Adult services select committee, works for DABD as well so would of course be in a position to pass onto his employer any info regarding new projects either within the council or the PCT that his employer would be in a position to bid for.

We note with interest that since becoming lead members neither one of these has declared an interest, just why are council officers not doing their job?


With thanks to friends and supporters who maintained the blog while we soaked up the sun and the cricket.

We have a lot to catch up on..........the fight over the budget, the upcoming fight to see who gets to be Mayor??????? we may run a book on that one.

We are going to be spending the next couple of days talking to our inside contacts and of course going through reports.

See below a quick glimpse on just who we will be looking at first off.